Thanks to Moon Adamant
Alexia's proposal
Roman sims
Jos' proposal (Jos to present if available)
Fund raising
Other agenda items
Thank you to those who attended
HonestHeart Resident
Pip Torok
josjoha Resident
Guillaume Mistwalker
Fern Leissa
Sudane Erato
Dee Shepherd
Trebor Warcliffe
Sonja Strom
Arria Perreault
Satir DeCuir
Mizou Vavoom
Ranma Tardis
Dianelou Boucher
Tor Karlsvalt
Daphne Dench
Bells Semyorka
Callipygian Christensen
Ceasar Xigalia
[2011/09/24 11:01] Ceasar Xigalia: does eveyone have a copy of the agenda
[2011/09/24 11:02] josjoha Resident: i have the agenda, ty
[2011/09/24 11:02] josjoha Resident: it was about the 3 choices
[2011/09/24 11:02] Ceasar Xigalia: does anyone need the agenda?
[2011/09/24 11:02] Fern Leissa: hmmm. I need a copy of the agenda I think
[2011/09/24 11:02] Ceasar Xigalia: or Alexia's note
[2011/09/24 11:02] Sudane Erato: is the agenda the note from Alexia?
[2011/09/24 11:02] Fern Leissa: Oh yes. I have it
[2011/09/24 11:03] Ceasar Xigalia: no Alexia's note is on the agenda
[2011/09/24 11:03] Ceasar Xigalia: let me send it again
[2011/09/24 11:03] HonestHeart Resident: I have it Ceasar thanks
[2011/09/24 11:03] Sudane Erato: kk
[2011/09/24 11:03] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Hi Dee
[2011/09/24 11:03] Sudane Erato accepted your inventory offer.
[2011/09/24 11:03] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: dee you are wearing a box
[2011/09/24 11:03] Fern Leissa: Hi Sonja
[2011/09/24 11:03] Fern Leissa: Hi Dee
[2011/09/24 11:03] josjoha Resident: lol
[2011/09/24 11:03] Guillaume Mistwalker: Hi Sonja
[2011/09/24 11:04] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: hehe
[2011/09/24 11:04] Ceasar Xigalia: ok first item
[2011/09/24 11:04] Fern Leissa: Hi Trebor
[2011/09/24 11:04] Dee Shepherd: hello everyone
[2011/09/24 11:04] HonestHeart Resident: Hi Sonja Dee
[2011/09/24 11:04] josjoha Resident: (I've been asked to count the votes, which I will and i will post the totals in chat)
[2011/09/24 11:04] Ceasar Xigalia: I would like to personally thank Moon for the massive amount or work she has done while Guild Secretary
[2011/09/24 11:04] Sonja Strom: hello everyone : )
[2011/09/24 11:04] Ceasar Xigalia: I feel sure that a lot of you would support that
[2011/09/24 11:04] Guillaume Mistwalker: Hello, Sonja
[2011/09/24 11:05] josjoha Resident: hi Sonja
[2011/09/24 11:05] Pip Torok: hi Sonja
[2011/09/24 11:05] Ceasar Xigalia: and I would like to ropose that we put up a plaque in the school here to recognise the work she has done
[2011/09/24 11:06] Ceasar Xigalia: are we happy with that
[2011/09/24 11:06] Fern Leissa: I would support that. Great idea
[2011/09/24 11:06] josjoha Resident: hey Arria !
[2011/09/24 11:06] Fern Leissa: Hi Arria
[2011/09/24 11:06] Ceasar Xigalia: do we need to vote on it
[2011/09/24 11:06] Arria Perreault: Hi all
[2011/09/24 11:06] Sonja Strom: hello Arria
[2011/09/24 11:06] Ceasar Xigalia: Hi Arria
[2011/09/24 11:06] Guillaume Mistwalker: Hi Arria
[2011/09/24 11:07] josjoha Resident: ok let's vote
[2011/09/24 11:07] Fern Leissa: Hi Satir
[2011/09/24 11:07] Ceasar Xigalia: Hi Satir
[2011/09/24 11:07] Dee Shepherd: reread the motion please
[2011/09/24 11:07] Satir DeCuir: hi
[2011/09/24 11:07] Ceasar Xigalia: ok those in favour of a plaque to Moon please say Aye
[2011/09/24 11:07] josjoha Resident: all in favor for a plaque to commemorate Moon's work for the NG say aye:
[2011/09/24 11:07] Pip Torok: aye
[2011/09/24 11:07] Sudane Erato: aye!
[2011/09/24 11:07] HonestHeart Resident: aye
[2011/09/24 11:07] Guillaume Mistwalker: Aye.
[2011/09/24 11:07] Sonja Strom: aye
[2011/09/24 11:07] Trebor Warcliffe: AYE
[2011/09/24 11:07] Ceasar Xigalia: aye
[2011/09/24 11:07] josjoha Resident: abstain (i have no idea what this is about)
[2011/09/24 11:07] Arria Perreault: aye
[2011/09/24 11:07] Fern Leissa: aye
[2011/09/24 11:07] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: aye
[2011/09/24 11:08] josjoha Resident: aye = 10; abstain is 1
[2011/09/24 11:08] Ceasar Xigalia: ok carried
[2011/09/24 11:08] Fern Leissa:
[2011/09/24 11:08] Ceasar Xigalia: tyyou all
[2011/09/24 11:08] josjoha Resident: (sorry, won't be fair for me to vote for something i don't know, no offense)
[2011/09/24 11:08] Pip Torok: none taken jos
[2011/09/24 11:08] Ceasar Xigalia: next item is Alexia's proposal for Locus Amonenous
[2011/09/24 11:09] Ceasar Xigalia: do you all have a copy
[2011/09/24 11:09] josjoha Resident: ty Pip, ty
[2011/09/24 11:09] Trebor Warcliffe: no
[2011/09/24 11:09] Pip Torok: yes
[2011/09/24 11:09] Dee Shepherd: no
[2011/09/24 11:09] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: no
[2011/09/24 11:09] Fern Leissa: y
[2011/09/24 11:09] Ceasar Xigalia: I can rez her model whatch your feet
[2011/09/24 11:10] Ceasar Xigalia: ok well maybe I cant rez the model
[2011/09/24 11:10] Ceasar Xigalia: but you all have a copy in her note to look at later
[2011/09/24 11:10] Sudane Erato: the m odel is of the sim as it currently is now
[2011/09/24 11:11] Trebor Warcliffe: Ceasar with all due respect there has been multiple discussions about LA
[2011/09/24 11:11] Sudane Erato: i think she intended that we each, who wishes, modify it with the ideas that we see
[2011/09/24 11:11] Trebor Warcliffe: Shouldnt we discuss in general terms before we put any one persons idea up to a vote?
