Sudane, I think you've raised a number of issues which are not really the subject at hand here.
I'm not Ulrika, no one's creating a shitstorm and no ones' accusing anyone of using alts to rig an election.
I'm not levelling accusations at Pel, I'm quoting his words!
In the past week I've taken the trouble to contact all of the microplot owners. They're a diverse group of people who were attracted to Neufreistadt for a number of reasons. No one is suggesting they should lose their right to citizenship, the question is whether the microplots should continue.
It's clear that the microplots are open to abuse. That's why they should go. They were a bad idea to begin with for that reason. I accept and understand that they were proposed and passed for honourable reasons, but the path to hell is paved with good intentions! Anyone who wants to 'buy' an election has a cheap source of votes in the microplots. For a measly few dollars and peanuts per month you can bus in a group of friends to get citizenship and keep you in power. This may not be what happened in the last election but are the supporters of the microplots seriously trying to tell us that getting fifteen votes on side (there are fifteen microplots in total, aren't there?) wouldn't swing an election?
Claude, no one is kidding themselves that we can eradicate the possiblilty of voter fraud by making the minimum land holding requirement 128m2 but it will certainly make it more difficult. And surely that's the best we can hope for? The question of how 'active' citizens are is a red herring by the way. There are many reasons why SL residents might be attracted to NFS, they don't all have to be involved in these debates, hell, they don't even have to vote! The question is 'how much does it cost to rig the vote?' With the microplots the answer is 'not very much'.