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Trebor Warcliffe
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Who are you?

Post by Trebor Warcliffe »

In my new role as Chancellor I’m involved with the planning of many activities. My first choice when possible is to use the services and talent of our very own citizens. In looking through all my paperwork I realize what I need is a list of our citizens and what they do.

For right now I just want some basic information. If you’re an artist, what type of art and your contact information? If you’re an entertainer, what type; musician live or prerecorded, dj, actor or actress, circus performer. Also what are your normal rates don’t be concerned with special rates specifically for the CDS we can always work out those details later. If you’re a builder what is your specialty.

Something else I would like to see accomplished this term is a CDS Merchant Directory. This idea was originally brought up over a year ago. My vision is to have one page dedicated to each merchant. The page would have a picture, a one paragraph description and the SLURL or contact information for the merchant. I define a merchant as any citizen of the CDS engaged in the sale of merchandise or the providing of a service.

If a group of citizens would like to get together to work on this project I’d greatly appreciate it. I’d like to use the hippoBOOK Page Turner http://www.hippo-technologies.co.uk/products/hippobook/ Of course the book would be purchased by the CDS. I know we have some wonderfully talented people in the CDS and I think this project would benefit all of us.

As far as my list of citizens and what they do either post your info here in the forums, IM me in-world, or email me at [email protected]

Thank you,

Trebor Warcliffe
CDS Chancellor

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Bromo Ivory
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Re: Who are you?

Post by Bromo Ivory »

Hmmm ....

I have been around since 2007, January.

Just a layabout, slacker that causes trouble from time to time.

Glad to pay tier, not a builder, performer or anything in SL that would resemble "Skill" find it amazing I can teleport and fly still. Came for the democracy and enjoying the build. Stayed because of the friendships.

I play a mean CD.

RL is ridiculously busy. I come here to relax. LOL. :D

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Aliasi Stonebender
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Re: Who are you?

Post by Aliasi Stonebender »

Daddy was a rock and Momma was a hard place. I'm Aliasi Stonebender, and they ain't shittin'. :D

On a more serious note, I've been in SL since early 2005. I've been involved with the CDS since the 'second phase' of the Neualtenburg project, where it switched from Anzere to a private region. I've served in every branch of the government here, currently on the Scientific Council, and if I stay mostly quiet it's because a lot of the really obnoxious kinks of the early days have been worked out; it's POSSIBLE to just quietly live in the CDS now!

Skillwise, like a lot of early SL users I'm a bit of a everything. Not truly professional in any capacity, but I'm closest to that when I build. Currently trying to puzzle out rigging and mapping mesh avatars, but I can still sling cubes with the best of 'em.

Member of the Scientific Council and board moderator.
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Rosie Gray
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Re: Who are you?

Post by Rosie Gray »

Hi Trebor... well you probably know most of this but here goes:

SL resident since 2006 and resident of the CDS since sometime in 2010 - I don't remember exactly when.
Builder of various things. I've made entire sims and I've made little things for no apparent reason.
Experienced terraformer
Texture creator
Ex-Queen of the Elves (lol)

I enjoy chatting with people and helping out where I can with things. Currently elected to the RA for the second time. My reasons for being in SL is for creativity and community. I love to create scenarios with ambience, and like to make things as realistic as possible (even if they are fantasy items, I like them to look like they could be real).

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~ Tommy Douglas
Cindy Ecksol
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Re: Who are you?

Post by Cindy Ecksol »

Came to SL (and CDS) in November 2007. (Hey, that means I just passed my rez day, and I didn't even remember to throw myself a party!) I build interesting objects that usually have scripts in them that test the limits of some function or other (ask me about "3D" objects before there was this newfangled mesh thing and scarves that change pattern when you speak nicely to them).

I'm also a performer, kinda-sorta-folk-Americana or something like that with a little Irish thrown in for good measure. I'm the only autoharper I know in Second Life, and one of just a few old-time fiddlers. There's a Subscribe-o-matic poster in my shop in CN if you want to hear about my performances.


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