4 February 2012 RA Transcript

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Patroklus Murakami
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4 February 2012 RA Transcript

Post by Patroklus Murakami »

Agenda for RA meeting of February 4, 2012

I. Administrative Business
-- Review and approve agenda (5 min.)
-- Speakers on today’s agenda items? (5 min)
II. Citizen Concerns (5 min)
III. RA Members’ Concerns (5 min)
IV. Old Business
-- Ensuring We Hold Elections (15 min) (Pat)
V. New Business
-- CDS Election Cycle -- Key dates (5 min) (Pat)
VI. Commission Reports (10 min)
-- Expansion Commission (5 min)
-- Citizenship Transparency Commission (5 min)
VII. Executive Report (5 min)
VIII. General Announcements (5 min)
IX. Next RA Meeting? (5 min)
X. Adjourn


  • 1. The RA did not pass a Constitutional Amendment regarding the nomination period for elections to the RA. Proposal here.

    Ayes: Pat, Shep. Nays: Anna, Rosie. Beathan has a 7-day vote. (But since a 2/3 majority cannot be made, the proposal falls).

    2. The RA discussed future key dates for the election cycle and noted that the Scientific Council would be considering these at its meeting on 5 February.

    3. The RA received reports from the Expansion Commission and the Citizenship Transparency Commission.

    4. The RA agreed to meet again on 18 February in the Praetorium, Colonia Nova.

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Patroklus Murakami
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Re: 4 February 2012 RA Transcript

Post by Patroklus Murakami »

