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Bromo Ivory
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Post by Bromo Ivory »

I have purchased the vastly overpriced parcel in AM and set up a tomb.

At the same time, I have nearly completely de-tiered - and set my SL accounts for cancellation. (Long story, but events in RL make me see how SL was eating far too much of my time, and the accounts started seeming more like a burden rather than an escape or entertainment).

As this process lasts 60 days - I pumped the tierbox full, and will be memorializing in my mind the 5 years I had Bromo as an avatar - not a big fancy display of ego gratification, but a tomb surrounded by a couple of plants - something easy to put up. Maybe a grotty bench or two from my inventory.

This isn't a "poor me - damn you all - goodbye cruel world" thing - this is more a celebration of a time in my life when SL and RL were both very important to me - and as I have observed RL taking to lead (as it should, I think) over the last couple of years ... I wanted to do something definitive to symbolize where I am.

I still may reduce Bromo to a free account stopping short of deletion (though LL given the state of their customer service, it may notbe possible if I want to do that at this point) and pop in from time to time, I may not. I may even create a new account as well at some point. I know myself well enough to "never say never"with regards to these things.

And CDS is a large reason I stuck around - and I treasure the friendships I have forged. And in case things become more and more intermittant - anyone can reach me at: bromo dot ivory at hotmail dot com

But until the lengthy 60 day period is over and the account either goes dormant or is finally deleted ... feel free to stop by and pay "last respects." I may turn off autoreturn or allow CDS members to place objects if anyone wants to (but, please not flickery ice rinks! lol)

I will also seriously consider giving the land to someone at the end for L$0 - just make a proposal on how you would use the land, and make a promise to not overcharge to the point of ridiculousness if they sell it as our Dear Cindy did. Hope she enjoys the pile of cash I sent her way - I felt it was a nice statement to the absurdity of SL - well worth the cost in this narrow case.

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Re: Funeral!

Post by cleopatraxigalia »

We miss you already !

and are hoping you will return :)

C and C Xigalia

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Re: Funeral!

Post by Beathan »

Bromo --

I agree with Cleo. Also, I went through something similar a few years back and disappeared for a spell (quiety, without your dramatic flair). Hopefully, we will see you again some day. But if not, farewell friend.


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