[2011/09/24 11:11] CLEOPATRA Xigalia nods
[2011/09/24 11:11] Ceasar Xigalia: Thats the idea Trebor
[2011/09/24 11:11] Trebor Warcliffe: Ok good
[2011/09/24 11:11] Ceasar Xigalia: to start the discussion again
[2011/09/24 11:11] Mizou Vavoom: hi all sorry am late
[2011/09/24 11:12] josjoha Resident: i agree with Trebor, first discuss all options
[2011/09/24 11:12] Fern Leissa: Hi Mizou
[2011/09/24 11:12] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: hi Mizou !
[2011/09/24 11:12] Guillaume Mistwalker: Hello, Mizou.
[2011/09/24 11:12] Pip Torok: hi mizou
[2011/09/24 11:12] Ceasar Xigalia: Alexia happened to ask me to put her ideas up
[2011/09/24 11:12] josjoha Resident: hi Vavoom
[2011/09/24 11:12] Ceasar Xigalia: to start the discussion
[2011/09/24 11:12] Trebor Warcliffe: So first off do we all agree that we can explore the idea of reparceling some of LA to smaller 256sqm parcels?
[2011/09/24 11:13] Guillaume Mistwalker: In and around parcels 17-20?
[2011/09/24 11:13] Trebor Warcliffe: there are a few areas from my study where we could do it
[2011/09/24 11:13] Trebor Warcliffe: Most suggest we start small
[2011/09/24 11:13] Trebor Warcliffe: Like you said 17-20
[2011/09/24 11:13] Arria Perreault raises hand
[2011/09/24 11:13] Trebor Warcliffe: see how it goes adn go from there
[2011/09/24 11:14] Ceasar Xigalia: arria is next after Trebor
[2011/09/24 11:14] Trebor Warcliffe: k
[2011/09/24 11:14] Mizou Vavoom raises hand
[2011/09/24 11:14] Ceasar Xigalia: Mizou after Arria
[2011/09/24 11:14] Ceasar Xigalia: Arria
[2011/09/24 11:15] Ceasar Xigalia: you have the floor
[2011/09/24 11:15] Arria Perreault: I have a question about 1) and 2) proposals. Is it "and" or "or"?
[2011/09/24 11:15] Ceasar Xigalia: I would read it or
[2011/09/24 11:16] Ceasar Xigalia: but we can ask Alexia
[2011/09/24 11:16] Trebor Warcliffe: Can I have a copy please
[2011/09/24 11:16] Arria Perreault: Ok. Ty. (I find all 3 proposals good)
[2011/09/24 11:16] Ceasar Xigalia: yes
[2011/09/24 11:16] Trebor Warcliffe: tu
[2011/09/24 11:16] josjoha Resident: the idea for the contest sounds appealing, as it may produce something natural looking
[2011/09/24 11:16] Trebor Warcliffe accepted your inventory offer.
[2011/09/24 11:16] Ceasar Xigalia: Mizou
[2011/09/24 11:17] Mizou Vavoom: Canb you fill me in on what i missed plz?
[2011/09/24 11:17] Mizou Vavoom: done
[2011/09/24 11:17] Ceasar Xigalia: We voted on a plaque in this building for Mooons work as Secretary
[2011/09/24 11:17] Ceasar Xigalia: and then started to discuss LA
[2011/09/24 11:18] Mizou Vavoom: thkx
[2011/09/24 11:18] Fern Leissa raises hand
[2011/09/24 11:18] Arria Perreault raises hand again
[2011/09/24 11:18] Ceasar Xigalia: any more thoughts on LA the roman sims or Alexia's note?
[2011/09/24 11:18] Ceasar Xigalia: Arria
[2011/09/24 11:19] Trebor Warcliffe: Trebor raises hand also
[2011/09/24 11:19] Ceasar Xigalia: Trebor after Arria
[2011/09/24 11:19] Arria Perreault: I like the idea of a contest. We did one for the sim Alpine Meadow. If we open it to non-citizen, it can bring some interest to our community. Done
[2011/09/24 11:20] Ceasar Xigalia: Trebor
[2011/09/24 11:20] Fern Leissa raises hand
[2011/09/24 11:20] Trebor Warcliffe: Fern was before me
[2011/09/24 11:20] Mizou Vavoom agrees with Arria
[2011/09/24 11:20] Ceasar Xigalia: Fern after Trebor
[2011/09/24 11:20] Ceasar Xigalia: Apologies I missed Ferns hand
[2011/09/24 11:20] Fern Leissa: np
[2011/09/24 11:20] Ceasar Xigalia: Fern please
[2011/09/24 11:20] Fern Leissa: kk.
[2011/09/24 11:21] Trebor Warcliffe: The main thing I want to know is that all these ideas are based on the decision to make 256sqm parcels correct? Thats my main concern.
[2011/09/24 11:21] Fern Leissa: I like Arrias idea of opening it up to everyone.. it accomplishes a bunch of things... build.. publicity
[2011/09/24 11:21] Trebor Warcliffe: Whether we go insula, mini farms/estates
[2011/09/24 11:21] Trebor Warcliffe: so on and so forth
[2011/09/24 11:21] Trebor Warcliffe: the idea is for smaller parcels with double prims
[2011/09/24 11:22] Trebor Warcliffe: yes?
[2011/09/24 11:22] Fern Leissa: I think we have to decide exactly what we want to build... a whole village is a lot. Maybe one apartment complex to start
[2011/09/24 11:22] Fern Leissa: Done
[2011/09/24 11:22] Ceasar Xigalia: any other thoughts?
[2011/09/24 11:22] Trebor Warcliffe: Can we get this posted to the forums?
