I go to work for eight hours and come home and I have five responses to my latest posting, HOOORAH!!! Now it's 2am on Tuesday and I am actually posting this on the forum. Rosie, you and I are shipmates on the USS No Where Fast. No matter how much time, effort, and hard work we put into something it never reaches past the point of discussion. In the year I’ve been a citizen of the C.D.S. I’ve witnessed and experienced firsthand this situation. When I think about it, the song Whipping Post from the Allman Brothers Band comes to mind. It’s like “ok how many times am I going to subject myself to the whipping post before I say enough, I’m done?” If you read older forum postings you will see that unfortunately for the C.D.S. this has happened; the loss of good, hard working, in-world, active citizens who have volunteered countless hours of their time and contributed real-life money on a monthly basis through citizenship, that have basically said “that’s it, I’m done, I’m tired, I’m beaten, I’ve had all I can take.” Myself, I’ve been accused directly to my face of being an alt of Rose Springvale and I heard through the grapevine that when I first arrived in the C.D.S. some thought I might be an alt of Arrias Ahern, at least I think that was his name. Thankfully, I can say that I’ve never been attacked personally by anyone in-world or in the forums as many of my predecessors have been subjected to. One reason may be that I refuse to engage in attacks against anyone whether I like them or not. I may not agree with someone’s opinions or statements but I will always respect each and every one of my fellow citizens in the C.D.S. For some citizens, past and present, I have nothing but respect and admiration for what they’ve contributed/accomplished in the C.D.S. Sudane, you are one of these people. I may not agree with you on certain points and I will let it known if I don’t but I will never disrespect you as an individual, saying that I will now address your response to my previous posting.
Sudane Erato wrote: Trebor, for the life of me I cannot understand what the community purchase price of each sim, and the subsequent sale price of parcels to residents, has to do with a discussion of tier. You yourself have acknowledged in other posts that the discussions should be separate. I know you feel emotional about this subject, but for the sake of others who are trying to understand the issues here, can we not confine that topic to a different time?
It is not uncommon for issues to be intertwined so to speak. Rosie Gray stated in a previous posting, “I wouldn't want to see these reserves drained substantially, but I do question why there is such a huge reserve. “ Whether we like it or not some issues are connected. How did we amass over US$14,000 in reserves, by the collection of tier and the original sale and subsequent sales of parcels. Yes it is an issue that should be addressed in a separate forum posting but in order for me to answer Rosie’s question correctly I had to explain it.
My statement, “I don’t know how it was done before August 2008,” is not an accusation or a suggestion of any hanky panky. It is a simple statement that through all my research and readings I didn’t see how the financial statements were handled before August of 2008. My emphasis was that from the beginnings of the C.D.S. until the first financial statement was presented on the web portal, the C.D.S. had already amassed over $6,000 in reserves.
Sudane Erato wrote: Again and again there is expressed by many this sense of "sin" of accumulating "too much" money. May I offer an alternate point of view? Having ample cash reserves gives an entity such as our community strength. It gives us the flexibility to embark on one-time expenditures... investments in the community... which if we were "cash poor" we would have to borrow. Investments in the community might include the cash purchase of new sims or a project-based investment in *professional* promotional services which could do more than anything else to expand our population and our recognition in the larger SL community, indeed, even in the RL world! I have said over and over again til I am blue in the face that the problem is NOT that we are collecting too much in tiers (others in this thread have testified that our tier rates are in a middle zone), but rather that we are not spending enough! We should use our reserves to invest in the long term future of our community and not squander it by subsidizing resident tiers.
So is the question, how much is too much, when it comes to our accumulation of money? If it is than I direct everyone’s attention to the C.D.S. Code of Laws.
NL 4-6 Financial Reserves Act
The city shall move 1 month’s tier in USD to a separate line item (reserve account), and make those funds unavailable for other use.
Funds in the account shall be distributed at the discretion of the RA to pay recurring expenses in the event of a sudden and unexpected drop in $USD income.
The city shall augment this account as funds are available until it contains enough funds to pay all recurring city expenses for a period of two months absent other income.
Passed 8 February 2006
Based on the last financial statement posted on the web portal two months of tier cost and all other expenses would be $2,495.18 I have no problem with the alternate point of view that you present here. I have to give props to Rose at this point. Her response to your alternate point of view nails it on the head.
