Below are a few notes I have made over the past day or so of potential sources for publicity and getting the word out about CN. I have also added a proposed publicity campaign based off of the sources I have located, including costs. If anyone knwos of other sources of advertising that I am missing or publications that we should know about, please give me a heads up! Also, if you have any thoughts, as awalys, definitly toss them in, as this is just a relatively quick brainstorm.
Advertising Sources
Free Publicity
SL History Wiki Distribution: Online, at
Allows the CDS to document the development and history of CN as it unfolds.
Should not read as an advertisement, as it is not an ad, but rather an unbiased article.
Press Releases - Distributed to inworld news portals.
SL Web Forums
Make postings to appropriate web forums on LL and resident sites. No spamming general forums, but target land forums.
In World Events
Gladiator Fights
Chariot Races
Caesar Readings
Guided Tours
Paid Advertising
Metaverse Messenger Distribution: Approximately 40,000/month, Online
Discounts: 15% when 4 weeks are purchased
Gathered from:
L$6600 – Full page, 1 week
L$5000 – Front Page Underline, 1 week
L$22440 – Full Page, 4 weeks
L$17000 – Underline, 4 weeks
Snapzilla Distribution: Approx 15,000 views over 2 weeks on medium rotation
Discounts: Special Packages available
Gathered from:
L$1000, L$2500, L$4000 – Top Banner, 2 weeks,
Low, Medium, & High Rotation
L$500, L$1500, L$2500 – Side Banner, 2 weeks,
Low, Medium, & High Rotation
L$3500 – Top & Side Banner, 2 weeks, Medium Rotation
SL Business Magazine Distribution: Unknown, Monthly, Inworld and Online
Discounts: None
Gathered from:
L$2950 – Full Page, Monthly
L$1500 – Half Page
Proposed Publicity Campaign[/b:e8dftt2i]
(US Prices calculated at a rate of L$274/US$1.00, market rate as of 09/27/2006)
1 week prior to opening
Snapzilla Top & Side Banner Package (4 weeks) L$7000 US$25.54
Utilize Slurl to bring interested parties to a centralized information point. Prioritize an information center first for Building WG.
SL Business Magazine (1 month) L$2950 US$10.76
Focus on business opportunities; CN has more land and opportunities for businesses to flourish than Neufreistadt due to differences in the covenant. Promote benefits of moving to the CDS (incorporation, contract enforcement, even an aesthetically pleasing environment)
Opening Week
In world Classifieds L$500
Enough to get into the search funtion, no need to try to dominate the listings with massive costs.
Referral Bonus
L$250 for each referred resident, applied to land use fees. L$250 additional bonus after 3 referrals during a 1 month period.
As Needed (At least once a week as construction gets underway, at least 1 per month prior to construction)
- Press Releases distributed to news providers, highlighting developments in the construction or progress of CN
Design Costs L$2500
Miscellaneous Expenses, Overages L$2500
Total Requested Initial Budget L$14,950 US$54.46 [/b:e8dftt2i]