I disagree with a Constitution that focusses on one event on one date. It is not elegant for a Constitution, although it might have to be done when a new Constitution takes effect. I propose that such parts of the Constitution that describe one issue have a self-destruct clause in them, so that the Constitution afterwards remains an elegant document.
I believe the events show that the Constitution may have a fundamental flaw: a Constitution is a document that is made by the people, or at least ratified by the people. It is their to constrain the Government, to prevent the Government from becoming a tyranny. For this reason a Government can not alter the Constitution, and certainly not at the whim of one meeting. At the least, if the Constitutional change is not to be approved by general Referendum, then it will be a mechanism where two consequtive Governments have to approve the change. Why: because then the general public has the chance to intervene through the elections. The reason is that the Constitution is ratified by the People, and only by the people. Thus I call to the rules of 'natural law' (if possible) that this Constitutional ammendment recently passed be disregarded as being part of the Constitution. Proper procedure by The People must be respected to change the Constitution. It has now been shown that the Government can not be fully trusted to follow this principle, and therefore in the defence of the people from tyranny (I speak in general terms about the dangers, not about this Government) I ask the people to think about how the Constitution should be changed in the future by the People themselves, and lay fast such protocol in the Constitution.
I disagree with the events that disenfranchise the new citizens, because being new citizens they are first our guests. Guests are to be treated with honor and respect. A mistake was made on the side of the CDS existing Governance which led them to believe they could vote. They may have enjoyed this prospect, and it may have made them to commit to the land they have bought, becoming enthusiastic citizens looking forward to partake in the voting events. I believe it will be best that we show honor to our guests and reschedule the RA election back in time, so that they who reasonably could believe they could vote in fact can vote.
If the Constitution - disregarding the recent change to it which in my opinion is not binding because it breaks natural law for Constitutions - does not allow this course of action, then I propose that new citizens are compensated for their tier in some way. By that perhaps the CDS could recouperate some honor in the eyes of these now sadly disenfrenchized new citizens.
I hope that the current RA will step down, in part or ideally in whole, so that either a Constitutional crises results from which a new election may be formed which does allow new citizens to participate, thus allowing the crucial element of choice in the elections.
I note that in the Constitutional model as I would like it the people vote in blocks of similar size, each block can appoint and re-appoint their delegate as they wish. This system does have a drawback in that it can be difficult to make up these blocks. However it means that there is no 'use of power' possible by elected people, because if they cross the will of the people they can be removed at a moment notice by the respective blocks. The voter-blocks are therefore always at least in aquiescense (damn hard word that, lol) with the majority of such a representative.
Personally I find this all good fun, Constitutional crises and so on, perhaps we can make a revolution out of it yet ...
best regards to all,