On healthy dialog in a forum

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Chicago Kipling
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On healthy dialog in a forum

Post by Chicago Kipling »

Forums are funny places. They aren't quite chat. More time goes into it than that. They definitely aren't like in-world conversations. You aren't waiting for me to finish typing this. And they aren't like face-to-face conversation. We assume more familiarity here than we actually have.

It's that last point that leads me to encourage us to consider some things I think Tad wisely alluded to in his recent comments elsewhere: If we want this forum to be a place for good citizen involvement, we'll have to communicate to citizens in terms they understand and in ways that communicate our value for them.

Now this has broad implications and I could say a lot more, but I want to keep my posts short and readable. I welcome comment on this. What I'd like to end up with is a thread that helps us all move together towards clearer communication and greater, healthy citizen involvement in all our threads - especially legislative ones.

It should be clear, but I'll add this so we don't go down this road. This is not a thread to attack any one person. Let's keep it that way.

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Gxeremio Dimsum
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Post by Gxeremio Dimsum »

I agree, Chicago. I teach middle school computer classes, and we talk about netiquette quite a bit. Some of the main principles are avoiding comments that can be easily misinterpreted, keeping posts short and simple and on topic, being forgiving, and above all remembering that humans are involved. A good review of many of these is at http://www.albion.com/netiquette/corerules.html

In relation to legislative discussions, when lengthy bills (such as the Judiciary Bill or my proposal for a CDS constitution) are proposed, it may be best to create some kind of sub-forum for it, so issues can be dealt with individually. It is really overwhelming to try to deal with 100 different "issues" brought up in the same reply without the posts becoming longer and longer as they go back and forth. It also seems wise to limit the number of non-rhetorical questions in an individual post, or alternately to split each question into a new thread in the sub-forum. It is hard for us to meet up inworld, which is the best way to build consensus and maintain positive relationships, so we're kind of stuck with asynchronous communication. However, it is important to remember that the point of all this is to work things out in community, and not draw lines between us where they needn't be.

Thanks for starting this thread, Chicago.

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Post by Tad Peckham »


thank you for posting this, and thank you for understanding my point of view and expanding on it so eliquently.


posting the link to the core rules of netiquette was a great idea. in particular, i think rule number 6, 'share expert knowledge' is one we should all take to heart. our village of 49 might be small, but i have met some amazing people in neufreistadt all of whom have expert knowledge to share. which reminds me, when are those esperanto classes going to start? :wink:

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Chicago Kipling
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Post by Chicago Kipling »

So we've got some of the easier and less controversial things out on the table. Courtesy and speaking to your audience wisely is important.

Now the harder things. How can we get more voices actively involved in the political process? Are the majority of our 30-40 citizens feeling connected? Are we see adequate representation of them? If not, what can we do?

The one idea thrown out there has been further division of the forum. While I respect the thoughts and don't outright reject it, I think we need to recognize that many don't come here. How can we go to them? To their in-world homes and city?

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Post by Tad Peckham »

[quote:1hid93mn]The one idea thrown out there has been further division of the forum. While I respect the thoughts and don't outright reject it, I think we need to recognize that many don't come here. How can we go to them? To their in-world homes and city?[/quote:1hid93mn]

what if our village printed a free monthly publication highlighting some of the more important issues and events happening in town? to avoid competing with 'the democrat' the scope of the village flyer could be very limited, and refer readers to 'the democrat' or these message boards for more information on specific issues.

to offer an example: the rl city i live in produces a monthly flyer containing news on the city budget, upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, updates on major construction projects, etc. i would like to see neufreistadt's flyer contain some of that same information.

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Great Idea!

Post by Patroklus Murakami »

I think the idea of a community notice/newspaper is a great one. Like 'The Democrat' I think it's more likely to work in notecard format, best to keep it simple. Who's volunteering as editor?:)

'Die Neufreistadt Zeitung'?

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Post by Tad Peckham »

well, since it is my idea after all, i would considering volunteering to be editor. however, i would seriously need a lot of help to get the publication off the ground, as there is a lot i need to learn in terms of how to distribute a publication in sl. i would also need help learning to identify potential technical issues, and how to overcome those issues.

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Aliasi Stonebender
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Post by Aliasi Stonebender »

[quote="Tad Peckham":u5u5sqkn]well, since it is my idea after all, i would considering volunteering to be editor. however, i would seriously need a lot of help to get the publication off the ground, as there is a lot i need to learn in terms of how to distribute a publication in sl. i would also need help learning to identify potential technical issues, and how to overcome those issues.[/quote:u5u5sqkn]

If you wish to do it, do it. It doesn't sound like something that needs special sanction.

