Roman Sims Regional Committee

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Arria Perreault
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Roman Sims Regional Committee

Post by Arria Perreault »

The next meeting of the Roman Sims Regional Committee will be held on Sunday 13th February at 9 am in the public place of Locus Amoenus.


- Weekly and monthly events
- Floralia
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- program
- volunteering
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Guillaume Mistwalker
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Re: Roman Sims Regional Committee

Post by Guillaume Mistwalker »


[09:13] Tor Karlsvalt: Hi Guiallume, Fern
[09:13] Fern Leissa: Hi Tor
[09:13] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Hello!
[09:13] Tor Karlsvalt: old on
[09:13] Fern Leissa: What's this?
[09:14] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: This is the temple foundation, for Floralia
[09:14] Fern Leissa: Ah :)
[09:14] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Arria's going to be a little late
[09:15] Fern Leissa: How about this thing?
[09:15] Fern Leissa: What's it for Guillaume?
[09:15] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: The temple?
[09:15] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Oh
[09:15] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Sorry!
[09:15] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: That was my poor attempt at a Roman crane...
[09:15] Fern Leissa: The pully lookin thing? ?What is it?
[09:15] Fern Leissa: Oh ok.
[09:15] Tor Karlsvalt: pretty good really
[09:15] Fern Leissa: No good :) I just didn't know
[09:16] Fern Leissa: Never seen a Roman crane lol
[09:16] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Haha, thank you ㋡
[09:16] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Ah, I don't think it'd be much help, tbh
[09:16] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Afterall, it doesn't really move from side to side
[09:16] Tor Karlsvalt: good think you can just rezz stuff
[09:17] Tor Karlsvalt: It will really be impressive Fern
[09:17] Soro Dagostino: I thought it to be a catapult
[09:17] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: That's an idea ㋡
[09:18] Fern Leissa: Looks nice.
[09:18] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Thank you!
[09:18] Fern Leissa: Can't remember what was here before hehe
[09:18] Tor Karlsvalt: We could toss ppl in a catapult.
[09:18] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Ah, just some trees
[09:18] Tor Karlsvalt: nothing, itis public land
[09:18] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: And that would be fun, Tor ㋡
[09:18] Tor Karlsvalt: yeah just trees.
[09:18] Fern Leissa: Hehe. No sure that would bring im in.. maybe :)
[09:19] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: At the end of the meeting, I'll drop down the entire complex, for you all to see, but then I'll have to raise it back up.. don't want everyone to see!
[09:19] Tor Karlsvalt: hay people go bungie jumping, this would be Roman style
[09:19] Fern Leissa: Special preview. awesome :)
[09:19] Tor Karlsvalt: Hi Pip
[09:19] Pip Torok: hi all!
[09:20] Pip Torok: ??
[09:20] Soro Dagostino: hello pip
[09:20] Fern Leissa: Ah there you are Pip
[09:20] Fern Leissa: Hi :)
[09:20] Pip Torok: Deus ex machina me ....
[09:20] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Hello Pip ㋡
[09:20] Fern Leissa: Anybody else want a Green tea donut? I'm passing them out
[09:21] Tor Karlsvalt: hmm sounds healthy. .....
[09:21] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Ooooh...
[09:21] Fern Leissa: hehe
[09:21] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: I'll have one ㋡
[09:21] Pip Torok: salvete omnes
[09:21] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Salve, Pip
[09:21] Fern Leissa gave you Green Tea Cream Donut.
[09:21] Fern Leissa: Voila
[09:21] Tor Karlsvalt: sure, I am getting more coffee.
[09:21] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Merci ㋡
[09:21] Fern Leissa: Actually I bet they're good. Love green tea ice cream :)
[09:22] Tor Karlsvalt: Like green tea.
[09:22] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Ah, same
[09:22] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Actually...
[09:22] Fern Leissa: Me too. But coffee way better
[09:22] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Excuse me a few...
[09:22] Fern Leissa: sure :)
[09:22] Pip Torok: my taste buds are colour-blind ...
[09:22] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: I just realised I haven't eaten anything yet
[09:22] Fern Leissa: lol
[09:23] Tor Karlsvalt: haha
[09:23] Tor Karlsvalt: ok has anyone figured out profiles?