Rose Springvale wrote: The biggest problem i have with this whole scenario is the $14000 reserve. Folks, we are not growing. We are not buying sims. We don't seem to have any interest in investing in things that make the sims more fun for the people who use them... see the arguments on water sims, sandboxes and expansion of the schloss elsewhere in these forums. What big project is it that you all anticipate will come along from Second Life??
Once again I will reiterate the fact that I have brought up the point of investing in the long-term future of our community. I do not feel lowering tier is a form of subsidizing resident tiers. Some in the forums keep harping on the point that lowering tier isn’t a guarantee our population will increase. That’s correct, it isn’t a guarantee and it isn’t the only thing we need to do. I’ve also mentioned setting up a few embassies in popular estates such as Caledon and New Toulouse, setting up some press releases or writing up some actual points of interest news articles, running advertisements on some of the more popular forms of media on the grid. So please quit trying to pigeonhole me into just wanting to lower tier, my plans are much larger than just that one issue. Obviously what we are currently doing isn’t working as is apparent by the mass exodus of citizens.
Moonrise Azalee, though we haven’t met in-world yet I will say that it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. My one year anniversary in the C.D.S. was June 16th. Unlike you and Rosie, who joined the C.D.S. June 6th of last year, all but 3 weeks of my Second Life experience has been in the C.D.S. While I can’t speak for anyone but myself I do feel that some of my fellow citizens are encouraged by new citizens that agree that bringing a positive attitude to the table, making improvements, progress, and moving forward isn’t something to be frowned upon and is in fact a good thing. I look forward to working alongside you in taking the C.D.S. to the next level. Now I will take the time to respond to some of your postings.
If you haven’t read my report that I have provided a link to at the beginning of the post I ask that you take an hour or two and please do read it. I’ve presented comparisons of tier using the following estates or areas: Linden Labs Mainland, Linden Lab Private Region, Azure Islands, Nova Islands, Caledon, Fruit Island, Zoha Islands, Solace Beach Estates, RGF Estates Inc, Fantasy World Estates, Dreamland Sims, Italy Real Estate, New Toulouse, Hivoa Holdings, Kendalwood Virtual Estates, and Bell Estates. I think you will find the information provided quite informative. If you are having trouble viewing it than please let me know and I will email you a personal copy.
Moonrise Azalee wrote: 1)As it stands right now, the majority of parcels don't have a tier amount even on them, so this is not as likely to draw in new occupants. In order to even know what the tier is, one needs to go here, and go there, and click this, and click that, and in fact, as someone who runs quite a few websites, I would look at that round-the-bush access to info and worry that perhaps the community was not very up to date, and prefer to put my money elsewhere. As I mentioned, with the high purchase price, one would assume the tier is also high and possibly not even look further.
I strongly agree with your views here. I experienced the same problem when I started exploring the C.D.S. late May of last year. I was happy though that there was an actual website to go and explore. I’m sure when the web portal was first developed and brought online it was a major improvement on how things were done previously.
Moonrise Azalee wrote: Top notch site, up to date easy to access information, move-in bonuses, and constant monitoring of lag-causing items. That's what kind of stuff we have to compete with these days in Second Life.
Yes it is but unfortunately with the few amount of active citizens we have it makes it very difficult to get things done as you have been witnessing.
Rose Springvale you are another individual I have nothing but respect and admiration for what you’ve contributed/accomplished in the C.D.S. and whatever your detractors may say about you they can’t deny all you’ve done in and for the C.D.S. In regards to your response to my post, thank you for providing some clarification on the original purchases of the sims and other attempts in the past of addressing land issues.
Beathan, thank you for your contributions to my postings and say I found your post on your experience in land sales informative. Currently though we’re not addressing that issue in this thread and Chancellor Tor is making an effort to selling our land at more competitive rates. I do ask for one clarification, when you mention the word sim, as in “I think the critical point is to make more sims interested in the CDS” you are using the word sim to mean an individual right, or a person?
Beathan wrote: Based on that, I have changed my opinion about changing our pricing or tier structures and now agree with Sudane that we should not do so. If we are to adjust pricing or tier, I would favor raising, rather than lowering, them and using the funds realized as a result in a community building or sim beautification project or a publicity campaign.
Raising tier? Really? We don’t need to raise funds Beathan we already have $14,000 that we can use a little bit of responsibly to help our community.
