Dear Friends,
It has come to my attention that some of you object to my build on aesthetic grounds. First off, let me make clear that I am accountable to the chancellor under the covenant, and my build is compliant. Next, let me explain a some other things that will help you understand why the build looks as it does and to what degree it can change.
My build on P.19 is home to Galerie 17, and is a working for profit art gallery and event venue. Given its function and location is has to meet a certain set of criteria.
1. It has to comply with the covenant
2. I has to give enough wall space on every floor to display a dozen large images
3. It has to provide uninterrupted lines of sight across an entire floor. This is important for viewing art and even more important for holding events.
4. It has to produce enough revenue to pay for the tier or be only minimally supplemented. I do not use RL money, and what I spend In SL I have to earn here.
5. Prim consumption of the build plus furnishings has to leave about 80 prims free for exhibitors and event related objects. At this point I cannot justify the expense of extra prims.
6. The gallery is already functioning. That means I will have prims I do not own in the build at all times, until I chose to close venue for a period of at least 2 weeks. Having objects of others in the build means that substantial changes are no longer possible. Of course closing the venue this comes at a price too, and disrupts my relationships with the artists exhibiting if not carefully planned. I will consider a closure for revisions in early August.
7. I run a gallery and a magazine, and that means the effort I can put towards revising the build is limited.
So, within these parameters I can make changes that are minimally invasive and do not cost more than a few lindens plus maybe an hour of my time. I hope you understand the cornerstones of my presence in Locus Aemoneus. If you have suggestions that can work within the framework outlined above, I will be happy to listen and possibly act on them. However, other than compliance with the covenant, I have final say what will be done with my build.
Best regards,
Deningun Parte.