[09:23] Fern Leissa: Notin like a donut ...
[09:23] Fern Leissa: profiles?
[09:23] Pip Torok: brb for some indefinitely-coloured tea
[09:23] Tor Karlsvalt: I have to study them. LL really jacked them up.
[09:23] Tor Karlsvalt: put them on he web
[09:23] Fern Leissa: Oh. heard something about that
[09:23] Soro Dagostino: Really -- where?
[09:24] Tor Karlsvalt: oh they were always on the web, but now the viewer only uses the web to view them.
[09:24] Fern Leissa: Viewer 2?
[09:24] Soro Dagostino: all viewers?
[09:25] Tor Karlsvalt: Prolly just V2 for now.
[09:25] Soro Dagostino: Hmmmmm
[09:25] Fern Leissa: Yu had a chance to look on v2 Tor?
[09:25] Soro Dagostino: Likely trying to add Facebook as a connection.
[09:25] Tor Karlsvalt: i guess I need to upload a pic to the web.
[09:26] Tor Karlsvalt: yes Soro,
[09:26] Soro Dagostino: No thanks.
[09:26] Tor Karlsvalt: I think there is a lint to add fb and twitter.
[09:26] Fern Leissa: Muum maybe Soro. Noticed they've been pushing us to friend LL
[09:26] Tor Karlsvalt: yes, fern saw that
[09:27] Tor Karlsvalt: Really I don't care, but people will blow there privacy in many cases.
[09:27] Soro Dagostino: Its always been that you didn't have to do an RL disclosure
[09:27] Pip Torok: i never do ...
[09:27] Tor Karlsvalt: but if you link your profile to fb, your privacy will probably be blown.
[09:27] Fern Leissa: Yeah. I though that was in terms of use the RL disclosure protection
[09:27] You decline Incruentus Horde, Castle from A group member named Carlina Lamilton.
[09:27] Soro Dagostino: Nor I.
[09:28] Pip Torok: ah ... understand ...
[09:28] Tor Karlsvalt: did you ever see those postings about RedZone tho Soro?
[09:28] Fern Leissa: make sure you don't send any pics with your shirt off hehe
[09:28] Soro Dagostino: No
[09:28] Tor Karlsvalt: haha
[09:28] Soro Dagostino: :))
[09:28] Tor Karlsvalt: shoot I was thinking of a beach shot of me to sell land in LA.
[09:29] Fern Leissa: hehe. for sure :)
[09:29] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Ok, sorry about that...
[09:29] Fern Leissa: wb Guillaume
[09:30] Soro Dagostino: I see Arria is here, when is it expected that the meeting is to start?
[09:30] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: TY
[09:30] Tor Karlsvalt: brb, coffee
[09:30] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Ah, I initially wanted to wait for her.
[09:30] Fern Leissa: 9 am slt. Right? I think that was the plan
[09:30] Fern Leissa: Is she on?
[09:30] Soro Dagostino: Yes.
[09:30] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: But, seeing as she's delegated her powers to me, let's begin...
[09:30] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Yes, she is
[09:31] Fern Leissa: kk
[09:31] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: I suggest we skip to Floralia itself, since I wasn't here last when the committe discussed weekly events
[09:32] Soro Dagostino: What exactly is "Floralia"?
[09:32] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Here's the agenda she posted, too:
[09:32] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]:
[09:32] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Floralia's an Ancient Roman festival to the goddess of Flowers, Flora
[09:32] Soro Dagostino: TY
[09:32] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Sort of lika May Day
[09:32] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: You're welcome
[09:33] Soro Dagostino: Ahhh, Pole Dancing!
[09:33] Soro Dagostino: :))
[09:33] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Haha
[09:33] Soro Dagostino: Had to say it.
[09:33] Tor Karlsvalt: b
[09:33] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Welcome back
[09:33] Tor Karlsvalt: haha
[09:34] Tor Karlsvalt: we could have a may day pole in NFS.
[09:34] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: At the end of the last meeting, I volunteered to make a site for Floralia
[09:34] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: That's a good idea ㋡
[09:34] Tor Karlsvalt: Munich SL has a great one
[09:35] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Is it for Sale?
