Beathan, the Vice-Chancellor is neither an official position in CDS nor an elected position. The Chancellor Jamie Palisades has appointed a Vice-Chancellor. In my understanding:
- the Chancellor is the only elected person. He/she can remove a member of the Executive at any time
- if the Chancellor is not able to hold his/her position until the end of the term, there is a by-election.
CDSL 13-05 Chancellor Election Act
4. In case the Chancellor leaves office or is removed from it mid-term, a special Chancellor by-election will be called for by the Scientific Council which will open new applications on the day notice was given and close applications after a week.
The new thing that did Bells is to tell people during the campaign who she intend to work with. Besides the campaigning, a candidate has to look for a team, to work on a budget and to have some ideas about the actions needed in the first weeks. .
I did not want to run this term. I have accepted the proposal of Bells because I want to help and to transfer what I know about CDS. I will help to do things that have to be done: freeze the river, update the portal with the financial reports, ... Bells could have said that she intends to appoint me as PIO. She want to share the tasks a bit differently. Besides communication activities, I will have to support her in solving issues with convenants.
Bells has new ideas about managing our community. Think about the Teatimes she will have with citizen, where they can say their concerns. Until now they could only go to the RA meetings to tell their concerns and the RA had to tell the Chancellor to act.