4-36: A competition to determine a new name for Neualtenburg

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Diderot Mirabeau
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4-36: A competition to determine a new name for Neualtenburg

Post by Diderot Mirabeau »

1. The city shall hold two simultaneous competitions, one to rename the current sim, and a second to name the entity of which it and additional sims will be a part.

2. Criteria for the names include

a. Uniqueness and distinctiveness, as compared both to other names and marks used in SL and place and government names in RL.

b. Availability of appropriate domain names.

c. Appropriateness to the core city values of democracy, shared responsibility, and transparency.

d . (sim only) appropriateness to a medieval Germanic theme.

e. (entity only) appropriatnesss to a number of possible different themes (i.e theme neutrality)

3. The day after this act becomes law, an explanation of this bill will be emailed to all citizens and submission of names opens. Each citizen may submit a maximum of two names for each contest. Names shall be submitted to any voting member of the SC via email, IM or notecard. Names shall not be submitted on the forums or via other public posting.

4. The submission period will last for five days.

5. On the seventh day after passage, the SC will email a list of all submitted names to all citizens.

6. Each citizen shall then submit a ranked list of his/her top five names (at most) for each contest in the manner outlined in section 3. A citizen may rank fewer than five names if he/she so chooses. Names shall be given points as follows:

1 ranking= five points
2 " four points
3 " three points
4 " two points
5 " one point
unranked - zero points

Citizens must submit their ranked lists by the end of the tenth day following passage. Votes are to be kept anonymous by the SC.

7. After the close of ranking, the SC will submit privately to the RA the five names from each list with the highest point total. Names with equal numbers of points will be ranked alphabetically but the list given to the RA must carry no indication of this ranking and the ordering will therefore be alphabetical.

8. The RA shall meet in closed session no later than 17 days following the passage of the bill to vote on the winning name from each of the ranked lists based on the criteria in section 2. The result of the vote will be submitted to the SC.

9. If a majority cannot be established within the RA in favour of a particular name on a list then the SC determines the name with the highest total number of points on the list as the winner. Should there be more than one name with the highest number of points, the SC will ask the guildmaster to choose a random number between 1 and x where x is the number of names on the list with the highest number of points. The name on the list with a position corresponding to the number chosen by the guildmaster will be the winning name.

10. Once the wining names have been determined the SC is authorised to register the relevant internet-domain(s) and apply to Linden Lab for a change of sim name. A sum of money equal to L$19000 will be allocated to that effect.

11. Having successfully registered the domain and received acknowledgement from Linden Lab that the sim name change is under way the SC will announce in the forum the new names along with the complete lists of names participating in the competition and their score.

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Passionate Protagonist
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Re: 4-36: A competition to determine a new name for Neualten

Post by Dianne »

I would like to propose that the wording in the first paragraph be changed from:
[quote="Diderot Mirabeau":11cbg8v1]... one to [b:11cbg8v1][color=red:11cbg8v1]rename[/color:11cbg8v1][/b:11cbg8v1] the current sim, and a second to [color=red:11cbg8v1]name[/color:11cbg8v1] the entity of which it and additional sims will be a part....[/quote:11cbg8v1]
[quote="Diderot Mirabeau":11cbg8v1]... one to [b:11cbg8v1][color=green:11cbg8v1]name[/color:11cbg8v1][/b:11cbg8v1] the current sim, and a second to [color=green:11cbg8v1]name[/color:11cbg8v1] the entity of which it and additional sims will be a part....[/quote:11cbg8v1]

The reasoning here being that the town hall vote on the idea of changing the name at all was not supposed to be binding. While most people at the meeting seemed to want to rename the sim, it's should still be an option not to.

"Rename" seems to exclude someone putting forth the same name (Neualtenburg), whereas "name" would cover all possibilities without changing the intent of the sentence.

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Passionate Protagonist
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Re: 4-36: A competition to determine a new name for Neualten

Post by Dianne »

I would also change this:
[quote="Diderot Mirabeau":3cwr2bhl]... Citizens must submit their ranked lists by the end of the tenth day following passage. [b:3cwr2bhl][color=red:3cwr2bhl]Votes are to be kept anonymous by the SC[/color:3cwr2bhl][/b:3cwr2bhl].....[/quote:3cwr2bhl]
[quote="Diderot Mirabeau":3cwr2bhl]... Citizens must submit their ranked lists by the end of the tenth day following passage. [b:3cwr2bhl][color=green:3cwr2bhl]Name submissions and votes for name submissions are to be kept anonymous by the SC[/color:3cwr2bhl][/b:3cwr2bhl].....[/quote:3cwr2bhl]

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