[09:35] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Hehe
[09:35] Tor Karlsvalt: maybe we coud get a band togehter and steal it.
[09:35] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: But, the foundation you're sitting on is for Floralia. Infact, where the crane is, the temple will be
[09:35] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Haha, good idea
[09:36] Fern Leissa: What's the idea behind the temple again Guillaume. Can you say a little bit about your build?
[09:37] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Well, Floralia was also a time where the temple of Flora in Rome was adorned with flowers
[09:37] Tor Karlsvalt: good money for florists.
[09:37] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: So, to continue and honour the ancient tradition, I decided that I should make a temple to Flora
[09:37] Fern Leissa: lol
[09:37] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Hahaha!
[09:38] Soro Dagostino: Like the Rose Bowl Parade?
[09:38] Fern Leissa: :)
[09:38] Tor Karlsvalt: yeah, Soro, followed by a bloody gladiator fight
[09:38] Fern Leissa: And we'll have a dance there for Floralia?
[09:38] Soro Dagostino: Exactly!
[09:38] Tor Karlsvalt: oh btw, I heard the CDS PSA on RadioReal this morning.
[09:39] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Ah ㋡
[09:39] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: That's good
[09:39] Fern Leissa: Good
[09:39] Tor Karlsvalt: We should probably end it with a ball.
[09:39] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: And to be honest, I'm leaving the events to Arria
[09:39] Tor Karlsvalt: maybe have a beginning of summer beach party
[09:39] Tor Karlsvalt: THAT is the best idea, Guil
[09:40] Tor Karlsvalt: Although i was thinking of a horse race.
[09:40] Fern Leissa: :)
[09:40] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Though, my friend, pet Karu, and I are planning on having an opening ceremony, where we talk about the ancient rites of Floralia, the myths behind it, etc.
[09:40] Fern Leissa: I'd like that. I was just thinkin
[09:40] Tor Karlsvalt: we could start at the quay and finish at the time machine
[09:40] Fern Leissa: we should use the opportunity to learn more about it
[09:41] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: I like the idea ㋡
[09:41] Tor Karlsvalt: yes good idea
[09:41] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: And yes, we ought to
[09:41] Fern Leissa: What's the prize for this horse race ? :)
[09:41] Tor Karlsvalt: Also make use of the temple
[09:41] Tor Karlsvalt: donno
[09:41] Tor Karlsvalt: we could do a coupon for tier.
[09:41] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: To be honest, I was planning on having the opening ceremony here, at the temple
[09:41] Tor Karlsvalt: or maybe a horse
[09:41] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Oooh, I like that
[09:42] Tor Karlsvalt: or maybe just money.
[09:42] Fern Leissa: Good. What is the opening ceremony?
[09:42] Fern Leissa: Yes horse, New horse faster horse lol
[09:43] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: I was thinking of us talking, with some Greek and Roman music, and talking about the rites. Sort of like a story telling time, like you'd imagine an ancient people to do to tell their myths
[09:43] Fern Leissa: sounds good
[09:44] Tor Karlsvalt: maybe Aria has been to Roma's festival.
[09:44] Fern Leissa: Does Arria play ancient music? Feel like I heard that somewhere?
[09:44] Tor Karlsvalt: we could get some ideas from them.
[09:44] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Pet's a playwright, and her last show had great narration
[09:44] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: That's true, Tor
[09:44] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: And I don't think she does
[09:44] Tor Karlsvalt: oh wow, I wonder if we coud do a play?
[09:45] Fern Leissa: omg
[09:45] Fern Leissa: sigh
[09:45] Tor Karlsvalt: They couldn't have used props, beyond masks.
[09:45] Tor Karlsvalt: haha
[09:45] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: I was planning on having Calli here, for an opening ball, and play the myth clip
[09:45] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: That's a good idea...!
[09:46] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: I think Pet's also been talking to some of her friends who know some more about Floralia, and I'm not sure if they've been interested
[09:46] Fern Leissa: Who is doing the advertising for the event? Covered?
[09:47] Tor Karlsvalt: Well, I am sure we will put it in Events, FB and Anna's blog.
