There are so many things to do... almost don't know where to start. I'll start a bunch of threads about each project area separately, to get the discussion going. They'll inevitably overlap. But at least some of the issues may get clearer.
Let me start in this thread with the issue of old groups/new groups. First, the technical issues.
For a variety of reasons, which we can certainly discuss here, we'd like to deactivate the primary existing Neualtenburg groups. These groups are:
(1) Neualtenburg. Founder: Ulrika
(2) Die Gilde. Founder: Kendra
(3) Neualtenburg Raumnutzung. Founder: Rudeen
It was because of Ulrika's officer status on #3 that she was able to delete much of other people's work in her rampage of last Thursday night. So, withdrawal and removal of these groups has a high priority.
We have formed two new land ownership groups. One, the Neualtenburg Land Management Group, has had all City-owned land deeded to it; that land which was formerly held by the Raumnutzng. The other, Available Land Group, has all City-owned but available for purcahse land deeded to it.
The distinction was created for two reasons. One, having a separate holding group enables prospective buyers to more easily identify available land, and the identification feeds into our automated land management system being developed. Two, the separation begins to implement a managed compliance with the Prim Allocation Law.
The Raumnutzung holds no further land. Consulting the SL wiki, I have discovered that Rudeen, the founder, can email LL requesting that all officers in the group can be demoted to members, who can then be ejected by her. I (she) will take this step; I'd ask existing members to leave voluntarily to minimize the number of ejections, when that time comes.
In a parallel manner, the other two critical groups are under the control of Ulrika and Kendra, as founders. I suggest that all existing citizens "Leave" these two groups., since, should Ulrika or Kendra so desire, they can force a departure if they wish. No further point is served by participation.
There is no land owned by either of these groups (Rudeen has complete control over that). But there are significant public builds which are still owned by Kendra. And, as well, the MoCA is owned by Keltrien. A recent Law specified that all publically financed builds have copies retained by the City via some secure mechanism, in order to secure our investment. Of course, compliance with this is not yet in place. I'll start another thread listing the builds in question and their respective situations.
Final disposition of the groups. I think that the group named "Neualtenburg" is out of our hands, and I recommend that every current citizen leave it. We may wish to maintain a token presence until such point as Ulrika decides to eject us; or, some other occurance happening.
"Die Gilde" is also out of our hands, and I see utterly no purpose served by remaining in it. I strongly recommend that all citizens leave it.
"Neualtenburg Raumnutzung" we can control. I ask everyone to leave it, it was a stupidly named group in the first place. We will maintain a token presence on it using alts with available group slots, so that the name of the group does not get hijacked.
I've declared many of these points as "statements"... decisions already made. That is largely not the case, my intention here is to open the floor for discussion. I'll try to keep everyone up to date as we convert consensus into actions.