I think I have finished the flags and banners and shield etc. for NStadt but after waiting an awful long time no one has contacted me to sign the IP rights thingie or give me any moola for all the work.
Normally, (in the old bad days), I would just make stuff for the city and *not* get paid and *not* give away any IP rights, so in the interests of common sense I am going to declare the whole contract thing "broken" in this case and make the stuff available anyway as it's just been too long.
I may have not made enough, or made the right, or put the right permissions on them, or whatever other hundred picky SL things that can go wrong so let's just call this a 1.1 version, but ... the flags and banners can be found in my store as of this morning.
There is a hatbox shaped thingie on the floor and if you touch it it *should* give you a folder of textures and objects that comprise the set. Someone let me know if it doesn't work.
Also, if you go to get them you will notice that I have a [b:28t3eqc1]completely new store![/b:28t3eqc1]
It's still a bit of a work in progress (especialy until they get the planar bug fixed), but it's mostly done.
Please note that I am almost certain that it [i:28t3eqc1]violates several of the details of the city covenant[/i:28t3eqc1]. It is certainly a bit taller than is technically allowed and the roof is (horrors!) only 45 degrees in some places!!!! It also has a rotating illuminated sign (but its way more tastefull thatn that sounds).
I feel that it totally "fits" in the city as it is however, but if anyone objects, please let me know as I think this is an ideal way to get some discussion happening on some of the more restrictive parts of the covenants (unless they have already been changed in my absence). Please be detailed about what it is you don't like about it or why you think it should or should not be allowed etc. and post onto this thread.
Thank you,