[2011/09/24 11:22] CLEOPATRA Xigalia raises her hand
[2011/09/24 11:23] Ceasar Xigalia: Cleopatra
[2011/09/24 11:23] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: oh i was going to say what Trebor said, done
[2011/09/24 11:23] Ceasar Xigalia: I will post the meeting notes
[2011/09/24 11:23] Trebor Warcliffe: I meant taking Alexias proposal and posting it to the forum
[2011/09/24 11:23] Ceasar Xigalia: any more
[2011/09/24 11:24] Fern Leissa raises hand
[2011/09/24 11:24] Trebor Warcliffe: To open up some more discussions
[2011/09/24 11:24] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: so alexia can answer questions and people can give input ? thats what was thinking
[2011/09/24 11:24] Ceasar Xigalia: Fern
[2011/09/24 11:24] Fern Leissa: ty
[2011/09/24 11:24] Fern Leissa: I also like Alexia's idea about creating a catalog of houses
[2011/09/24 11:25] Fern Leissa: For new pp to buy when then come here
[2011/09/24 11:25] Fern Leissa: As an option anyway
[2011/09/24 11:25] Fern Leissa: We could even sell them for L$0 to get them started
[2011/09/24 11:25] Trebor Warcliffe: YESSS
[2011/09/24 11:25] Fern Leissa: Done
[2011/09/24 11:25] Sudane Erato: i think Alexia meant them as mandatory
[2011/09/24 11:25] Mizou Vavoom agrees with alexia proposal
[2011/09/24 11:25] Trebor Warcliffe: We can give htem free use of the building bbut CDS retains ownership
[2011/09/24 11:25] Sudane Erato: she is very concerned about the quality of the sim
[2011/09/24 11:26] Fern Leissa: Ah... yu might be right Sudane
[2011/09/24 11:26] josjoha Resident: in RL citizens would also be able to build their taste, within the constraints of the period so it may not hamper quality ??
[2011/09/24 11:26] Trebor Warcliffe: Yes she does have quite an interst in that sim with her business and all
[2011/09/24 11:27] Sudane Erato: raises hand
[2011/09/24 11:27] Ceasar Xigalia: Sudane
[2011/09/24 11:27] Arria Perreault: (I will be away for some minutes)
[2011/09/24 11:27] Sudane Erato: i think that no one has presented any evidence that any of the residential re-configurations will make any improvement
[2011/09/24 11:27] Sudane Erato: i support strongly the 3rd option
[2011/09/24 11:28] Sudane Erato: I've always felt that the answer to our econnomic issues is commerce
[2011/09/24 11:28] Sudane Erato: done
[2011/09/24 11:28] CLEOPATRA Xigalia nods
[2011/09/24 11:28] Ceasar Xigalia: does anyone have any suggestions to test what will improve the sim?
[2011/09/24 11:28] Trebor Warcliffe: raises hand
[2011/09/24 11:28] Ceasar Xigalia: Trebor
[2011/09/24 11:28] Trebor Warcliffe: Yes thank you
[2011/09/24 11:29] Trebor Warcliffe: I like the idea of a residential/commercial parcel
[2011/09/24 11:29] Trebor Warcliffe: A 256sqm parcel
[2011/09/24 11:29] Trebor Warcliffe: is VERY AFFORDABLE
[2011/09/24 11:29] Trebor Warcliffe: and the big positive in LA
[2011/09/24 11:29] Trebor Warcliffe: is DOUBLE PRIM
[2011/09/24 11:29] Trebor Warcliffe: whcih is somethjong NFS suffers from
[2011/09/24 11:30] Mizou Vavoom: ./me raises hand
[2011/09/24 11:30] Trebor Warcliffe: we have smaller more affordable parcels,
[2011/09/24 11:30] Mizou Vavoom raises hand
[2011/09/24 11:30] Ceasar Xigalia: mizou after trebor
[2011/09/24 11:30] Trebor Warcliffe: Look at the occupancy in NFS
[2011/09/24 11:30] Trebor Warcliffe: almost always full
[2011/09/24 11:30] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: hi Ranma !
[2011/09/24 11:30] Trebor Warcliffe: DONE
[2011/09/24 11:30] Ceasar Xigalia: Mizou
[2011/09/24 11:30] Fern Leissa whispers: Hi Ranma
[2011/09/24 11:30] Pip Torok: hi ranma!
[2011/09/24 11:30] Sonja Strom: Hi Ranma
[2011/09/24 11:30] Ranma Tardis: hello
[2011/09/24 11:30] Mizou Vavoom: Hi Ranma
[2011/09/24 11:31] josjoha Resident: hello
[2011/09/24 11:31] Ranma Tardis: Cleo invited me here
[2011/09/24 11:31] Mizou Vavoom: ok yes, my question is, do we have an idea in what kind of business we want to attract to LA?
[2011/09/24 11:31] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: hehe : )
[2011/09/24 11:31] Trebor Warcliffe: Hasnt really been discussed yet Mizou
[2011/09/24 11:31] Mizou Vavoom: in other words is there a criteria for business?
[2011/09/24 11:32] Trebor Warcliffe: I would assume if being displayed out in the open it would be theme specific
[2011/09/24 11:32] Trebor Warcliffe: and if indoors whatever they want just nothing X rated
[2011/09/24 11:32] Mizou Vavoom: it might be interesting to know what kind of business can be properous in LA
[2011/09/24 11:32] Pip Torok: good point!
[2011/09/24 11:32] Mizou Vavoom: done
[2011/09/24 11:32] Sonja Strom: lol
[2011/09/24 11:32] Trebor Warcliffe: raises hand
[2011/09/24 11:33] Ceasar Xigalia: Trebor
[2011/09/24 11:33] Trebor Warcliffe: TY until we actually have merchants interested it will be hard to determine what may and may not be successful
[2011/09/24 11:33] Trebor Warcliffe: i know i for one always thought a chariot or wagon shop would be cool
[2011/09/24 11:34] Trebor Warcliffe: maybe ties in wiht a stable and horse rentals>??>?
[2011/09/24 11:34] Pip Torok: elephants have been for sale there, if I recall
[2011/09/24 11:34] Guillaume Mistwalker: We could attract Ars Navalis.
[2011/09/24 11:34] Trebor Warcliffe: I do know that we need to do some advertising/marketing through SL for the entire community
[2011/09/24 11:35] Trebor Warcliffe: Sojmething that has been in discussion for a while
[2011/09/24 11:35] CLEOPATRA Xigalia raises hand.
