Agenda for RA Meeting of March 3, 2012

Proposals for legislation and discussions of these

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Anna Toussaint
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Agenda for RA Meeting of March 3, 2012

Post by Anna Toussaint »

Agenda for RA meeting of March 3, 2012

Administrative Business
-- Review and approve agenda (5 min.)
-- Speakers on today’s agenda items? (5 min)
Citizen Concerns (5 min)
RA Members’ Concerns (5 min)
Old Business
New Business
-- Beathan's proposals re sim expansion:
1. The Executive shall set aside funds to purchase a new
2. The New Sim shall be Bavarian-themed, as is
Neufreistadt. There shall be a design competition for
specific Sim design. Citizens who wish to submit a plan
shall submit a plan to the RA. Such plans shall
be submitted by March 17, 2012,
3. The RA shall then consider the plans and vote on them.
The plan that receives the most support shall be
implemented by the Executive, who shall purchase a
Sim and coordinate with the New Guild for that purpose.
Commission Reports (5 min)
Executive Report (5 min)
General Announcements (5 min)
Next RA Meeting? (5 min)

Anna Toussaint
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Gwyneth Llewelyn
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Re: Agenda for RA Meeting of March 3, 2012

Post by Gwyneth Llewelyn »

Sorry, I moved this post to a different forum :) I believe that Anna mistakenly posted it under "Judiciary Discussion" :)

"I'm not building a game. I'm building a new country."
  -- Philip "Linden" Rosedale, interview to Wired, 2004-05-08

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