Anna Toussaint: let's begin ... we don't need a quorum until we try to enact a bill
Patroklus Murakami: ok
Anna Toussaint: anybody have any additions or corrections to the agenda?>
Patroklus Murakami: none from me
Anna Toussaint: anybody in the room?
Bells Semyorka: nope
Anna Toussaint: anybody in the room?hen
Anna Toussaint: oops
Anna Toussaint: I take it we will accept the agenda as it stands
Anna Toussaint: I assume you are going to speak on your agenda issues, Pat
Patroklus Murakami: yes
Anna Toussaint: I will assume a 7-day vote is in effect ...
Anna Toussaint: any citizen concerns?
Callipygian Christensen: not from me at this pint :)
Callipygian Christensen: point even
Bells Semyorka: :) none from me either. I come mainly to watch
Anna Toussaint: ok ... no old business, Pat do you want to speak to your proposed amendment?
Patroklus Murakami: sure
Patroklus Murakami: i raised the issue at the last RA I think and then posted a notice on the forums
Patroklus Murakami: we have had a few elections recently where we had fewer candidates than seats
Patroklus Murakami: in one we only got one person to come forward!
Patroklus Murakami: which caused a mini-crisis
Patroklus Murakami: i'm suggesting we amend the constitution so that, if we don't get enough come forward by the nomination date, the Dean opens nominations for a further week
Anna Toussaint: the url is on the agenda notecard, which is in the box
Patroklus Murakami: so, for example, with the next election
Patroklus Murakami: i've suggested the dean reminds evryone of the key dates at teh start of april
Patroklus Murakami: and opens nominations until 21 april
Patroklus Murakami: if we ahve fewer candidates than seats it gets extended to 28 april
Callipygian Christensen raises her hand
Patroklus Murakami: which gives time before campaigning officially begins on 5 may
Patroklus Murakami: and pollls open on 12 may
Patroklus Murakami: happy to discuss further
Patroklus Murakami: done :)
Anna Toussaint: welcome, Rosie
Rosie Gray: sorry to be late folks... and mostly I have to multitask at the moment
Anna Toussaint: we are discusssing Pat's proposed amendment
Anna Toussaint: that's ok
Anna Toussaint: Calli?
Callipygian Christensen: I've spoken before against extending deadlines so wont go there again, but my question Par, if there are still not enough candidates, what then?
Callipygian Christensen: sorry..Pat..not Par
Anna Toussaint: Par?
Patroklus Murakami: then they all get elected and we have to hold a by-election :) this won't prevent the possibility of fewer candidates than seats but it makes it much less likely
Callipygian Christensen: may i continue Anna?
Anna Toussaint: yes
Patroklus Murakami waits for calli
Callipygian Christensen: I beleve people get the government they deserve, especially here where one's vote actually counts a lot more than in the other life. Half of our citizens don't bother to vote..so I wuld suggest that if only X number run, then X get elected automatically.
Callipygian Christensen: People need to be responsible for their governement by participating voluntarily
Bells Semyorka agrees
Patroklus Murakami raises hand
Anna Toussaint: are you done?
Anna Toussaint: Pat?
Callipygian Christensen: For now, yes :)
Anna Toussaint: :)
Patroklus Murakami: what if only one person comes forward by the deadline? as has happened? if we make no changes then they become the sole RA member. or we have to find a way to bodge things. are ppl happy with that?
Anna Toussaint: wouldn't a by-election be triggered
Anna Toussaint: ?
Callipygian Christensen: Yes it would Anna
Patroklus Murakami: yes, but in the meantime one person *is* the RA!
Callipygian Christensen: (but i would have named myself Empress and suspended democracy by then)
Anna Toussaint: damn
Callipygian Christensen: oops..said that out loud didnt I
Anna Toussaint: that's what I would do
Bells Semyorka: lol CDS the monarchy.
Anna Toussaint: indeed
Patroklus Murakami: precisely my fear...
Anna Toussaint: Queen Calli
Rosie Gray snickers
Bells Semyorka: I think as long as we keep promoting and informing citizens about elections
Bells Semyorka: we wont have that problem
Callipygian Christensen: that can't happen though Pat - the SC would , I am sure, find that act unconstituional
Callipygian Christensen agrees with the inform and promote appraoch
Patroklus Murakami: oh sure. but the one person RA member could pass laws to their hearts content
Rosie Gray agrees with the inform and promote approach too
Patroklus Murakami: (but no constitutional amendments fortunately)
Rosie Gray: then we'd have to stage a coup
Rosie Gray: which would be fun, perhaps
Rosie Gray: ?
Anna Toussaint: well, don't constitutional amendments require 2/3 vote?
Anna Toussaint: what's two thirds of one?
Patroklus Murakami: yes. but of seats not RA members
Anna Toussaint: ah
Anna Toussaint: :)
Patroklus Murakami: so the vacant seats count as 'against'. phew!
Anna Toussaint: hehe
Anna Toussaint: do you want this to be a motion?
Anna Toussaint: Hi, Shep
Shep Titian: I do apologise .. I was in RL and the time got away from me ...
Anna Toussaint: we're talking about Pat's proposed amendment
Shep Titian: Hi all
Patroklus Murakami: yes, shall i state the amendment? for the record. hi shep :)
Anna Toussaint: it happens
Anna Toussaint: yes
Anna Toussaint: go ahead, Pat
Patroklus Murakami: Amend the Constitution as follows:
Patroklus Murakami: Add to Article I, Section 2 after "Any citizen who is eligible to vote, at the time of nomination, may become a candidate by declaring themselves by a message to the Dean of the Scientific Council, within the time set by the Scientific Council for such nominations." the following text:
"If there are fewer nominations than seats available when nominations close, the Dean will extend the time set for nominations by one week."
Patroklus Murakami: i move we amend the constitution as set out above
Anna Toussaint: is there a second?
Shep Titian: I'll secondf
Bells Semyorka raises hand
Anna Toussaint: thanks
Anna Toussaint: Bells?
Bells Semyorka: I just want to say I dont think extending the time is a good idea, but that is all.
Bells Semyorka: done
Anna Toussaint: thanks
Anna Toussaint: question, Pat
Patroklus Murakami: go ahead
Anna Toussaint: the RA of the previous term would continute through the week?
Shep Titian: I would hope we make a big deal about getting folks to stand well before the time , but having a set leeway can't hurt
Patroklus Murakami: this does not affect the length of the terms
Anna Toussaint: oh yes
Patroklus Murakami: new RA begins at the normal time, elections take place at the normal time
Anna Toussaint: sorry
Anna Toussaint: are we ready to vote
Rosie Gray: I think so
Patroklus Murakami: happy to, if everyone else is ready
Anna Toussaint: it will take a 2/3 vote; we will invoke 7-day rules
Anna Toussaint: all in favor say "aye"
Shep Titian: Aye
Patroklus Murakami: aye
Anna Toussaint: all opposed by like sign
Rosie Gray: nay
Anna Toussaint: the chair votes nay
Rosie Gray: sorry Pat
Patroklus Murakami: np :)
Callipygian Christensen raises her hand
Anna Toussaint: althought we are under 7-day rules, there is no way to get a 2/3 majority
Anna Toussaint: the motion fails
Patroklus Murakami: beathan gets to decide! i'd better make sure he gets this week's bribe :)
Anna Toussaint: Calli
Rosie Gray: lol
Bells Semyorka: lol
Patroklus Murakami: oh, sorry. maths skills not working today
Callipygian Christensen: May i suggest that one way to increase awareness might be to post declarations to the inworld group
Anna Toussaint: yes, we can do that ...
Shep Titian: Sorry my maths are failing too
Anna Toussaint: that would be under the control of the SC
Callipygian Christensen: many dont read the forums, so posting and reminding in the CDS group might help, and deciding on one person/role to do so might ensure it happens
Rosie Gray: I agree
Anna Toussaint: yes
Anna Toussaint: I would say it is the PIOs responsibility
Anna Toussaint: especially since I am no longer PIO
Anna Toussaint: :)
Bells Semyorka: lol
Callipygian Christensen: Then that woudl require the chancellor to make that part of the PIOs job description I think
Bells Semyorka: I think since it's an inworld communication it's implied
Anna Toussaint: I don't know that there is a PIO job description, is there?
Anna Toussaint: I kinda agree, Bells
Callipygian Christensen: implied leaves room for 'oh, I didnt realize i should do that'
Anna Toussaint: I think job descriptions are under at least the power of approval for job descriptions
Callipygian Christensen: You might consider asking the SC to do it, since the Dean receives the declarations
Patroklus Murakami: i agree it should be a named person's responsibility. PIO sounds about right (and if there is none, the chancellor?)
Anna Toussaint: the Power of the RA, I mean
Anna Toussaint: We can pass a bill to require the SC ...
Bells Semyorka: I think the sc might be better. only because they are considered impartial. the Executive could still run and it might create the illusion of conflict of intrest with Chancellor or PIO announcing.
Anna Toussaint: could be
Bells Semyorka: just CYA, someone could twist it.
Anna Toussaint: true
Callipygian Christensen: There is an SC meeting tomorrow - I can bring this up there
Anna Toussaint: but, how about if we ask the SC to do it, and they can ask whomever they want?
Anna Toussaint: would you do that, Calli?
Callipygian Christensen: certainly
Anna Toussaint: that would be good
Anna Toussaint: ok, anything else on this before we move on
Anna Toussaint: ?
Anna Toussaint: ok
Anna Toussaint: next, Pat has calculated the appropriate dates for the next couple of years
Anna Toussaint: will you read them into the record for the record? :)
Patroklus Murakami: sure
Patroklus Murakami: but they come with a health warning!
Patroklus Murakami: these are just what *I*think the dates are
Patroklus Murakami: CDS Election Cycle - Future Key Dates
17th Representative Assembly - 1 June to 30 November 2012
Dean reminds citizens of key dates (suggested) 1 April 2012
Qualification date for citizenship and candidacy 14 April 2012
Notice to Dean (suggested) 21 April 2012
Campaign officially starts 5 May 2012
Polls Open 12 to 19 May 2012
Inaugural Meeting (to select LRA) 26 May 2012
18th Representative Assembly - 1 December 2012 to 31 May 2013
Dean reminds citizens of key dates (suggested) 30 September 2012
Qualification date for citizenship and candidacy 13 October 2012
Notice to Dean (suggested) 20 October 2012
Campaign officially starts 3 November 2012
Polls Open 10 to 17 November 2012
Inaugural Meeting 24 November 2012
19th Representative Assembly - 1 June to 30 November 2013
Dean reminds citizens of key dates (suggested) 30 March 2013
Qualification date for citizenship and candidacy 13 April 2013
Notice to Dean (suggested) 20 April 2013
Campaign officially starts 4 May 2013
Polls Open 11 to 18 May 2013
Inaugural Meeting 25 May 2013
20th Representative Assembly - 1 December 2013 to 31 May 2014
Dean reminds citizens of key dates (suggested) 28 September 2013
Qualification date for citizenship and candidacy 12 October 2013
Notice to Dean (suggested) 19 October 2013
Campaign officially starts 2 November 2013
Polls Open 9 to 16 November 2013
Inaugural Meeting 23 November 2013
Patroklus Murakami: i think the SC is meeting to assess if these, or tor's list, are correct
Patroklus Murakami: then we can have a confirmed SC-approved list to work from
Anna Toussaint: thanks