[09:47] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Indeed, and hopefully on Radio Riel
[09:48] Fern Leissa: Wonder if we could get ROMA to put a notice up. Think they'd be willing?
[09:48] Tor Karlsvalt: I could ask Roma if we could place an ad, but I am sure it would have to be after their own fest.
[09:48] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: I'll be telling friends, Roma too
[09:48] Fern Leissa: kk
[09:48] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: And the Time Machine, even
[09:48] Tor Karlsvalt: We can't really do promotion on RadioReal byond soem general info about the sims
[09:48] Fern Leissa: Ah. Time machine is a great idea... a poster there
[09:48] Fern Leissa: We should ask Alexia
[09:48] Tor Karlsvalt: We Well Alexia has a mag.
[09:48] Tor Karlsvalt: we should do that
[09:48] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Well, not only a poster, but an ad in Alexia's magazine ㋡
[09:48] Fern Leissa: yes
[09:49] Tor Karlsvalt: Lilith might be able to do a nice poster.
[09:49] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Pet's a journalist for a few magazines and Metaverse Broadcasting Company too
[09:49] Fern Leissa: Ah. Question gentlemen... shall I transcript the meeting?
[09:50] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: I have friends who are Minoan roleplayers and others who are ex-Egyptian role-players
[09:50] Tor Karlsvalt: I think Rudeen could place a parcel ad for us.
[09:50] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Ah, let me see if I can, Fern
[09:50] Tor Karlsvalt: oh might as well,
[09:50] Fern Leissa: kk
[09:50] Tor Karlsvalt: we can give Arra time to catch up
[09:50] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Yes, I can, I'll do it
[09:50] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Yes ㋡
[09:51] Soro Dagostino: Well good folk, my time is up.
[09:51] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Ah, ok
[09:51] Soro Dagostino: Sailboat race is about to start.
[09:51] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Thank you for joining us Soro
[09:51] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Ah, good luck!
[09:51] Fern Leissa: Bye Soro .. later maybe :)
[09:51] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Are you going around the Blake?
[09:51] Fern Leissa: Have fun :)
[09:52] Soro Dagostino: I'll be aroiund.
[09:52] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Salve, Alexia!
[09:52] Soro Dagostino: Ahh, Alexia can take my place . . .
[09:52] Fern Leissa: Hi Alexia. Just talking about you :)
[09:52] Tor Karlsvalt: oh HI Alexia
[09:52] Tor Karlsvalt: Welcome
[09:52] Alexia Carnell: Hello all
[09:53] Tor Karlsvalt: i sent a guy over to TM earlier today.
[09:53] Alexia Carnell: Ooh thanks :-)
[09:53] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Hm..
[09:54] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Actually, excuse me for a moment
[09:54] Tor Karlsvalt: btw Alexia, this is the base of the temple market complex that Guillaume has been working on for the fest
[09:54] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: I'm going to lower the temple
[09:54] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: I'll just me a minute ㋡
[09:54] Fern Leissa: We were just saying Alexia.. that Ancient Life might be a good place to advertise Floralia
[09:54] Tor Karlsvalt: This is a temporary structure for the fest.
[09:54] Pip Torok: do we need to move gui?
[09:59] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: No one crushed?
[09:59] Tor Karlsvalt: oh great Guil, flower beds
[09:59] Fern Leissa: lol
[09:59] Fern Leissa: Nope. Good job :)
[10:00] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Thanks!
[10:00] Tor Karlsvalt: he already has a statue
[10:00] Fern Leissa: Like the owl :)
[10:01] Tor Karlsvalt: Well need to have minerva at all our temples :)
[10:01] Fern Leissa: Are we going to have lots of flowers all over? Is that the idea?
[10:01] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Yes ma'am! ㋡
[10:01] Tor Karlsvalt: yes
[10:01] Fern Leissa: awesome
[10:02] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: I still have some work left to do on it
[10:02] Fern Leissa: You've been workin hard I know
[10:02] Fern Leissa: See that little green dot up there in the sky :) workin workin
[10:02] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Hehe, only the best for the CDS
[10:03] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Haha, thank you
[10:03] Tor Karlsvalt: Alexia, how many issues of Ancient Life are out before May
[10:03] Fern Leissa: doin a birds eye
[10:03] Fern Leissa: Looks very nice in this spot
[10:04] Alexia Carnell: first week of each month, so 3
[10:04] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Thank you Fern ㋡
[10:04] Tor Karlsvalt: ok
[10:04] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Hm..