[2011/09/24 11:35] josjoha Resident: maybe we need a combination of everything that brings ppl here, shops, residence, events, ... one thing may lead to another
[2011/09/24 11:35] Ceasar Xigalia: Cleo after Trebor
[2011/09/24 11:35] Trebor Warcliffe: yes jos basically thats exactly what it is
[2011/09/24 11:35] Trebor Warcliffe: DONE
[2011/09/24 11:35] josjoha Resident: : )
[2011/09/24 11:35] Ceasar Xigalia: Cleo
[2011/09/24 11:35] Fern Leissa raises hand
[2011/09/24 11:36] Ceasar Xigalia: Fern after Cleo
[2011/09/24 11:36] josjoha Resident raises hand
[2011/09/24 11:36] You decline Charleston Lace Ballroom - Elegance Surpassing Dreams from A group member named Annabel Coveria.
[2011/09/24 11:36] Ceasar Xigalia: Jos after Fern
[2011/09/24 11:37] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: its a good time to recruit ancient world merchants, and i am happy to help with doing that. i hear we just got ARS as a citizen and i think there are several who would follow as the re have been several of the other sims close recently who are ancient roman greek etc. done
[2011/09/24 11:37] Ceasar Xigalia: Fern
[2011/09/24 11:37] Fern Leissa: ty
[2011/09/24 11:37] Fern Leissa: I looked again at Alexia's #3
[2011/09/24 11:38] Fern Leissa: I think she's suggesting something more specific
[2011/09/24 11:38] Fern Leissa: She wants to see builds... she says malls where merchants would want to come and set up
[2011/09/24 11:38] Fern Leissa: I think we need to talk about what kind of builds... what she means by mall
[2011/09/24 11:38] Fern Leissa: done
[2011/09/24 11:39] Ceasar Xigalia: Jos
[2011/09/24 11:39] josjoha Resident: About what maybe bring ppl here, maybe something like a place where ppl can play (decent) board games: chess, checkers, parishee, greedy (but not gambling); in a rustic atmosphere ? Games can be prim-heavy though. Done.
[2011/09/24 11:39] CLEOPATRA Xigalia raises hand
[2011/09/24 11:39] Pip Torok: Can we presume that option 3 is better for LA finances treb/Sudane?
[2011/09/24 11:39] Ceasar Xigalia: Cleo
[2011/09/24 11:40] Trebor Warcliffe: Pip i would have to look at it and work some numbers
[2011/09/24 11:40] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: is there any issue still about doing rentals and the citizen / non citizen of a renter issue.. i mean if someone rents are they a citizen? and is that an issue?
[2011/09/24 11:40] Pip Torok: ok .. shdnt have spring it on youlike that
[2011/09/24 11:40] Sudane Erato:
[2011/09/24 11:40] Trebor Warcliffe: raises hand
[2011/09/24 11:40] Ceasar Xigalia: Trebor
[2011/09/24 11:41] Trebor Warcliffe: Yes the way our tier is set up we wont gain or lose any money by reparceling a parcel from 512 to 256 or 1024 to 4/256
[2011/09/24 11:41] Trebor Warcliffe: By making parcels smaller we will gain more citizens
[2011/09/24 11:41] Trebor Warcliffe: in theory
[2011/09/24 11:42] Trebor Warcliffe: And to answer Cleo's question about rentals
[2011/09/24 11:42] Trebor Warcliffe: I dont know the answer but a 256sqm parcel in LA with double prim is right around US$3.00 a month
[2011/09/24 11:42] Trebor Warcliffe: Cant really get more affordable than that
[2011/09/24 11:43] Trebor Warcliffe: And dont forget teh Democracy is our backbone, our essence and heritage
[2011/09/24 11:43] Trebor Warcliffe: I feel the more citizens we have the more realistic of a democracy we have
[2011/09/24 11:43] Trebor Warcliffe: DONE
[2011/09/24 11:43] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: hear hear Trebor
[2011/09/24 11:44] Pip Torok agrees strongly
[2011/09/24 11:44] Ceasar Xigalia: any more or should we move on?
[2011/09/24 11:44] CLEOPATRA Xigalia raises hand
[2011/09/24 11:44] Ceasar Xigalia: Cleo
[2011/09/24 11:44] Fern Leissa raises hand
[2011/09/24 11:45] Ceasar Xigalia: Fern after Cleo
[2011/09/24 11:45] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: excuse me for repoated myself if i am , but if someone rents a market stall or a merchant space, would they be a citizen. I think Alexia meant for some rentals to occur and how is that currently resolved. I know at one time people rented in LA didnt they ?
[2011/09/24 11:46] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: repeating
[2011/09/24 11:46] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: done
[2011/09/24 11:46] Ceasar Xigalia: Fern
[2011/09/24 11:46] Fern Leissa: ty
[2011/09/24 11:46] Fern Leissa: Trebor... I think CLEO might have a point. If we do rentals then these merchants/pp might not be citizens under our current laws
[2011/09/24 11:46] Fern Leissa: We should probably clarify... because
[2011/09/24 11:47] Fern Leissa: I agree Alexia has told me as well that merchants prefer to rent...not buy property
[2011/09/24 11:47] Fern Leissa: done
[2011/09/24 11:47] CLEOPATRA Xigalia raiseshand
[2011/09/24 11:47] Ceasar Xigalia: Cleo
[2011/09/24 11:47] Trebor Warcliffe: Sorry all i have to go for now, RL calls
[2011/09/24 11:48] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: maybe that will be a question to the RA or even the SC ? now that i think about it
[2011/09/24 11:48] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: bye Trebor done
[2011/09/24 11:48] josjoha Resident: bye Trebor
[2011/09/24 11:48] Guillaume Mistwalker: Bye, Trebor
[2011/09/24 11:48] Fern Leissa: Bye Trebor.
[2011/09/24 11:48] Ceasar Xigalia: ty Trbor
[2011/09/24 11:48] Mizou Vavoom: bye Trebor
[2011/09/24 11:48] Ceasar Xigalia: I will pass that question on to the SC/RA
[2011/09/24 11:49] Ceasar Xigalia: are we ready to move onto Jos' agenda item
[2011/09/24 11:49] Mizou Vavoom: aye
[2011/09/24 11:50] josjoha Resident: mine ? <blushes>
[2011/09/24 11:50] josjoha Resident: lol, my sim idea ?
