Turns out Tia's house in AM got accidentally returned while she was setting up the land. While John and Aliasi have been contacted regarding replacing it and undoubtedly will do so in a day or two ...
The CDS memebrs (including Tia, our newest citizen!) decided to "help" her and it ended up being a really fun time! Tia started with the main structure, and everyone contributed some to the final effect.
Look at the lot next to my house and see what a concerted effort by me, Delia, Tor, Sudane, Tia, Beathan, Soro (If I have forgotten anyone, forgive me - I was too busy laughing than taking a careful census!) can do when pressed!
I left the picture on my other computer, so can't post it here but wanted to take the opportunity to welcome Tia to CDS, like that she has an abundant sense of humor, and was glad that Tor, due to the addition of the tree, said that it may just meet the covenant requirements for AM, but he'd have to check with Trebor to be sure.
If anyone has the picture I handed out - please feel free to post it - and by all means check out the plot!
Thanks for the good time, everyone!