Monthly Fee reminder

Announcements by the Gildemeister

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Sudane Erato
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Monthly Fee reminder

Post by Sudane Erato »

I sent this note in an email to most everyone... but I'm repeating here for those who don't read their email, but may be forum junkies instead :).

Sorry this note comes to you so late in the month. Most folks have kindly paid their Monthly Fee without my reminder, which I will try very hard in the future to send along at the beginning of the month. For those who haven't yet paid for September, please:

1) Check the Neufreistadt website Services/Land Fees page to find out your current amount. If you have some question about the amount, or about whether or not you are paid for September, please contact me.

2) If you are paying in Lindens, please simply pay Rudeen Edo. And, if you would, please IM me a note that you have paid.

3) If you are paying in US$, please use the Paypal button on the website,, to make your payment.

I'd like to strongly urge folks to make their payments by September 21, since that is when the monthly fee to the Linden Lab is due. If you're late, I'll forgive you :). But if you neglect payment for an entire month, without speaking to me first (like... if you'll be away, ect), the next month you go on a countdown to having your land re-possessed by the city. Fees for a given month, if not paid by the 21st of the NEXT month (as in... if September fees are not paid by October 21), make your parcel eligible for re-possession.




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