[2011/09/24 11:50] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: yes
[2011/09/24 11:50] Fern Leissa whispers: wb Sonja
[2011/09/24 11:50] josjoha Resident: great, ty
[2011/09/24 11:50] Ceasar Xigalia: ok Jos you have the floor
[2011/09/24 11:50] josjoha Resident: ty
[2011/09/24 11:50] josjoha Resident: For my system i had developed a plan for a complete sim
[2011/09/24 11:50] josjoha Resident: one sec i get URL
[2011/09/24 11:50] Sonja Strom: thanks : )
[2011/09/24 11:51] josjoha Resident:
[2011/09/24 11:51] josjoha Resident: This works itself into a sim with 50 plots, a village
[2011/09/24 11:51] josjoha Resident: it is a design which starts itself in pre-history before humanity perhaps
[2011/09/24 11:51] josjoha Resident: works itself through several stages and some - occaisionaly shocking and heartbreaking - history
[2011/09/24 11:52] josjoha Resident: (lol)
[2011/09/24 11:52] josjoha Resident: and then arrives at a village
[2011/09/24 11:52] josjoha Resident: the idea being that we would actually build it all through history, giving the sim a unique (maybe) feel which is historically inspired
[2011/09/24 11:52] josjoha Resident: "a sim with a real history"
[2011/09/24 11:52] josjoha Resident: ty, done (it is all on the website page)
[2011/09/24 11:53] Ceasar Xigalia: ty Jos
[2011/09/24 11:53] Ceasar Xigalia: thoughts anyone
[2011/09/24 11:53] Guillaume Mistwalker: You seem to have put alot of history into it.
[2011/09/24 11:53] josjoha Resident: haha yess
[2011/09/24 11:53] Fern Leissa: Hi Tor
[2011/09/24 11:53] Mizou Vavoom: Hi Tor
[2011/09/24 11:53] josjoha Resident: i'd have to say for me it already brought it to life
[2011/09/24 11:53] Ceasar Xigalia: hello Tor
[2011/09/24 11:54] Sudane Erato: how would this sim have "more" history than our existing sims... they have a lot of history
[2011/09/24 11:54] josjoha Resident: it may work with the idea that small parcels and cheap work well in NFS
[2011/09/24 11:55] Mizou Vavoom raises hand
[2011/09/24 11:55] josjoha Resident: Sudane: it will have more history then a brand new sim, that's all - i didn't make it with CDS in mind
[2011/09/24 11:55] Tor Karlsvalt: sorry was finishing a few things
[2011/09/24 11:55] josjoha Resident: hi Tor
[2011/09/24 11:55] Pip Torok: hi Tor! ... good to see you!
[2011/09/24 11:56] josjoha Resident: my idea for a time-period would be about 10000 to 6000 years ago, the neolithic revolution as it's called when man starts to farm land
[2011/09/24 11:56] Guillaume Mistwalker nods. It would relate to the history before the Greeks and Romans.
[2011/09/24 11:56] josjoha Resident: maybe 5000 years ago
[2011/09/24 11:57] Pip Torok: or even to the german/Celtic neighbours of CN!!
[2011/09/24 11:57] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: looks good Jos , you put a lot of work in
[2011/09/24 11:57] josjoha Resident: yes, and my goal with this - which may have nohting to do with CDS - is to give 'humanity' as it where a new virtual history about how it deals with agriculture and land ownership and governance
[2011/09/24 11:57] josjoha Resident: aww, ty cleo , wasn't too much work tho
[2011/09/24 11:58] josjoha Resident: so the ppl renting would both have a garden, and a home, plots about 10x10m, 50 in total
[2011/09/24 11:58] Pip Torok: it sounds as if youve already thought long and hrd about it ..
[2011/09/24 11:58] Guillaume Mistwalker: It would be a good education area for the CDS. And, the concept of cheap parcels would serve well.
[2011/09/24 11:58] josjoha Resident: and the garden they got, which is elsewhere in the sim, would be roughly that too i guess
[2011/09/24 11:58] Mizou Vavoom: It sound slike a game within the CDS, not so much a theme
[2011/09/24 11:59] josjoha Resident: i don't think it will be game-like, ppl would rent land and have a garden, not much games with it
[2011/09/24 11:59] Guillaume Mistwalker: I believe this reminds me of Catal Huyuk.
[2011/09/24 11:59] josjoha Resident: i mean have a garden if the CDS wants that of course, this is just a rough-cut idea as i'd do it
[2011/09/24 12:00] josjoha Resident: and ... in my idea at least there would be a council-area with a campfire in the center; keep in mind i didn't make it for the CDS but for my own governance system which is unlike the Greek systems
[2011/09/24 12:00] Guillaume Mistwalker: It could be a basis for a Mycenaean Greeksim.
[2011/09/24 12:00] Pip Torok: well ... as long as was nothing antidemocratic (like slavery) i'd definitely think it wortyh investigating
[2011/09/24 12:00] josjoha Resident: ... there could still be a council area in the center of course, one thing doesn't exclude the other and a council area can also be a comfy sitting area etc
[2011/09/24 12:01] Dee Shepherd: who was Clytemnestra?>
[2011/09/24 12:01] josjoha Resident: noo it is more democratic then the greek system
[2011/09/24 12:01] Guillaume Mistwalker: Jos, could you tell me of the idea of the culture behind it?
[2011/09/24 12:02] josjoha Resident: Guillaume ... uhm .... i don't know if there is a real-world similarity because i have my own system, but it would perhaps be related to native indian and also ancient Israel (who distributed land to all and kept it so)
[2011/09/24 12:02] josjoha Resident: i see it as "history gone right" - that is my hope
[2011/09/24 12:02] Fern Leissa: Hi Daphne
[2011/09/24 12:02] Guillaume Mistwalker: I see!
[2011/09/24 12:02] Tor Karlsvalt gave you Hand-heldCDS Oktoberfest 2011.
[2011/09/24 12:02] Daphne Dench: Sorry for interrupting, but should there not be an event at theQuay
[2011/09/24 12:03] Daphne Dench: Hi Fern, smile
[2011/09/24 12:03] josjoha Resident: hello Daphne
[2011/09/24 12:03] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: hi daphne
[2011/09/24 12:03] Ceasar Xigalia: Hi Daphne
[2011/09/24 12:03] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: its at one
[2011/09/24 12:03] Tor Karlsvalt: Hi Daphne, yes
[2011/09/24 12:03] Daphne Dench: Hello Josjoha, Miss Cleopatra, Ceasar
[2011/09/24 12:03] Guillaume Mistwalker: No, no, the parade's now, isn't it?
