Events Pending

Announcements of activities and events in CDS.

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Nightwind Leonov
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Events Pending

Post by Nightwind Leonov »

Hello everyone~

Well, it's my first post as your new PIO, aaand... yesh. bwee~

Anywho, as NFS is a germanic sim, and as it is going to be October soon, this can only lead to one conclusion: an Oktoberfest Event! Yes, pitchers of Erdinger Heifen-Weisen, Proust, and various other beers will be flowing like water, we'll have women dancing on tables, and playful bar fights all around the sim (>.>)... but it can't be done without your help.

I'll just say this outright: I need professional help just to make a prim. I can't build worth a darn. The first thing we need is a crack team of builders, and soon, in order to get this thing built. It won't be anything -too- hard, really, just some Beer tents, various culture stands (I was thinking a stand for the "band", aka DJ), some attractions, various props... but the point is, is that I can't do it by myself.

On that line, I would also appreciate anyone who could script to also help in. This would be wonderful because we'd add some interactivity to our props, hopefully creating a more memorable experience.

As for advertising, I was thinking a blanket promo advert on Slex, maybe in other sims, maybe on other websites to get the word out. As far as I know, we're the only people who are throwing anything resembling an Oktoberfest; the word definitley needs to get out.

So please, comments are always appreciated, as is any help that could be given. The earliest I could help out with the building would be this Sunday or Monday...just to give a ballpark figure. Anywho, thanks for reading. :3


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Ashcroft Burnham
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Post by Ashcroft Burnham »

I am not much of a builder, but I have made some Neufreistadt souvenirs (so far, a mug, a paperweight and a crystal goblet) that are not Oktoberfest specific, but could be sold during Oktoberfest. They were designed to be sold in the City Info Shop.

Ashcroft Burnham

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Gwyneth Llewelyn
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Second Life Oktoberfest...

Post by Gwyneth Llewelyn »

... since we didn't manage to plan our own (yet?), here goes a link to Linden Lab's own Oktoberfest: ... 6-party-2/

"I'm not building a game. I'm building a new country."
  -- Philip "Linden" Rosedale, interview to Wired, 2004-05-08

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