A gathering of commercial wonks.

Announcements of activities and events in CDS.

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Pelanor Eldrich
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A gathering of commercial wonks.

Post by Pelanor Eldrich »

I've been alerted by Ponzi Corleone that Adam Reuters will be interviewing Ginko Financial and others for a piece about the economy of SL.

I'd like to setup Tuesday night (SLT) meetings at mutually convenient times to hammer out our thoughts for commercial expansion. This is also an opportunity to discuss ideas, partnerships, meet the competition etc. I'd like to have these at the Biergarten if that's ok. These are very informal. From a political standpoint, I do represent some of the business interests below as a DPU rep and so I'd like to hear about what the RA can do to make CDS a better business environment.

We have a number of citizens and potential citizens interested in commerce and various financial service industries:

Pelanor Eldrich: Eldrich Financial, mortgages, loans and escrow. Interested in the bond market and banking.
Lee Dimsum: New owner of GOM, currency exchange etc.
Midas Commons: Manus Financial, underwriting and gaming (?)
Zeus Zeitkin: SLJobFinder (a staffing agency)
FlyingRoc Chung: Has a 50% stake in a large casino (outside CDS)
Mikael Lunardi: Interested in bond market, a Commercial Dept. of the CDS and various interesting financial initiatives.
Ashcroft Burnham: Contractual enforcement (judiciary) and SL Chamber of Commerce.
Adam Hawthorne: Scripting and Development.
Ponzi Corleone: Full sim mortgages and banking.
calmTommy Lowell: Live music vending machines and clubs (outside CDS)
Sudane Erato: Buildings etc.
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Gwyn's Useless Things (tchotskys?)
Dianne Mechanique: Textures, rugs and furniture
Rubiyat Shatner: Trotsky's and Ars Virtua (outside CDS)

We also have a variety of traditional texture, building and scripting vendors with shops as well as establishments the Biergarten and the Cafe.

Forgive me if I've left anyone out or misreprsented anyone's business interests. It's a bit of a moving target at times. Thanks.

Pelanor Eldrich
Principal - Eldrich Financial
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Sudane Erato
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Post by Sudane Erato »

Pel, I'll try and make it for awhile around 7:00PM SLT tonight. This is important stuff.


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Pelanor Eldrich
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Sorry I missed it & Adam Reuters

Post by Pelanor Eldrich »

I'll try to hang out near the Biergarten tonight. I did get a chance to gmail Adam Reuters:

[quote:3lp2xnvk]Hi Adam, yes that would be great. I can gmail chat almost any time during office hours (EST) next week. I am also available in-world (at the Reuters Tower or in Neufreistdt) or through Skype/Teamspak (VOIP) during evenings at your convenience. Just let me know the time that works best for you. Thanks! -Pel

On 10/18/06, Adam <[email protected]> wrote:

Hi Pelanor, I'd love to talk more, can we set up a time next week?


On 10/17/06, Pelanor Eldrich < [email protected]> wrote:


My colleagues and I were fascinated by your interviews with Philip and Ginko regarding banking, money lending, trust and contract enforcement. We inhabit the democratically governed resident run sim of Neufreistadt. Recently we passed a Judiciary bill that enables contractual enforcement using a system of land and $L escrow. Our framework, written by UK barrister Ashcroft Burnham, was recently featured in SL Business magazine.

Traditional business models require levels of certainty and trust that come with enforceable contracts, transparency and auditing. With the advent of the Nota Bene SL notary system and our professionally staffed judiciary we feel traditional types of banking (loans, mortgages), finance (equity and bond markets), construction as well as other types of service contracts can be enforced. Furthermore a precise dollar figure can be placed on credit risk using bond/escrow allowing the growth of secondary financial markets. We have several high profile citizens, such as noted blogger Gywneth Llewelyn and the new owner of GOM (Gamer's Open Market), Lee Dimsum. Our citizens also constitute the majority of the participants in Chili Carson's SL Chamber of Commerce initiative.

We would love the chance to discuss contractual enforcement, secondary financial markets, resident run government or any other of your areas of interest with you at your convenience. Thanks! -Pel

Pelanor Eldrich
RA-DPU - Principal, Eldrich Financial

Neufreistadt, CDS: http://neufreistadt.info
Neufreistatdt Judiciary Bill (long): http://forums.neufreistadt.info/viewtopic.php?t=423
SL Business Magazine Article (p.80): http://www.slbusinessmag.com/pdf/03oct/ ... LBM_1P.pdf
Nota Bene: http://www.notabene-sl.com/competition/text.html
Gywn's Blog: http://gwynethllewelyn.net/
SL Chamber of Commerce Article: http://news.com.com/Business+consulting ... tag=cd.top [/quote:3lp2xnvk]

Pelanor Eldrich
Principal - Eldrich Financial
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