[u:4dlkbh66][b:4dlkbh66]What is a CDS citizen?[/b:4dlkbh66][/u:4dlkbh66]
As currently defined in layman's terms it's someone who owns CDS land.
This has begun to strike me as somewhat feudal. It stems from the economic reality that land is tied to USD and is thus the only real tangible asset in SL. Or is it? I'm a US citizen and so are 2 other members of my family. None of us own property in the US. Why should CDS be different?
All I've spoken to hate the following idea, but let me rehash it. What if, to become a CDS citizen you had to:
A)Notarize an oath document to obey the law.
B)Make an escrow payment of $L1,000 to the Treasurer.
C)Pay your monthly poll tax.
The poll tax is, say, 50% of the CDS land cost to LL divided by the number of CDS citizens. That percentage should be adjustable by RA bill. The remaining portion of the CDS land cost is collected from land owner in the traditional manner.
Claude brings up the point, what would I get for my tax dollar if I didn't own land? Let me harp on this just a bit.
A)The trust of new business partners in proportion to the size of your escrow.
B) A civil service with RL wages. The wage economy (>$L600/hr) allows real non-volunteer work to take place.
C)The ability to work and own land in CDS.
D)Everything you get as a citizen now.
-Alternatively what if we did it with a very low (5-10% of CDS toal land cost) to keep us with the cheapest land or no poll tax at all? [/b:4dlkbh66]
This is a very thin argument, but let's see what the economic big picture looks like.
Monthly land use fees will be the lowest in SL. The price for buying CDS land will be among the highest in SL. This will more closely approximate the RL real-estate relationship between price and property tax. I can see demand for CDS land going way up. As a result you'll have many new citizens just queueing up to buy land.
[i:4dlkbh66]But we have lower cost of entry now via microplots...[/i:4dlkbh66]
Yes, but there are a few problems with microplots.
A) There are in finite supply and in fact there are none to be had at present.
B)They do not offer sufficient enforceability. For example, Dewey Chetham and Howe wants to setup corporate HQ in NFS via microplot purchase with an unlimited liability NRC doing business (by charter) 0n non-CDS land. They advertise that they are bound by the SC and CDS law. They defraud customers of $L300k and lose a class action suit at the SC. They forfeit up their 10 cent/month microplot, are banned from the CDS and ordered to pay $L400k in restitution. They don't pay and laugh all the way to the bank. [b:4dlkbh66]Not good. That dog won't hunt.[/b:4dlkbh66]
C)We have no rental businesses of any kind allowed in the CDS. 'Nuff said. No sex, no gambling, very little retail, no rentals. It's a tough place for an entrepreneur.
If I do any kind of transaction requiring trust I'll have an escrow certificate (passport) saying "I'm a CDSer good for $L1,000 (or whatever) and I'm bound to CDS law". [b:4dlkbh66]Money escrow is alt proof[/b:4dlkbh66], in fact, it's the only enforcement mechanism which is alt proof. I want to be able to look at a unknown business partner and know he/she is good for $L25k if I win the lawsuit. That escrow money could be conservatively invested by the treasury. I like to call this my enforcability or "good for number". Land escrow is also alt proof, but you have to look up who owns what and figure out what it's worth. Bleh. Show me yours and I'll show you mine is much faster. A word about speed and pace in SL business. Contract economy is fine if it a transaction can be [b:4dlkbh66]completed quickly[/b:4dlkbh66]. All of my clients are in a tremendous hurry, the pace of SL biz is extremely fast and speed is at a premium, even on the largest deals.
At the risk of further ruining my idea, I'd like to paraphrase Ulrika. It's not enough for the law to be binding, it must have a very tight integration with SL tools and mechanisms to be enforceable.
[u:4dlkbh66][b:4dlkbh66]Jumpstarting Business/Traffic on the Marketplatz[/b:4dlkbh66][/u:4dlkbh66]
Ash's judiciary and contract economy allows wholesale/retail relationships. To prime the pump I'd recommend getting the most popular retail items dispensed from foriegn vendors on the platz *without* any payment to the CDS. This should drive foot traffic for our service industries. Shrink the fountain and put it dead center in the platz and move the CN model to adjacent to the Rauthaus where the fountain is now. Put fleamarket vendors in the platz forcing foot traffic by the stores. I'd like to sell Kendra's stuff this way.
[u:4dlkbh66][b:4dlkbh66]Handling Griefers[/b:4dlkbh66][/u:4dlkbh66]
I posted this on the forums. CDS wide XML blacklists are fine. Marshalls of the peace is a good idea. I fear they are not alt-proof and you always play catch-up. You need a serious disincentive to grief. Alts make widespread griefing possible and money is alt proof. Here's yet another stupid police-state inspired escrow idea...This may not be technically possible as I may be overlooking something.
-Must enter NFS island via a telehub located under the platz
-Hub is located in a room having a single locked door
-Door up to platz opens only if touched by a citizen (whitelist) or if door is paid say, $L250. Once paid, visitors are on the greylist. Greylisters can also open the door.
-Scanners run in the sim. We have a log of who is in the CDS, where and when. This is available to the Marshall and the SC by subpoena in the event of griefing.
Marshalls refund visitor $250 escrow when:
-Visitor requests refund and it's determined that they did not grief during the time in the CDS when escrow was held. Refunded and removed from graylist (perhaps automatically).
-Griefers forfeit escrow and are blacklisted by SC judgement.
The downside is of course the cost, ease and freedom to visit. Ever been to Ben-Gurion airport with a laptop? I'm still glad it is what it is.