[2011/09/24 12:03] Tor Karlsvalt: we we have a walk through the sims planed.
[2011/09/24 12:03] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: hi sweetie .. i thought it was at one, the parade.
[2011/09/24 12:03] Daphne Dench: Mr Karlsvalt
[2011/09/24 12:03] Tor Karlsvalt: well it can wait if we need to.
[2011/09/24 12:04] josjoha Resident: so we see in real history so much war and tyranny and greed and misery and ppl dominating each other, grabbing the soil of their brother and be rich and so on ... and i hoped to make a sim about a more humane far past history where we afforded each other an equal amount of agriculture soil and debated together the simple things to decide in our village
[2011/09/24 12:04] Sudane Erato: in one hour from now
[2011/09/24 12:04] Daphne Dench: I am so sorry, am I one hour too early!
[2011/09/24 12:04] Daphne Dench: Please act as if I have not been here
[2011/09/24 12:04] Pip Torok: hi daphne
[2011/09/24 12:04] Ceasar Xigalia: Join u Daphne
[2011/09/24 12:04] Fern Leissa: Sure..
[2011/09/24 12:04] Daphne Dench: goodbye,
[2011/09/24 12:04] Tor Karlsvalt: Join us Daphne
[2011/09/24 12:04] Ceasar Xigalia: us*
[2011/09/24 12:04] josjoha Resident: and through that sim we would do and live that to a degree, and make it our virtual history as well, so that maybe we too can learn such skills and be better ppls
[2011/09/24 12:04] Daphne Dench: Okay, Hi Pip, but please tell me what to do then.
[2011/09/24 12:04] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: daphne everyone is welcome here.
[2011/09/24 12:04] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: sit down
[2011/09/24 12:05] Guillaume Mistwalker: Well, that concept is a bit far from the CDS', Jos, but it could be one that we can assimilate to our purposes.
[2011/09/24 12:05] Daphne Dench: Thank you.
[2011/09/24 12:05] Pip Torok: (if we've chairs still empty!!
[2011/09/24 12:05] josjoha Resident: Guilllaume - yes maybe we could
[2011/09/24 12:06] Guillaume Mistwalker: Oh!
[2011/09/24 12:06] Guillaume Mistwalker: I must run!
[2011/09/24 12:06] Ceasar Xigalia: I'm not sure if there is a thread on the forums, if not I will start one for this
[2011/09/24 12:06] Guillaume Mistwalker: Ludi Romani in ROMA.
[2011/09/24 12:06] Fern Leissa: Bye Guillaume
[2011/09/24 12:06] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: bye Guil!!! have fun tell them i said hi.
[2011/09/24 12:06] josjoha Resident: You can say it is about democracy, not only in Government but also in economics, the powers of land in particular.
[2011/09/24 12:06] Sonja Strom: bye Guillaume
[2011/09/24 12:06] Guillaume Mistwalker: Dog races and all tha -- bye!
[2011/09/24 12:07] josjoha Resident: Ceasar, i put a post below the ideas for new sims ?
[2011/09/24 12:07] Dee Shepherd: bye all
[2011/09/24 12:07] josjoha Resident: bye
[2011/09/24 12:07] Tor Karlsvalt: Bye dee
[2011/09/24 12:07] Fern Leissa: Bye Dee
[2011/09/24 12:07] Ceasar Xigalia: Bye Guillaume
[2011/09/24 12:07] Sonja Strom: bye Dee
[2011/09/24 12:07] Ceasar Xigalia: bye Dee
[2011/09/24 12:07] Ranma Tardis: bye bye
[2011/09/24 12:07] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: toodle pip
[2011/09/24 12:07] Ceasar Xigalia: ok ty Jos
[2011/09/24 12:07] Tor Karlsvalt: Sorry for coming late, but are we discussing a new sim?
[2011/09/24 12:07] Daphne Dench: Bye, smile
[2011/09/24 12:08] josjoha Resident: ty for hearing this plan, which is of course meant for the real-world ultimately (viva la revolu!ion)
[2011/09/24 12:08] Ceasar Xigalia: Jos had a proposal for one that he aske to dicuss Tor
[2011/09/24 12:08] Ceasar Xigalia:
[2011/09/24 12:08] Tor Karlsvalt: ok
[2011/09/24 12:08] Ceasar Xigalia: any more discussion on Jos' proposal?
[2011/09/24 12:08] CLEOPATRA Xigalia raises hand
[2011/09/24 12:09] Fern Leissa: huuum
[2011/09/24 12:09] Ceasar Xigalia: Cleo
[2011/09/24 12:09] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Did this already go to the RA for a vote ?
[2011/09/24 12:09] Dee Shepherd: they?
[2011/09/24 12:09] Pip Torok: no ...
[2011/09/24 12:09] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: ohok.
[2011/09/24 12:09] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: ty pip. done
[2011/09/24 12:09] Ceasar Xigalia: ok with your permission I will move on
[2011/09/24 12:10] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: pip im telling your gf !
[2011/09/24 12:10] Ceasar Xigalia: The next item is volunteers
[2011/09/24 12:10] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: a flapper on your lap
[2011/09/24 12:10] Dee Shepherd: so sorry Pip
[2011/09/24 12:10] Pip Torok: np Dee!
[2011/09/24 12:10] Tor Karlsvalt: /thinks he never saw this room so full.
[2011/09/24 12:10] Ceasar Xigalia: this is really a request that people think about how they might volunteer
[2011/09/24 12:11] Fern Leissa thinks this a good sign
[2011/09/24 12:11] Pip Torok: your magic personality, Tor!
[2011/09/24 12:11] josjoha Resident: 14 ppl
[2011/09/24 12:11] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Volunteers for what ?
[2011/09/24 12:11] Ceasar Xigalia: Is there anything that would persuade people to volunteer?