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Post by Ashcroft Burnham »

[quote="Tad Peckham":2r1s9ou2]what if our village printed a free monthly publication highlighting some of the more important issues and events happening in town? to avoid competing with 'the democrat' the scope of the village flyer could be very limited, and refer readers to 'the democrat' or these message boards for more information on specific issues.

to offer an example: the rl city i live in produces a monthly flyer containing news on the city budget, upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, updates on major construction projects, etc. i would like to see neufreistadt's flyer contain some of that same information.[/quote:2r1s9ou2]

That is really a rather good idea. Just as long as you don't call it, "The Truth" ;-)

Ashcroft Burnham

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Post by Chicago Kipling »

Ha, nice Ashcroft. ;) If I could I'd like to recommend two slight modifications.

First, let's get behind The Democrat with more seriousness. Ashcroft, your formidable writing skill would be a great boon to them. I have not yet read the most recent issue that talks about the status of the paper, but I think you and others could help us all a great deal with a small effort. Maybe just a short opinion piece that appeals to the heart regarding your recent bills or the need for more judiciary applicants might be good.

Second, let's support our Public Information Officer. It's been some time since the person was announced, but it would be great if you, Tad, could send that person (Aliasi, can you help us with the name?) an im and offer what you've spoken of as a help.

I'll be glad to offer a bit of time to both efforts as I'm able.

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Open to discussion

Post by Gxeremio Dimsum »

I appreciate the consideration of The Democrat here, which wants to grow along with CDS. One thing with our new format is to have lots of contributions, and I would love to see a weekly section about Nstadt (and maybe one about Colonia Nova too), as I have mentioned to Tad among others. Another benefit of a regular section about Nstadt is raising awareness among The Democrat's readers about the community.
The thing is that the Democrat does charge for each paper. I would be happy to work out some kind of agreement either with the city government or with some kind of citizens' group for how to get The Democrat out to everyone while having some kind of consideration for our financial situation. What ideas do you have?

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Aliasi Stonebender
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Post by Aliasi Stonebender »

[quote="Chicago Kipling":wox2amhy]
Second, let's support our Public Information Officer. It's been some time since the person was announced, but it would be great if you, Tad, could send that person (Aliasi, can you help us with the name?) an im and offer what you've spoken of as a help.

Nightwind Leonov.

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Post by Tad Peckham »

[quote:3allinna]I appreciate the consideration of The Democrat here, which wants to grow along with CDS. One thing with our new format is to have lots of contributions, and I would love to see a weekly section about Nstadt (and maybe one about Colonia Nova too), as I have mentioned to Tad among others. Another benefit of a regular section about Nstadt is raising awareness among The Democrat's readers about the community.
The thing is that the Democrat does charge for each paper. I would be happy to work out some kind of agreement either with the city government or with some kind of citizens' group for how to get The Democrat out to everyone while having some kind of consideration for our financial situation. What ideas do you have?[/quote:3allinna]

i do think it only fair and appropriate that 'the democrat' receive first dibs on covering events. moreover i think the idea of of having a weekly nstadt events feature in 'the democrat' would allow us maximum exposure for event publicity.

maybe we could reduce my monthly flyer idea simply to a town message board located somewhere in the platz. the board could include dates and times of meetings and events, as well as a link to this web forum. any other specific details could be left to 'the democrat' to publish.

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Post by Patroklus Murakami »

[quote="Tad Peckham":1byckro0]i do think it only fair and appropriate that 'the democrat' receive first dibs on covering events.[/quote:1byckro0]

Much as I like 'The Democrat' I disagree with giving any independent newspaper 'first dibs' on anything :)

There's no reason why a CDS community freesheet can't live alongside 'The Democrat' or any other newspaper but I can't agree that 'The Democrat' deserves any special favours because its editor is a CDS citizen.

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Post by Tad Peckham »

[quote="Patroklus Murakami":2n0dyvpj]

Much as I like 'The Democrat' I disagree with giving any independent newspaper 'first dibs' on anything :)

There's no reason why a CDS community freesheet can't live alongside 'The Democrat' or any other newspaper but I can't agree that 'The Democrat' deserves any special favours because its editor is a CDS citizen.[/quote:2n0dyvpj]

sorry, i wasn't totally clear here: which reminds me never to post in the forum after working a 12 hour day. :)

all i was meaning to say was that the freesheet should contain very general information on events, while giving 'the democrat' the opportunity for having a reporter at the event reporting on the more specific details. regardless if we do a town bulletin board or a flyer, i think both the town flyer and 'the democrat' can post blurbs on upcoming events without really stepping on each other toes. the actual 'story' of the event, however, i think should go to 'the democrat'.

ok, so i'm posting this minutes after waking up and i don't even have a full cup of coffee in me yet. hope this makes sense! :P

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