It has come to my attention in [url= ... 1:5cv5x5em]this[/url:5cv5x5em] thread that our current CDS Terms of Service states,
[quote:5cv5x5em]12. COPYRIGHT INFORMATION.
Our policy is to not respond to notices of alleged copyright infringement. Questions concerning copyright should be addressed to Linden Labs the company which provides our supporting infrastructure. Neualtenburg is not affiliated with Linden in any way. Please see Section 12 of Linden Labs corporate Terms of Service for further instructions. The information can be found at:[/quote:5cv5x5em]
Now that we are about to have a functioning judiciary, this stated policy no longer reflects the true position, which is that the Courts of Common Jurisdiction will have the power to deal with intellectual property violations. Indeed, that section would conflict with the section to be inserted into the Terms of Service by the Judiciary Act, stating:
[quote:5cv5x5em]The Confederation of Democratic Simulators operates its own, comprehensive, in-world judicial system. Any disputes arising out of the subject-matter of this agreement, or anything related thereto, shall be resolved exclusively by that judicial system, in accordance with the in-world laws of the Confederation of Democratic Simulators.[/quote:5cv5x5em]
It is therefore necessary to repeal S. 12 of the CDS Terms of Service to remove what is now a potentially misleading statement. I therefore propose the following legislation (which I shall also submit in notecard form):
[b:5cv5x5em]The Intellectual Property (Terms of Service amendment) Bill[/b:5cv5x5em]
1. Section 12 of the Terms of Service of the Confederation of Democratic Simulators shall be deleted.
2. Section 13 of the Terms of Service of the Confederation of Democratic Simulators shall hereafter be known as Section 12 thereof.