Free Flags! (and a new store)

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Free Flags! (and a new store)

Post by Dianne »


I think I have finished the flags and banners and shield etc. for NStadt but after waiting an awful long time no one has contacted me to sign the IP rights thingie or give me any moola for all the work. :(

Normally, (in the old bad days), I would just make stuff for the city and *not* get paid and *not* give away any IP rights, so in the interests of common sense I am going to declare the whole contract thing "broken" in this case and make the stuff available anyway as it's just been too long.

I may have not made enough, or made the right, or put the right permissions on them, or whatever other hundred picky SL things that can go wrong so let's just call this a 1.1 version, but ... the flags and banners can be found in my store as of this morning.

There is a hatbox shaped thingie on the floor and if you touch it it *should* give you a folder of textures and objects that comprise the set. Someone let me know if it doesn't work.

Also, if you go to get them you will notice that I have a [b:28t3eqc1]completely new store![/b:28t3eqc1]

It's still a bit of a work in progress (especialy until they get the planar bug fixed), but it's mostly done.

Please note that I am almost certain that it [i:28t3eqc1]violates several of the details of the city covenant[/i:28t3eqc1]. It is certainly a bit taller than is technically allowed and the roof is (horrors!) only 45 degrees in some places!!!! It also has a rotating illuminated sign (but its way more tastefull thatn that sounds).

I feel that it totally "fits" in the city as it is however, but if anyone objects, please let me know as I think this is an ideal way to get some discussion happening on some of the more restrictive parts of the covenants (unless they have already been changed in my absence). Please be detailed about what it is you don't like about it or why you think it should or should not be allowed etc. and post onto this thread.

Thank you, :)

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Post by Aliasi Stonebender »

Dianne, I'd like to state that, so far as I know, there is still every intention to pay you. While I believe this specific thing falls outside my direct power as Chancellor, I consider the job to also be the unofficial "poke the RA until they do something" position, and as such I shall poke the RA until they do something. If they do not do something, I'll consider this to fall under the "publicizing NFS" clause and do it myself, but I'd like to at least try and do this 'properly'. If you'd like to discuss this further, please do not hesitate to contact me or Claude, inworld or via Google IM.

Even if you are "giving away" the flags, I feel it more than appropriate to pay you for the design.

I'm unsure if covenant violations fall under my domain as well, as the amendment mentions public land only... all these things we must hash out! But I strongly suspect you're in no more danger with your sign than I am with my stilts. ;)

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Post by Ashcroft Burnham »

[quote="Aliasi Stonebender":1n4v2iq9]I'm unsure if covenant violations fall under my domain as well, as the amendment mentions public land only... all these things we must hash out! But I strongly suspect you're in no more danger with your sign than I am with my stilts. ;)[/quote:1n4v2iq9]

Covenant violations should definitely be within your purview, since you have the power to "determine the use to which any and all land in Neufreistadt is put". It should be the Chancellor's Office that prosecuts covenant violations.

Ashcroft Burnham

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Post by Aliasi Stonebender »

[quote="Ashcroft Burnham":rht63ll6][quote="Aliasi Stonebender":rht63ll6]I'm unsure if covenant violations fall under my domain as well, as the amendment mentions public land only... all these things we must hash out! But I strongly suspect you're in no more danger with your sign than I am with my stilts. ;)[/quote:rht63ll6]

Covenant violations should definitely be within your purview, since you have the power to "determine the use to which any and all land in Neufreistadt is put". It should be the Chancellor's Office that prosecuts covenant violations.[/quote:rht63ll6]

Thank you for your opinion, Ashcroft. Despite my differences with you, I [i:rht63ll6]do[/i:rht63ll6] value your insight. Although the SC will of course have to make the binding decision. Until then, I shall work on the assumption that I handle covenant violations, and so far as I'm concerned Dianne has a waiver, as has been previously handed out by the Guildmaster for some builds.

I'll also take the opportunity to officially issue [i:rht63ll6]myself[/i:rht63ll6] a waiver for my stilts. ;)

(indeed, for anything that isn't a flagrant eyesore or really jarring conflict with theme in-wall, I intend to consider the covenant violations 'decriminalized'... I feel we need an updated covenant and I think there are better uses of the Chancellor's time than playing police officer in that regard.)

