At one of the election events I held, we were throwing around some ideas and we talked about expansion. Now, I'm a notorious fiscal hawk so my main concern was whether we could afford to pay tier on new sims. (We had previously ensured this by only buying a new sim once we had presold the lots on it.)
Those present thought we could easily rent out a new sim and this led me to suggest the following: that we commit as a general principle to opening a new sim every six months from now on.
Now, I would have to feel more sure we could afford it to go with the idea but I think it has lots of attractions. Each RA and Chancellor would get to plan and open a new sim. There would be a strong focus for community activity and lots of experience for builders. We would always have new land in the pipeline for new citizens and we would have to continually market the CDS in order to maintain growth.
What do people think? Is this level of expansion desirable and sustainable? Is it something we should aim for as a community?