Apologies for the long downtime!

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Gwyneth Llewelyn
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Apologies for the long downtime!

Post by Gwyneth Llewelyn »

Sadly, I had to unexpectedly move all my sites previously hosted elsewhere, to a new hosting provider which I've been using for a while (US and Canadian citizens will get now a much better access :) ).

Unfortunately, DNS has been slow in propagating, and I made several mistakes, in the hurry to get this up and operational as quickly as possible. I managed to garble all things in the worst possible way...

My apologies for that. Hopefully, this will remain more stable now :)

A few posts made early this morning might have been lost; the last backup done was at 6:37 AM this morning, so everything posted up to 11:30 AM or thereabouts might have been thrashed. Sorry!

"I'm not building a game. I'm building a new country."
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Chicago Kipling
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Post by Chicago Kipling »

Thanks for maintaining things, Gwyn.

A good photograph is like a good hound dog, dumb, but eloquent. ~ Eugene Atget
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