[2011/09/24 12:11] Mizou Vavoom volunteers
[2011/09/24 12:12] Fern Leissa raises hand
[2011/09/24 12:12] Ceasar Xigalia: to assist in the NG work
[2011/09/24 12:12] Ceasar Xigalia: Fern
[2011/09/24 12:12] Pip Torok: imo a knowledge of what theyre volunteering for??
[2011/09/24 12:12] Tor Karlsvalt raises hand.
[2011/09/24 12:12] Ceasar Xigalia: Tor after fern
[2011/09/24 12:12] CLEOPATRA Xigalia raises hand too
[2011/09/24 12:12] Ceasar Xigalia: Cleo after Tor
[2011/09/24 12:13] Fern Leissa: I feel we need to have a little better idea of what we're going to do. Maybe a few more NG meetings and then maybe volunteer for things we think we can help projects with
[2011/09/24 12:13] Fern Leissa: done
[2011/09/24 12:13] Ceasar Xigalia: Tor
[2011/09/24 12:13] Tor Karlsvalt: thanks
[2011/09/24 12:13] Tor Karlsvalt: I think Fern has a good point, but we do haave a list of potential upgrades.
[2011/09/24 12:14] Tor Karlsvalt: with the larger prims LL allows we could work on reducing some of hte prim in roads and the platz.
[2011/09/24 12:14] Tor Karlsvalt: Those might be easy projects that some of the less experienced builders could even accomplish.
[2011/09/24 12:14] Mizou Vavoom raises hand
[2011/09/24 12:14] Tor Karlsvalt: done
[2011/09/24 12:15] Ceasar Xigalia: Mizou after Cleo
[2011/09/24 12:15] Ceasar Xigalia: Cleo
[2011/09/24 12:15] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Tor reminded me of something .. in NFS there is a sports court under the ground
[2011/09/24 12:15] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: and now they are building stuff underground in CN
[2011/09/24 12:15] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: this is great, but it ads to lag, cos you still rezz it
[2011/09/24 12:15] Tor Karlsvalt: true
[2011/09/24 12:15] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: why don t we just rezz that when we need it or in the sky toreduce lag
[2011/09/24 12:16] josjoha Resident: good idea imho
[2011/09/24 12:16] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: seems silly.. someone is building something under CN now ?? have prims will use em..
[2011/09/24 12:16] Pip Torok: how much prims are we talking about btw?
[2011/09/24 12:16] Tor Karlsvalt: true, the soccer field could be in the sky
[2011/09/24 12:16] josjoha Resident: yes it's not that much i think tho ?
[2011/09/24 12:17] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: my point is not that the prims, its you rez everyting in draw when you land
[2011/09/24 12:17] Pip Torok: good idea, Tor!
[2011/09/24 12:17] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: and there is unnecessary stuff, it was my idea pip
[2011/09/24 12:17] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: so anyway .. a list of potential volunteers, but i think people only say yes when they know the exact committment
[2011/09/24 12:18] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: so each project should come with a way to get it done and potentioal people to do it .. also
[2011/09/24 12:18] josjoha Resident: i'll find it fun to help
[2011/09/24 12:18] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: can i see this "list "
[2011/09/24 12:18] Mizou Vavoom: we could have a post on the forum for volunteers to add their name for building projects
[2011/09/24 12:18] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: tor metioned a list .. i had referred to in earlier meetings and was told it didnt exist.
[2011/09/24 12:18] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: done
[2011/09/24 12:18] Ceasar Xigalia: Mizou
[2011/09/24 12:18] Tor Karlsvalt: let me look for it
[2011/09/24 12:18] Mizou Vavoom: we could have a post on the forum for volunteers to add their name for building projects
[2011/09/24 12:18] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: great ide a MIz.
[2011/09/24 12:18] Ceasar Xigalia: Iwill set up apost
[2011/09/24 12:19] Ceasar Xigalia: on the forum
[2011/09/24 12:19] Mizou Vavoom: thkx done
[2011/09/24 12:19] Ceasar Xigalia: ok next item
[2011/09/24 12:19] Ceasar Xigalia: and related to the last
[2011/09/24 12:19] Tor Karlsvalt: I have the list
[2011/09/24 12:19] Tor Karlsvalt: ... y=CL3V1v4D
[2011/09/24 12:19] Ceasar Xigalia: ty Tor
[2011/09/24 12:20] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: ty
[2011/09/24 12:20] Mizou Vavoom: thxTor
[2011/09/24 12:20] CLEOPATRA Xigalia raises hand
[2011/09/24 12:20] Ceasar Xigalia: Cleo
[2011/09/24 12:20] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: What is the history of the list and how did it come about.
[2011/09/24 12:20] You decline The Quay from A group member named Anna Toussaint.
[2011/09/24 12:21] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: hi Calli !
[2011/09/24 12:21] Fern Leissa raises hand
[2011/09/24 12:21] Ceasar Xigalia: Fern
[2011/09/24 12:21] josjoha Resident: hello Calli
[2011/09/24 12:21] Fern Leissa: Hi Cali
[2011/09/24 12:22] Fern Leissa: I think now... after listening to Alexia... that our first priority be LA
[2011/09/24 12:22] Mizou Vavoom: Hi Calli
[2011/09/24 12:22] Callipygian Christensen: hi everyone
[2011/09/24 12:22] Fern Leissa: that is the sim where we have the biggest problem
[2011/09/24 12:22] Fern Leissa: done
[2011/09/24 12:22] Pip Torok: hi Calli !!
[2011/09/24 12:22] Tor Karlsvalt: The list was started by Rosie at the suggestion of the RA
[2011/09/24 12:22] Daphne Dench: Hi Calli
[2011/09/24 12:22] Tor Karlsvalt: Hi Calli
[2011/09/24 12:22] Ceasar Xigalia: ok in the inetrests of time
[2011/09/24 12:23] Pip Torok: 14 ppl yess "hi Calli" ...
[2011/09/24 12:23] Ceasar Xigalia: Workgroups is the next item
[2011/09/24 12:23] Pip Torok: yell
[2011/09/24 12:23] Ceasar Xigalia: This is really just a reminder that there are extant workgroups for NG on the forum
[2011/09/24 12:23] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: extant?
[2011/09/24 12:23] Fern Leissa: ooh..
[2011/09/24 12:24] Ceasar Xigalia: and it would be interesting to see if anyone wishes to continue to discuss them
[2011/09/24 12:25] Ceasar Xigalia: ok
[2011/09/24 12:25] Tor Karlsvalt: Some of those things are good ideas.
