This is partly a lecture and partly an apology to those who may have had a few objects returned from Monastery. If you did, my apologies. It was only a few, and they were on public land, not on private parcels (including the Monastery parcel).
I attempted to rez a new version of our Land Scanner on Monastery. The parcel told me that the sim had no available prims. This awoke in me the alarm that I have warned about for a long time in LA, that we are vastly overloading our public land with prims, something which is physically possible because LA, AM and Monastery are set for multiple prims. On the public land, About Land DOES NOT tell you how many prims are available... it will show many more than are. Why is this?
Monastery is set for about 8x prim capacity. That means that every parcel can hold about 8 times the number of prims it normally could. BUT... the sim itself can hold only the same number it always could, in this case 3750. In order for the private parcels (including the Monastery) to use all the prims to which they are entitled, the public land must use far fewer. Here is the prim usage on Monastery:
6 parcels 512 square meters times 234 prims/parcel = 1404 prims
1 parcel (Monastery) with 1141 prims
1141 + 1404 = 2545 prims which owners have a legitimate right to. This means that the public land can ONLY hold 1205 prims. When I looked tonight, it had 1560 prims. I returned a few prims, hoping that would do it (before I made the calculation), and it did not. The sim was still overloaded.
Well, we finally realized that someone named Blitzkrieg had deposited 865 prims over public land, probably somewhere in the clouds. I returned these. The sim is now where it should be in terms of number of prims. Public land is holding about 1150, which is all it should contain. Any more will deprive legitimate owners of their paid for prims.
I STRONGLY urge that the residents and users of Monastery take steps to set all the parcels, including the public land, to autoreturn, so as to prevent this kind of thing. Also, public land prim usage should be closely monitored so as to prevent this from happening again.
Please feel free to place questions here or IM me. Prim multipliers are very muddlesome, so I am very sympathetic to confusion.