[quote="Tad Peckham":3wnlkmge]i think, what it comes down to ashcroft is that i am tired of you constantly grandstanding your own social and political adgenda for neufreistadt.[/quote:3wnlkmge]
This sort of personal attack is hardly a constructive contribution to this discussion about building a civil soceity. What you have written above is decidedly lacking in civility.
Furthermore, why, exactly, are you tired of my contributions to the ongoing debate about the future of the CDS? We are a democracy in which we value free speech: the forums are, just as their Roman namesakes, a place for political (and other) discussion and debate. Why should people not enter into debate about their sincere vision for the future of this community?
[quote:3wnlkmge] for that, i am sorry for posting in this thread. maybe my thoughts would have more appropriately posted elsewhere. i am not sorry however, for thinking that a complex system of law and government for 49 people is not needed. i think such complexity for so few people comes with serious risks: one of which being alienation. of course, i'm sure you will just say that's just a bland assumption on my part. so be it.[/quote:3wnlkmge]
I have dealt with the issue a number of times - you are not engaging with the point that I was making at all (about the number of people governed not being the relevant factor in deciding how complex that a government needs to be), even though I have made the point every time that you have raised the issue of complexity (entirely out of place, as you now admit). Really, if you were sincere about wanting to believe the truth, and promote what is genuinely right, you would not ignore challenges to your opinions, but would engage with them, and either show them to be unfounded, or accept them, and change your opinion.