[2011/09/24 12:25] Ceasar Xigalia: well if anyone wishes to please visot the forums and post your thoughts in those groups
[2011/09/24 12:25] Fern Leissa: I'm sorry Ceasar.. which groups?
[2011/09/24 12:25] Ceasar Xigalia: GMP
[2011/09/24 12:25] Free Radar HUD v1.1 by Crystal Gadgets
[2011/09/24 12:25] Ceasar Xigalia: Schloss
[2011/09/24 12:26] Ceasar Xigalia: Fachwerk
[2011/09/24 12:26] Sudane Erato: sorry all... i must go... will try to get back for the event
[2011/09/24 12:26] Ceasar Xigalia: bye Sudane
[2011/09/24 12:26] josjoha Resident: bye
[2011/09/24 12:26] Fern Leissa: Bye Sudane
[2011/09/24 12:26] Dee Shepherd: bye again
[2011/09/24 12:26] Mizou Vavoom: Bye sudane
[2011/09/24 12:26] Sonja Strom: bye Sudane, Dee
[2011/09/24 12:26] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: bw hog
[2011/09/24 12:27] Fern Leissa: Bye Dee
[2011/09/24 12:27] Ceasar Xigalia: and the other group is fundraising
[2011/09/24 12:27] Daphne Dench: Bye Sudane
[2011/09/24 12:27] Daphne Dench: Bye Dee!
[2011/09/24 12:27] josjoha Resident: goodbye Dee
[2011/09/24 12:27] Ranma Tardis: bye bye
[2011/09/24 12:27] Tor Karlsvalt: Yes well we have added tip jars at our venues.
[2011/09/24 12:27] Ceasar Xigalia: as a seperat note I would like to ask Jos to act as the NG director of the Finance dept
[2011/09/24 12:28] Ceasar Xigalia: i beleive this is something we would vote on
[2011/09/24 12:28] josjoha Resident: ty, i'm fine with trying to see what it means because i don't have much of a clue atm : )
[2011/09/24 12:28] Ceasar Xigalia: does anyone wish to discuss this before the vote
[2011/09/24 12:28] CLEOPATRA Xigalia raises hand
[2011/09/24 12:28] Ceasar Xigalia: Cleo
[2011/09/24 12:28] josjoha Resident: does it mean dealing with RL Governments and their unwieldy forms and regulations ?
[2011/09/24 12:29] Ceasar Xigalia: No Jos
[2011/09/24 12:29] Ceasar Xigalia: just CDS
[2011/09/24 12:29] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: lol
[2011/09/24 12:29] josjoha Resident: ah ok, i'm fine with trying - and am not anonymous here either so maybe that's a plus in relation to money ??
[2011/09/24 12:30] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: just if jos wants to do it, i believe from what i know of him he will do a great job
[2011/09/24 12:30] josjoha Resident: aww ; )
[2011/09/24 12:30] Ceasar Xigalia: any other thoughts?
[2011/09/24 12:31] Ceasar Xigalia: ok the motion is for Jos to become NG director of Finance
[2011/09/24 12:31] Ceasar Xigalia: any one second?
[2011/09/24 12:31] josjoha Resident: director on less : ) lol
[2011/09/24 12:31] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: second
[2011/09/24 12:31] Tor Karlsvalt: second
[2011/09/24 12:31] Ceasar Xigalia: those in favour please say aye
[2011/09/24 12:32] Arria Perreault: aye
[2011/09/24 12:32] Tor Karlsvalt chat lag is bad
[2011/09/24 12:32] Tor Karlsvalt: aye
[2011/09/24 12:32] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: aye
[2011/09/24 12:32] Ceasar Xigalia: aye
[2011/09/24 12:32] Pip Torok: aye
[2011/09/24 12:32] Fern Leissa: aye
[2011/09/24 12:32] josjoha Resident: abstain
[2011/09/24 12:32] Mizou Vavoom: abstain
[2011/09/24 12:32] HonestHeart Resident: aye
[2011/09/24 12:32] Fern Leissa: Hi Bells
[2011/09/24 12:32] Ceasar Xigalia: ty
[2011/09/24 12:32] Pip Torok: hi Bells ...
[2011/09/24 12:32] Tor Karlsvalt: Hi Bells
[2011/09/24 12:33] Arria Perreault: Hi Bells ?
[2011/09/24 12:33] josjoha Resident: aye = 7; abstain = 2
[2011/09/24 12:33] Ceasar Xigalia: 7 in favour 2 abstain
[2011/09/24 12:33] Bells Semyorka: Hi Everyone, Please excuse me for a sec while I get some hair LOL
[2011/09/24 12:33] Ceasar Xigalia: Jos you are the director
[2011/09/24 12:33] Ceasar Xigalia:
[2011/09/24 12:33] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: yay Jos !!
[2011/09/24 12:33] josjoha Resident: ty, i hope i can do it correctly
[2011/09/24 12:33] Arria Perreault: congratulation, Jos
[2011/09/24 12:33] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Dee says aye.
[2011/09/24 12:33] Ceasar Xigalia: any other items for discussion today
[2011/09/24 12:33] josjoha Resident: ty all for your confidence
[2011/09/24 12:34] Fern Leissa: Congratulation jos
[2011/09/24 12:34] Tor Karlsvalt: congrats jos
[2011/09/24 12:34] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: How do we get agenda items to you Ceasar ?
[2011/09/24 12:34] Mizou Vavoom raises hand
[2011/09/24 12:34] josjoha Resident: ty Fern & Tor : )
[2011/09/24 12:34] Ceasar Xigalia: just send my a notecard
[2011/09/24 12:34] Ceasar Xigalia: me*
[2011/09/24 12:34] Ceasar Xigalia: for future meetings
[2011/09/24 12:34] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: ok
[2011/09/24 12:34] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: ty
[2011/09/24 12:34] Ceasar Xigalia: anything else anyone has for today?
[2011/09/24 12:34] josjoha Resident: i have a academic-entry diploma for Math-A and B and have a calculator too, hope it will suffice
[2011/09/24 12:35] CLEOPATRA Xigalia:
[2011/09/24 12:35] Ceasar Xigalia: ok ty you all
[2011/09/24 12:35] Ceasar Xigalia: meeting adjurned