[10:04] Tor Karlsvalt: maybe we can ge an add at least for May and April.
[10:04] Tor Karlsvalt: do you have a price list?
[10:04] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: That sounds good
[10:04] Fern Leissa: Yeah. definitly That would help a lot I think
[10:05] Alexia Carnell: a double page for CDS is 1500 LD
[10:05] Alexia Carnell: (50% discount)
[10:05] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: ㋡
[10:05] Fern Leissa: Nice :)
[10:05] Tor Karlsvalt: ok
[10:05] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: That's kind of you, Alexia
[10:05] Tor Karlsvalt: I will ask see if we can get a nice add together.
[10:05] Alexia Carnell: original ought to be 800 pixel hi x 1200 wide
[10:05] Tor Karlsvalt: ok
[10:06] Tor Karlsvalt: good
[10:06] Alexia Carnell: full perms
[10:07] Alexia Carnell: oh do you sculpt satues guillaume??
[10:07] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Ah, not really. A friend of mine sculpted the Athena, I just copy it and take pieces off, re-arrange, etc.
[10:07] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: I wish, haha!
[10:07] Alexia Carnell: ok
[10:07] Tor Karlsvalt: who is the smaller one?
[10:08] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: It's a Palladium
[10:08] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Hm...
[10:08] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: One moment
[10:08] Tor Karlsvalt: that Athena is really good.
[10:09] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]:
[10:09] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: I like it ㋡
[10:09] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: The person who made it didn't take that long to make it, too
[10:09] Tor Karlsvalt: Guil, has arria said how late she would be?
[10:10] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: No, she didn't...
[10:10] Tor Karlsvalt: Well we all like the temple.
[10:10] Tor Karlsvalt: I think we can get a nice add for Ancient Life
[10:10] Fern Leissa: Yeah. Thanks Guillaume. Good job
[10:10] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker] nods, "I supposed it's time to hide it..."
[10:11] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Yes, I think so ㋡
[10:11] Fern Leissa: Goin outside lol
[10:11] Fern Leissa: Not going up with the ship
[10:11] Tor Karlsvalt: I can say I showed the market area to Keila and she will work on getting vendors.
[10:11] Tor Karlsvalt: Alexia, if you know of any maybe you could
[10:11] Tor Karlsvalt: give their names to Keila Forager.
[10:11] Fern Leissa: hehe
[10:11] Tor Karlsvalt: or to me
[10:11] Alexia Carnell: any what? vendors?
[10:12] Fern Leissa: Where is the market area Tor?
[10:12] Tor Karlsvalt: yes if you know of any ithat mght be interested.
[10:12] Tor Karlsvalt: across the river
[10:12] Fern Leissa: On the bridge Guillaume built?
[10:12] Tor Karlsvalt: on the other side of the bridge.
[10:12] Alexia Carnell: I dont understand, you mean merchants?
[10:13] Tor Karlsvalt: Guil built an Agora
[10:13] Tor Karlsvalt: merchants yes sorry
[10:13] Fern Leissa: Ok
[10:13] Tor Karlsvalt: just for small stands.
[10:13] Fern Leissa: Can we invite CLEO?
[10:13] Alexia Carnell: oh sure i will ask, have you got any NC about it?
[10:13] Tor Karlsvalt: no not yet
[10:13] Tor Karlsvalt: but good idea
[10:13] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: We will
[10:13] Tor Karlsvalt: Keila will get that too you.
[10:13] Alexia Carnell: ok drop it as soon as you're ready
[10:14] Alexia Carnell: kk
[10:14] Tor Karlsvalt: she is our Commerce Coordinator.
[10:14] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Uh oh...
[10:14] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Looks like Pip's been ghosted.
[10:14] Alexia Carnell: i got good relations with many of them
[10:14] Fern Leissa: I'm just thinkin she might want to design a flower toga. Maybe?
