Election For the 17th RA, 1 June to 30 Nov., 2012

Announcements by the Dean of the Scientific Council

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Soro Dagostino
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Election For the 17th RA, 1 June to 30 Nov., 2012

Post by Soro Dagostino »

To All Citizens of CDS . . .

This is the Official Notice by the Dean of the Scientific Council of the important dates for the Election of the 17th Representative Assembly, with a term of June 1, 2012 to November 30, 2012.

1. Dean reminds citizens of key dates (suggested) 1 April 2012 (My apologies for the day of delay, I was ill over the weekend, and had difficulty typing)
2. Qualification date for citizenship and candidacy is 14 April 2012
3. Notice to Dean of candidacy by 21 April 2012
4. Campaign officially starts 5 May 2012
6. Polls Open 12 to 19 May 2012
7. Inaugural Meeting (to select LRA) 26 May 2012

Best regards to all

Soro Dagostino, Dean of the Scientific Council.

Bottle Washer
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