Nota Bene notarization system

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Sudane Erato
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Nota Bene notarization system

Post by Sudane Erato »

There has been considerable discussion and concern in the community that the Nota bene system is not working. This appears not to be the case.

Rudeen Edo and Something Something have just concluded a loan transaction, for which he requested that a document stating the terms be signed and notarized by us. I saw no problem with this so long that the terms in the document corresponded with those of the prospectus, which is the determining document.

We decided to use the NFS machine, to see if it worked. The Notarization process worked flawlessly. We then did a test Verification using the other machine. It provided the following message:

[19:33] You: I think you have to drop it on the Verify desk
[19:33] notarized 2006-10-18 loan of L$ 350,000 to CDS: Talking with desk...
[19:33] Verify Desk: Verifying the receipt for 2006-10-18 loan of L$ 350,000 to CDS
[19:33] Verify Desk: Verifying document digest....
[19:33] Verify Desk: Verifying notarization....
[19:33] Verify Desk: ...contacting notary agent...
[19:34] Verify Desk: The notary agent appears to be asleep.
[19:34] Verify Desk: The integrity of this receipt has been verified.
[19:34] Verify Desk: However, due to the a problem with the notary agent, the integrity of the notarization could not be verified. Please try again later.
[19:34] Verify Desk: Please delete your receipt when finished.
[19:34] Verify Desk: (The notary will reset in 2 minutes if you don't.)
[19:35] Something Something: Well anyway that was some minor error message I suppose. But let's go ahead.
[19:35] You: ahh thats interesting
[19:35] You: i must clip that
[19:35] You: hold on

I offer that transcript for whatever people can make of it. My impression is that the system works fine, since the final notarized document has all the features it is intended to, and is at least recognized by the Verifier, even if not fully verified.


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Pelanor Eldrich
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Thanks Sudane.

Post by Pelanor Eldrich »

Thanks Sudane, when I had tried it some months ago I couldn't get it to notarize a notecard. I'll run a few more tests. BTW it seems relatively impossible to get in touch with Zarf the creator. Thanks! -Pel

Pelanor Eldrich
Principal - Eldrich Financial
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