[10:14] Tor Karlsvalt: great
[10:14] Tor Karlsvalt: I think we can make this fun
[10:14] Alexia Carnell: just hope Cleo wont be jealous lol
[10:14] Tor Karlsvalt: haha
[10:14] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Haha
[10:15] Tor Karlsvalt: well I guess I will worry about cleo
[10:15] Tor Karlsvalt: she has not said a word to me all term
[10:15] Alexia Carnell: LOL
[10:15] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Haha
[10:15] Fern Leissa: I don't think she's a citizen anymore
[10:15] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Ah, that's a shame
[10:15] Tor Karlsvalt: she is lurking someplace
[10:16] Fern Leissa: Great. Would love to see it
[10:16] Tor Karlsvalt: btw, that guy earlier, couldn't find a costume he liked at Cleos
[10:17] Tor Karlsvalt: :)
[10:17] Fern Leissa: Ok. Guys. Room for everbody here
[10:17] Alexia Carnell: yeees sure
[10:17] Fern Leissa: Makes it more interesting too lol
[10:18] Tor Karlsvalt: true Fern.
[10:18] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Only joking ㋡
[10:18] Tor Karlsvalt: and we will probably have some sort of land promotion.
[10:18] Fern Leissa: On Anna's blog?
[10:18] Tor Karlsvalt: for sure on the blog
[10:19] Tor Karlsvalt: have a little stand for a land office maybe.
[10:19] Tor Karlsvalt: might comandere a parcel .
[10:19] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker] nods
[10:19] Fern Leissa: You know... that's what we don't have. A real estate office on one of the sims
[10:19] Fern Leissa: ROMA does
[10:20] Fern Leissa: Couple of other estates too
[10:20] Tor Karlsvalt: i agree Fern
[10:20] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Hm... yes...!
[10:20] Fern Leissa: Don't know if they're effective,but worth trying maybe
[10:20] Tor Karlsvalt: most do, even if they have a website
[10:20] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker] nods
[10:20] Tor Karlsvalt: well can't hurt.
[10:20] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: I suggest a parcel in CN
[10:21] Tor Karlsvalt: yes, maybe on the forum
[10:21] Tor Karlsvalt: we have two for sale.
[10:21] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: I've been thinking on buying again
[10:21] Alexia Carnell: in world is much better than on forums i think
[10:21] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: That's true, Alexia
[10:21] Tor Karlsvalt: i agree, alexia
[10:22] Alexia Carnell: and maybe some advs on SL search
[10:22] Tor Karlsvalt: plus we can put the land office in search
[10:22] Tor Karlsvalt: if you seach for democracy you don't ge much
[10:22] Alexia Carnell: lol
[10:22] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker] nods
[10:22] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: You only get Locus Amouenus
[10:23] You decline Praetorium, Colonia Nova (28, 161, 41) from A group member named Lilith Ivory.
[10:23] Tor Karlsvalt: you don't, nothign on CDS except my old parcel for the winery
[10:23] Fern Leissa: I'm thinkin no Arria. Doesn't look like she'll make it
[10:23] Tor Karlsvalt: that is an ad I placed a year ago.
[10:23] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Ah
[10:23] Alexia Carnell: if you search for roman - roma you dont get colonia nova nor locus amoenus
[10:23] Tor Karlsvalt: see Alexia
[10:23] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: And I was thinking the same, Fern
[10:24] Tor Karlsvalt: if we ad a land offcice those could be the keywords.
[10:24] Tor Karlsvalt: nobody can find us.
[10:24] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: It's a good idea, Tor
[10:25] Tor Karlsvalt: also, it can be a good place to put keywords for the fest.
[10:25] Tor Karlsvalt: like pagan for instance
[10:25] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Yes ㋡
[10:25] Tor Karlsvalt: we allways have pagans interested in temples and such.
[10:25] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: That's true
[10:25] Tor Karlsvalt: lots of angles
[10:27] Fern Leissa: Anything else we can do/decide w/o Arria?
[10:27] Tor Karlsvalt: i think they did something like a land office in NFS over a year ago. I remember a board with parcels listed.
[10:27] Tor Karlsvalt: not really
[10:27] Tor Karlsvalt: i think we have a lot tho.