Callipygian Christensen nods - that is on tomorrow's agenda
Anna Toussaint: I take it there are differences between this and Tor's list?
Patroklus Murakami: yes, we calculated the date for qualification to be a citizen and to be a candidate differently
Patroklus Murakami: the constitution is a bit ambiguous on this point
Patroklus Murakami: but we can let teh SC sort that one out!
Anna Toussaint: yes, we can
Patroklus Murakami: this was just a 'for information' item :)
Anna Toussaint: and that brings us ... what a segue! to the committe reports
Anna Toussaint: the first on the list is the expansion commission
Anna Toussaint: Rosie?
Rosie Gray: yes thanks Anna
Rosie Gray: the survey is now closed and I've posted the results in a document
Rosie Gray: just getting the link... one moment please
Rosie Gray: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0ByGHT4 ... ZmN2FmYjEw
Rosie Gray: I'll put that link on the forum when I have time
Anna Toussaint: thanks
Rosie Gray: the next step is to have some in world meetings
Anna Toussaint: could you summarize for us?
Rosie Gray: well i'ts difficult to summarize it really
Rosie Gray: people have some very different ideas on if we should expand
Rosie Gray: and how to do it if we do
Rosie Gray: for instance, we had 22 respondents to the survey
Rosie Gray: and out of those 59.1% (or 13 people)
Rosie Gray: thought that we should add another sim
Rosie Gray: 72.7% (or 16 people) thought that if we do expand it should be we a full sim
Rosie Gray: and most repondents said they wouldn't be interested in purchasing new land
Rosie Gray: as for theme... very hard to say
Rosie Gray: I suggest everyone read the results of the survey
Anna Toussaint: ok
Anna Toussaint: thanks!
Rosie Gray: and that when we get together in a meeting, we can discuss them, and take other suggestions
Anna Toussaint: any questions or discussions?
Rosie Gray: and really decide then if we should proceed
Anna Toussaint: yes
Patroklus Murakami: i think an inworld meeting to discuss will be really helpful
Rosie Gray: definately, Pat
Patroklus Murakami: there's a lot to process from the survey
Patroklus Murakami: but.. bollywood theme? please
Rosie Gray: lol
Anna Toussaint: lotsa singing and dancing .... :)
Bells Semyorka: That was my suggestion, and i think it has potetential
Bells Semyorka: I was more about the indian theme
Patroklus Murakami shuts up now
Anna Toussaint: thank you Pat ... :)
Rosie Gray: there was also a suggestion for a futuristic/sci fi
Rosie Gray: so you see.. it seems people are interested in expanding from the original contexts of the sims.... maybe
Anna Toussaint: perhaps
Anna Toussaint: any other discussion
Shep Titian: I went for Caribbean/Pirate! :)
Anna Toussaint: avast, matey!
Bells Semyorka: arrg
Patroklus Murakami should have suggested medieval japan...
Patroklus Murakami: drat
Bells Semyorka: SL is more than europe
Rosie Gray: I will call for a meeting sometime soon
Anna Toussaint: now, on to a report of the citizenship transparency commission
Anna Toussaint: good, thanks, Rosie!
Rosie Gray: ?
Patroklus Murakami: well, since the last RA meeting
Patroklus Murakami: i posted the transcript of the first citizenship commission meeting
Patroklus Murakami: that provoked some discussion on the forums
Patroklus Murakami: which is helpful :)
Patroklus Murakami: i plan to hold a further meeting in the next week or so
Patroklus Murakami: i'd like to propose some draft legislation too to give the discussion focus
Patroklus Murakami: as a 'straw man' for people to debate/discuss
Patroklus Murakami: before bringing proposals to the RA
Patroklus Murakami: done
Anna Toussaint: ok ... thanks!
Anna Toussaint: any questions
Anna Toussaint: ?
Anna Toussaint: ok
Anna Toussaint: seeing nobody here from the executive, I will assume there is no report :)
Anna Toussaint: so any general announcements?
Anna Toussaint: ok ... how about February 21 for the next RA meeting?
Callipygian Christensen raises her hand
Shep Titian: Yep fine with me
Anna Toussaint: Callli?
Patroklus Murakami: 21? how about 18?
Callipygian Christensen: general announcement I guess, and just putting it out for the record - CDS is having a big Valentine's Ball
Anna Toussaint: yes
Anna Toussaint: about the ball
Callipygian Christensen: info is in the Forums and I am not involved so cant give details I am afraid
Anna Toussaint: ok, thanks calli
Shep Titian: Yes the tent is up
Anna Toussaint: oops the 28th
Anna Toussaint: I miscalculated
Anna Toussaint: sorry
Anna Toussaint: it would the t6he 18th
Anna Toussaint: not the 21st or the 28th
Patroklus Murakami: ?
Anna Toussaint: geez
Anna Toussaint: I am sorry
Patroklus Murakami: ok. gotcha
Anna Toussaint: two weeks is the 18th
Rosie Gray: ?
Shep Titian: lol just pick a day
Rosie Gray: 18th is fine
Rosie Gray: with me
Anna Toussaint: is every onme happy with that?
Patroklus Murakami: 18 is fine with me too
Anna Toussaint: it will be on Saturday the 18th at 9 am right here
Anna Toussaint: motion to adjourn?
Shep Titian: yep
Patroklus Murakami: second
Anna Toussaint: we are adjourned

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Re: 4 February 2012 RA Transcript

Post by Beathan »

I vote "aye" on Pat's proposal.


Let's keep things simple enough to be fair, substantive enough to be effective, and insightful enough to be good.
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Re: 4 February 2012 RA Transcript

Post by Shep »

Oooh .. point of order .. in a very lighthearted vein .. we did'nt vote to adjourn . :O ..... :mrgreen:

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Re: 4 February 2012 RA Transcript

Post by Anna Toussaint »

OOPS! :oops:

All in favor? :)

Anna Toussaint
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