Beathan wrote: I would like to propose something which is the converse of Sudane's circuit-breaker proposal on the tier reduction. I would propose setting occupancy goals which, if met, would then trigger a tier reduction (so, if the occupancy rate does not increase, tier does not decrease; however, I do not have a recommendation on whether we should have triggered tier increases if occupancy decreases -- either before or after an initial goal is met).
From all of my research I can’t find any solid information that the C.D.S. has suffered from as low of an occupancy rating as it is currently under. I’ve come to this conclusion through two ways. The first is the financial statements Sudane began posting on the web portal. Nowhere in the financial statements does a significant decrease in tier revenue present itself in a consistent basis. I don’t suspect the occupancy rate in December 2010 was truly as low as the tier revenue for that month. I say that because in January 2011 our tier revenue was over US$1,700 which I feel was probably a result of tier being paid late or if I remember correctly a possible change in collection practices to the 15th of each month. Your proposal is a wait and see proposal where mine is a pro active proposal. Yes we do have the funds to wait and see what happens but I don’t think the majority of us want to wait and see. We want action and we want results.
Beathan wrote: Just to clarify my position -- I am not opposed to reducing tier, I am rather skeptical that reducing tier will have any positive effect on the CDS or immigration to the CDS. To me, the movement to reduce tier is harmful because it is a distraction from real actions, changes, or proposals that are more likely to produce a benefit to the CDS.
I am concerned that tier modification is a sideshow distracting us from the real issues, with the secondary effect of reducing revenue which would be better spent on real change and projects.
Please bring to the table your ideas for real action, changes and proposals that whether or not we do lower the tier, will produce a benefit to the C.D.S. As I have explained earlier, the situation in the C.D.S. goes beyond just the tier issue and any positive contributions that will benefit our community are strongly encouraged to be shared.
Moonrise Azalee wrote: I was just browsing through the forum re: sim ideas etc. (which I posted in)
Some of those ideas were fantastic. What about following through with some of those expansions/rebuilding of NFS, and some of those other fantastic ideas. After those expenses are all said and done, then look at the tier fees again and see what there is to work with.
I'm not sure what sort of cost there is associated with redesigning land etc, improving some of the older builds, but wouldn't it make sense to start on one of those projects, and then review what sort of surplus there is? The CDS region is great, but there really isn't anything to 'do'.
Moonrise, yes some of those ideas are fantastic and I know that there are even more fantastic ideas amongst our citizenship that has yet been brought to the table. That is another reason I found the C.D.S. such an interesting estate we are not confined to a one theme estate. Caledon is an awesome estate but it is only a Steam Punk Victorian Estate. Right now the C.D.S. isn’t a Bavarian estate or a Roman or Greek Estate or an Alpine estate and no matter what type of awesome and cool themed sims we bring online into the C.D.S. the C.D.S. we always be Second Life’s oldest democratically ran estate. That is our essence, our backbone, our “it” factor. Everything we do moving forward increases that essence, backbone, and “it” factor.
In my opinion though we have to take care of what we have now before we start any expansions. With our current vacancy rate we have the opportunity of gaining quite a few new citizens who see the beautiful prospects we have in the C.D.S. Citizens we hope will be active, in-world, and willing to contribute their time and hard work just as our forefathers have done.
So here’s what I’ve come up with and I’ll reiterate this is not the only thing the C.D.S. needs to do, we need marketing, promotional ideas, incorporating Hippo in-world completely etc., etc., but I do feel this will be an aggressive yet responsible step forward. Let’s reduce the tier to the 75% occupancy rate. I credit Moonrise for planting the seeds for this next one. Let’s place all available parcels up for sale for the cost of one month’s tier, that’s it. No sale price plus one month’s tier, no sale price plus the remaining days of the month free, just plain and simple you want to buy a parcel pay one month’s tier and your next month’s tier isn’t due until 30 days later. I do need to remind everyone that any new sims we bring online will not be the same tier of the original 5. Most likely any new sims will have a higher rate than my current proposals. Honestly I haven’t had the time to calculate the ratio of public land to private land and single prim sims to double prim sims that will be needed to maintain the same rates for the new sims we bring online. The two main challenges in developing my tier proposal was a consistent tier across all sims and double prim sims being double the tier rate of single prim sims.
In closing my wife has given me a honey-do list that I need to tend to. I am taking a sabbatical from the forums and from Second Life until after 4pm EST on Thursday 06/23/11. I’m looking forward to exploring the Second Life 8th Birthday Celebration and what awaits me when I return to the forum. Thank you and good night.
Trebor Warcliffe