To JerryDon from Trebor

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To JerryDon from Trebor

Post by Callipygian »

Under the post Questions for Candidates you mention setting up Boards with 5 members each. I quote "The one-person executive branch just morphed into about 30 people all working for, and being closely supervised by the elected Chancellor." Historically one of the biggest struggles in CDS has been that only a handful of people are truly active, maybe 6 to 12 on a regular basis. Reading past forum postings will illustrate this problem time and again.

If your plan for all these boards don't come to being what is your alternative going to be? Will you take on all of these duties yourself as Chancellor like many past Chancellors have been forced to do because of lack of participation from others?

People often say that, in a democracy, decisions are made by a majority of the people. Of course, that is not true. Decisions are made by a majority of those who make themselves heard and who vote -- a very different thing.

Walter H. Judd
JerryDon Lane
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Re: To JerryDon from Trebor

Post by JerryDon Lane »

I will try my best to answer these questions and hopefully the trolls won't take over the threads. As you can see, I have my groupies in here.... :)

Yes Trebor, I am on record as stating that I believe there is too much power vested in the Chancellor's office for any one person to wield. And who has ever heard of an entire executive branch of a government attempting to be run by only one person? For example, imagine in the United States if a President was elected, failed to appoint her government and decided to just attempt to handle it all herself? That would, of course, be a recipe for disaster and I feel we've seen that same type of repercussion in the form of failure to organize already exhibited in the Chancellor's office.

I will organize a government and I firmly believe others are willing to serve in this area as I've already talked with some that are.

However, you are a former Chancellor, and as such, you speak from experience and I highly value your input. Thus, I suppose it is entirely feasible that there are not 30 people willing to serve. If there are not, I will improvise as best the situation allows, but no, I will NOT attempt to take on these duties solely by myself unless I am forced to. The latter is not the best option, from my perspective, unless it is one that cannot be avoided.

I proposed an administration consisting of various commissions, a Planning and Zoning Commission to handle building codes and covenant enforcement and to act as a board to hear disputes in this area as they arise, A Commission of Public Service to settle citizen complaints in other areas and to hear disputes in any area the citizens might have, and a Building Commission, an Events Committee, a Legislative Commission and an Estate Management Commission.

My purpose for this is two fold. First, I feel it will be a much better organized executive branch and one that better dissipates the powers of that office among the people. And second, because it is a basic human right that free people have the right to have their grievances heard by neutral tribunals.

The latter is not something I simply conjured up in my own mind. It is a basic human right extending to all human beings around the world as granted in the Bill of Rights written by the United Nations. I'll paraphrase it: Everyone is entitled to full equality and to maintain that equality by always having the right to have a fair and public hearing conducted by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of their rights.

But, should it occur that enough people will not serve, then I will improvise. Perhaps the Legislative Commission must consist not of a commission but a single commissioner. Perhaps people must do double duty and serve on several boards, etc. But should this organization not come to fruition as you speculate it might not, no duties of the Chancellor's office will go unfulfilled. Should the worst scenario present itself, then yes, I will personally handle all situations that may arise as sometimes the ideal situation simply does not come to fruition. Yet, that doesn't mean the people should go without a government as they are forced to have to endure in the absence of a Chancellor at present time.

Many people will be asked to serve in this administration, including you, Trebor. I will ask you to sit on the Executive Advisory Board, consisting of former Chancellors and other highly experienced community leaders from which I expect to receive much advice as I delegate to this administration. I may ask you to serve in more than one capacity if I cannot find enough interested people to do so.

In a democracy, it is never about only one person and I will carry this philosophy into the Chancellor's office when I'm elected to it.

The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government — lest it come to dominate our lives and interests. Patrick Henry
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