I think this has a point, but the problem with notice arose from computer problems by the LRA. Some (but not all) of the agenda was publicized in advance. The time and date of the meeting was also publicized (and was set at the conclusion of the last RA meeting).
I think that most of the agenda was regular RA procedure or was publicized by its proponent. The exception is the repeal of term limits, which was not publicized and which was added to the Agenda at the meeting. I think a revote on this measure, after full and proper notice, is probably called-for, but I hope that the rest of the meeting is upheld as adequately publicized given the rl difficulties of the LRA, which not only prevented her from publishing a full agenda, but also prevented her from attending the meeting or telling the vice-LRA to step in with regard to pre-meeting duties.
Let's keep things simple enough to be fair, substantive enough to be effective, and insightful enough to be good.