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Post by Ashcroft Burnham »

[quote="Aliasi Stonebender":1go38pvx]...Although the SC will of course have to make the binding decision.[/quote:1go38pvx]

Until we have Courts of Common Jurisdiction, that is ;-)

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Post by Chicago Kipling »

Thanks for making this available. I was eager to make use of the flag, as I have, and I'm glad moves are being made to provide some consempsation out of our funds.

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Post by Ashcroft Burnham »

[quote="Aliasi Stonebender":3slpm7xk]Thank you for your opinion, Ashcroft. Despite my differences with you, I [i:3slpm7xk]do[/i:3slpm7xk] value your insight. Although the SC will of course have to make the binding decision. Until then, I shall work on the assumption that I handle covenant violations, and so far as I'm concerned Dianne has a waiver, as has been previously handed out by the Guildmaster for some builds.

I'll also take the opportunity to officially issue [i:3slpm7xk]myself[/i:3slpm7xk] a waiver for my stilts. ;)

(indeed, for anything that isn't a flagrant eyesore or really jarring conflict with theme in-wall, I intend to consider the covenant violations 'decriminalized'... I feel we need an updated covenant and I think there are better uses of the Chancellor's time than playing police officer in that regard.)[/quote:3slpm7xk]

It has occurred to me that, since, contrary to what I had proposed in my original [b:3slpm7xk]Burgermeister of Neufriestadt Act[/b:3slpm7xk], the provisions in the Constitution establishing a Chancellor do not give the Chancellor the power to repeal existing planning legislation, as things stand, you do not have the power to grant waivers or vary the requirements of the existing statutes. You can decide just not to bring any proceedings for planning violations, but that would not stop somebody else from bringing proceedings against a person for planning violations.

What I suggest is that, if you want to change the covenant, you make some draft regulations that would replace the existing planning legislation, and then submit to the RA a bill that repeals all of the existing planning legislation and, when that is passed, immediately formally adopt your new regulations. Planning regulations really should be made by the Chancellor, and it is somewhat unhelpful that the power of repeal that I put in my original draft was removed from the final version.

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Loving the flags

Post by Ashcroft Burnham »

Dianne: I have just acquired your new collection of flags, and I must say, they are really very impressive indeed! They should make a real difference to our brand image/national identity. Superb work.

Aliasi: are the old Neualtenburg flags in the Rathaus, the church and at the infohub going to be replaced now? And did you get around to trying to re-claim the infohub?

Ashcroft Burnham

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Post by Aliasi Stonebender »

[quote="Ashcroft Burnham":2zsuowaa]
It has occurred to me that, since, contrary to what I had proposed in my original [b:2zsuowaa]Burgermeister of Neufriestadt Act[/b:2zsuowaa], the provisions in the Constitution establishing a Chancellor do not give the Chancellor the power to repeal existing planning legislation, as things stand, you do not have the power to grant waivers or vary the requirements of the existing statutes. You can decide just not to bring any proceedings for planning violations, but that would not stop somebody else from bringing proceedings against a person for planning violations.

On the contrary, that power has belonged to the Guild through precedent. If that power of the Guild has been transferred to the Chancellor, then logically, so has the ability to grant a waiver, as per the ninth section of the amendment.

What I suggest is that, if you want to change the covenant, you make some draft regulations that would replace the existing planning legislation, and then submit to the RA a bill that repeals all of the existing planning legislation and, when that is passed, immediately formally adopt your new regulations. Planning regulations really should be made by the Chancellor, and it is somewhat unhelpful that the power of repeal that I put in my original draft was removed from the final version.[/quote:2zsuowaa]

Oh, I fully intend to submit new regulations to the RA, as that is proper. However, [i:2zsuowaa]most[/i:2zsuowaa] buildings in the city violate the building code in one way or another, and to reuse a phrase, that means the building code is broken, not the buildings - considering that violation does not appear to aesthetically harm the city.

