Commerce Commission Meeting.

Announcements of activities and events in CDS.

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Keila Forager
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Commerce Commission Meeting.

Post by Keila Forager »

Second Life has graciously returned the "eaten" surveys and notecards and it's now time to move forward.
March 24th at 9am SLT(9am meeting cancelled due to RL obligations) and at 4PM SLT I will hold commerce commission meetings. The meetings will be transcripted and posted in the forum. Location to be announced when I see what area is available. I will post this evening or tomorrow morning in notices the location.

Agenda items include
1. How to set up listing the businesses in CDS??
Notecard givers, welcome messages, a 16-32sqm plot specific for business listings, signs, teleports to individual businesses??? Any other ideas..
2. Who will be in charge of keeping it current?
3. Floralia-when is it, marketing, # of stalls and prims, possible sim wide hunt, who might participate.
4. Any concerns of citizens.

Hope to see you there

Keila Forager
Seasoned debater
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Re: Commerce Commission Meeting.

Post by Keila Forager »

I was the only one at the meeting, so transcript is short and sweet. I guess instead of a meeting, if anyone has any ideas or thoughts, they can post here or get in touch with me in world. More important though is Floralia and setting up a market. So, Tor, Guillaume or anyone else working on it. I really need to know how many stalls, how many prims per stall and when it will be so I can start lining up vendors. If I need to make the stalls I need to know that too. Also , will vendors need to join a group or will rezzing on the land be open? I think I will forgo a sim wide hunt unless I get at least 8 businesses willing to commit with a quality item or two and be responsible to follow a time line to get it set up. The other option (for a sim wide hunt) is to send me the full perm items and I will change perms as I set out hunt items ( I know most would prefer not to do this, me included).

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