[10:27] Tor Karlsvalt: she can just work on the entertainment
[10:27] Fern Leissa: :)
[10:27] Tor Karlsvalt: really I think we have an RA later today
[10:27] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Haha
[10:27] Fern Leissa: Maybe we'll discuss weekly and monthly events at the next mtg
[10:28] Tor Karlsvalt sighs
[10:28] Tor Karlsvalt: true
[10:28] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: We do, Tor
[10:28] Tor Karlsvalt: actually i need some money moved around
[10:28] Fern Leissa: Yup RA meeting at noon
[10:28] Fern Leissa: For Arria Tor?
[10:28] Tor Karlsvalt: 2k for Rosie to design a screen to close up the sides of the NFS/AM
[10:28] Tor Karlsvalt: Alexia myou might be interested in that too
[10:28] Fern Leissa: oh
[10:29] Tor Karlsvalt: I was looking at the open side of AM
[10:29] Tor Karlsvalt: we could maby close that up too.
[10:30] Tor Karlsvalt: in anycase, if Rosie can solve the problem with AM and NFS, then Mon will be easy.
[10:30] Fern Leissa: Oh. MON is open too?
[10:30] Tor Karlsvalt: FYI Guillaume and Alexia, the NG is trying to close the sides of the sims to beautify the view from Garnata
[10:31] Alexia Carnell: I see
[10:31] Alexia Carnell: with megaprim textures?
[10:31] Tor Karlsvalt: yeah, that is the idea.
[10:31] Tor Karlsvalt: if it works
[10:31] Alexia Carnell: i think i have a huge amount of sea panoramas
[10:32] Alexia Carnell: or mountains too
[10:32] Alexia Carnell: if needed
[10:32] Tor Karlsvalt: ok, I will have Rosie get in touch with you.
[10:32] Alexia Carnell: ok ok
[10:33] Tor Karlsvalt: whatever we do inAM/NFS could also be applied to Mon.
[10:33] Tor Karlsvalt: Naturally, the ideal solution is to add sims and bring the lnad down to the sea.
[10:33] Alexia Carnell: yes
[10:33] Tor Karlsvalt: but .....
[10:33] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Ah, nice
[10:33] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Sorry, was on the phone
[10:34] Tor Karlsvalt: np
[10:34] Tor Karlsvalt: Well Alexia, sorry Arria didn't make it.
[10:34] Alexia Carnell: Np
[10:34] Tor Karlsvalt: I know it is late for you and you were busy.
[10:34] Alexia Carnell: yea havo to get to RL right now
[10:35] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Ah, ok
[10:35] Tor Karlsvalt: ok, thanks for coming.
[10:35] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Nice meeting you, alexia ㋡
[10:35] Fern Leissa: ok. Nice to see yu.
[10:35] Fern Leissa: Bye Alexia
[10:35] Alexia Carnell: yes bye all, we keep in touch
[10:35] Tor Karlsvalt: ok
[10:36] Tor Karlsvalt: tc
[10:36] Alexia Carnell: and Tor plz if you see Arria tell her i'm looking for her
[10:36] Tor Karlsvalt: ok sure will
[10:36] Alexia Carnell waves and fades
[10:36] Fern Leissa: :)
[10:36] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Ok, time to add the transcript
[10:36] Tor Karlsvalt: yes
[10:36] Jigme Chöden [Guillaume Mistwalker]: Excuse me a bit
[10:37] Tor Karlsvalt: i need to take a little break
[10:37] Fern Leissa: Me too. Before the RA mtg.
[10:37] Tor Karlsvalt: i guess i have a few ation items for anna, lilith and keila
[10:37] Tor Karlsvalt: haha
[10:37] Fern Leissa: Bye Tor, by Guillaume
[10:37] Tor Karlsvalt: bye
[10:37] Fern Leissa: see you later
[10:37] Tor Karlsvalt: tc

Gaius Nebuliens Curio (Guillaume Mistwalker)
si enim pecunias aequari non placet, si ingenia omnium paria esse non possunt, iura certe paria debent esse eorum inter se, qui sunt cives in eadem re publica. (Cic. De Rep. 1.32.49)
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