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Re: Loving the flags

Post by Aliasi Stonebender »

[quote="Ashcroft Burnham":2bpmzb8d]
Aliasi: are the old Neualtenburg flags in the Rathaus, the church and at the infohub going to be replaced now? And did you get around to trying to re-claim the infohub?[/quote:2bpmzb8d]

I can't do anything with the infohub, and require that I be a member in the land-management group to be used to do anything with the hub. I've spoken to Dianne about it, who offered asssistance, but I still need the technical SL privledges.

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Re: Loving the flags

Post by Ashcroft Burnham »

[quote="Aliasi Stonebender":28b84cip]I can't do anything with the infohub, and require that I be a member in the land-management group to be used to do anything with the hub. I've spoken to Dianne about it, who offered asssistance, but I still need the technical SL privledges.[/quote:28b84cip]

Did Linden Labs not offer to let you take those technical priveldges some time ago, though?

Ashcroft Burnham

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Re: Loving the flags

Post by Aliasi Stonebender »

[quote="Ashcroft Burnham":g7xlf193][quote="Aliasi Stonebender":g7xlf193]I can't do anything with the infohub, and require that I be a member in the land-management group to be used to do anything with the hub. I've spoken to Dianne about it, who offered asssistance, but I still need the technical SL privledges.[/quote:g7xlf193]

Did Linden Labs not offer to let you take those technical priveldges some time ago, though?[/quote:g7xlf193]

No, I offered taking direct personal responsibility for the infohub, using one of my own groups. However, this would make it rather difficult for anyone else to update it, to say the least, and I wouldn't be bound to keep it a Neufreistadt-themed infohub.

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Re: Loving the flags

Post by Ashcroft Burnham »

[quote="Aliasi Stonebender":1c0u9ve5]No, I offered taking direct personal responsibility for the infohub, using one of my own groups. However, this would make it rather difficult for anyone else to update it, to say the least, and I wouldn't be bound to keep it a Neufreistadt-themed infohub.[/quote:1c0u9ve5]

Had you considered doing that and then [i:1c0u9ve5]selling[/i:1c0u9ve5] your interest in the infohub to the CDS? An infohub would be very valuable to us, and no doubt you would deserve a good price for it.

I have noticed that increasing numbers of people set their home to the infohub or go there regularly because, the sim being otherwise empty, it has extremely low lag.

Ashcroft Burnham

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Re: Loving the flags

Post by Aliasi Stonebender »

[quote="Ashcroft Burnham":1xsd71z5][quote="Aliasi Stonebender":1xsd71z5]No, I offered taking direct personal responsibility for the infohub, using one of my own groups. However, this would make it rather difficult for anyone else to update it, to say the least, and I wouldn't be bound to keep it a Neufreistadt-themed infohub.[/quote:1xsd71z5]

Had you considered doing that and then [i:1xsd71z5]selling[/i:1xsd71z5] your interest in the infohub to the CDS? An infohub would be very valuable to us, and no doubt you would deserve a good price for it.

I have noticed that increasing numbers of people set their home to the infohub or go there regularly because, the sim being otherwise empty, it has extremely low lag.[/quote:1xsd71z5]

I'd been paid for the design, and the hub itself is Linden owned. Anyway, I took care of that already, as posted elsewhere. :)

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Post by Dianne »

Just a note to acknowledge the wonderful comments about the flags (thanks :) ), and to make it clear that it's "not about the money." I would have done the flags anyway, just because I want to.

Being as I am a Socialist, leftie, anti-capitalist type I am more interested in seeing NStadt succeed than I am making money off of it, and I think many of us think the same way. The offer of donations for the new sim is a good example of the same thing.

Even though we all deserve fair compensation for our efforts if possible, anyone looking to make huge piles of cash working for NStadt is probably a bit self-deluded. :D

As to the variances on my new store, the main differences are the height, the sign, and the fact that portions of the roof are 45 degrees instead of 60 degrees. All of these proscriptions (I believe), were intended to stop people from building huge flat modern box buildings in what is essentially supposed to be a medieval bavarian town. Since my store is extremely medieval looking, I think that they shouldn't really apply.

It's not my place given that I am only a member of the SC, but if I was re-writing the covenant, I would phrase it more to the effect of what the intended goal was (Medieval Bavarian), as opposed to a long list of specific ordinances on sizes, shapes, roof pitches etc.

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