Regarding Public Buildings: The future and the Fountain

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Sudane Erato
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Regarding Public Buildings: The future and the Fountain

Post by Sudane Erato »

First; for the future. I think its a great idea that all future work created by citizens (and non-citizens) be covered by a "release agreement" accompanied by at least a L$1 payment. I hope to discuss a contract with Mirabeau Scribe (owned by Diderot Mirabeau) whereby he (they) will supply contract forms, and contracts completed when necessary, to the city. We should determine who that actual owner of each building shall be... with reference to the "Building Preservation Law". That law also specifies that copies of all builds be deposited with the designated avatar or avatars.

Looking to the future is easy... only a problem of actually doing what we agree to do. Let's look at the actual list of existing public buildings, and what their issues are. The Fountain is here. I'll start new threads for other buildings so this post doesn't get too long.

(1) The Platz Fountain. Seems like an easy one, but... not so easy (none of them are). Kendra, who built the Fountain under public contract to the City has transferred the 2 separate parts of it to Rudeen. Provision has been made for funds donated to the fountain after the point it was fully paid for, and, at this time, all donations proceed directly to the City Treasury (Rudeen).

But the Fountain is now in the process of overhaul; hence the construction barriers around it. The center post and actual water section has been temporarily removed for modifications to the sounds emitted by it.

Unfortunately, both sections of the Fountain are non-copyable (preventing the archiving re the Preservation Law). In addition, the water section is no mod, meaning that, as it is, the overhaul on the sound system cannot be done without a rebuild. The creator on that is listed as Jillian Callahan... the water of course includes her splashing feature.

Of course, these are all fixable problems... only a bit involved.

I've received suggestions about moving the fountain to a different place in the City. Your comments are welcome on this.

I have also prepared an equivalently sized fountain which I am very fond of. It was created by Woody Blair... the water I think you'll see is extraordinary... with very substantial modifications by me, including complete texturing of the base and addition of Jillians splashing water. Also seats.

I'll locate that fountain in the Platz as well to spur public discussion of where each fountain might be located.

For a consideration of possible locations, please refer to another thread that I'll start as soon as I can get to it about Public Spaces for commerce and events / the larger layout of the City.


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Post by Dianne »

Thanks for posting all of these thoughts about builds Sudane, I wish I had read them before making some of my other comments. :) I still find it hard to manouvre around this new forum system and find the information I am looking for.

I am wondering if a better solution overall might be to use Rudeen as a repository for ownership of a copy of all builds contracted by the sim. I am not sure of the drawbacks of that, but the idea of deeding it to group is very unsatisfactory indeed.

The only other method I can think of is to use a prim as a sort of repository. Perhaps if there was some central city obelisk that contained the complete builds of the city in it's inventory that could only be accessed by the Guild?

Not sure if that makes any sense, just thinking out loud.

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Post by Claude Desmoulins »

Per NL 4-23. changes to the old fountain will need to be approved by the RA. Taking the OP as the official announcement of intent, the RA can't vote on it until the 16th at the earliest. Prior to that vote, a written explanation of what the Guild wishes to do with the old fountain (delete/relocate/something else ) would be appreciated.

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Post by Sudane Erato »

Sorry for being unclear.

The fountain I've put in place is located there strictly for a trial run. I had thought previously to locate both on the Platz, to gather opinions and comparisons. But the possible arrangements seemed so jamed together, I stashed the other one temporarily.

There are indeed serious issues with replacing the fountain. The City has invested L$8000 in the one created by Kendra, and we cannot simply let it disappear. There must be some sort of decision regarding its disposition.


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