Octoberfest & the death of Socialism (poll)

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Octoberfest & the death of Socialism (poll)

Post by Dianne »

Catchy title eh? :)
(but almost purposely misleading)

This is a rambling rant/plea/query about a bunch of things that are going to spew out of my head almost as I write them rather than an ordered argument or statement.

First - WTF happened to Oktoberfest?

We are one of the most well-known German BAVARIAN themed sim, yet we had no Oktoberfest celebrations whatsoever that I saw or heard of. I think that's pretty sad.

I made a beer barrel that gives out free litres of beer in a glass with our flag on it, but I had a hard time with the scripting so it was late. I also made a commemorative beer stein and a vendor for same like we have had in previous years, but I could never get the script to vend the items to work so I didn't put it out. I also have the German Lebkuchenherzen stand that gives out gingerbread "sweetheart" cookies in true German style but there never was any place to put it. Since Altenburg is still a big empty square, I don't know why we never got it together to have Oktoberfest! I am not trying to b lame anyone in particular here but this is kinda ridiculous for a German themed sim don't you think?

I remember suggesting fairly recently when we had to virtually rebuild the city that perhaps we could move away from the German theme, since the majority of us are not even German, and people were shocked at the idea and resoundingly against it. But if we are going to be German, shouldn't we observe at least the basics of the German holiday calendar?

Also Halloween is just around the corner on Monday and it's probably too late to do anything about that also.

I guess what I am saying is that I am kind of ticked off at the lack of any kind of social events in the city. Are we really that dry and uninteresting?

Before you get mad, the poll is just for fun (often referred to as a "joke" by the regular population).

Anyone who answers the poll and IM's me inworld will get a free highly detailed and bottomless Neufreistadt beer stein .

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Chicago Kipling
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Post by Chicago Kipling »

Certainly citizen involvement is very important. I'm not very skilled in the things that would typically help these events, but I can do a little perhaps. (Wooden table anyone? :wink: )

Perhaps our leaders of the city can at least sketch out a wish list of events and things they would like to see at the events?

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Aliasi Stonebender
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Post by Aliasi Stonebender »

Dianne, in part we weren't helped by the extremely short time we had leading up to it. Look at when I got elected. Additionally, Nightwind, our PIO, had some stormy times in RL and was unable to help co-ordinate, and my own virtual inbasket is overflowing.

That said, having a proper year's-end holiday is just as important what with the opening of Colonia Nova, so I hope we can get back on track.

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How about Novemberfest?

Post by Pelanor Eldrich »

Ok it sounds stupid, but I personally don't need an excuse for a party.

Pelanor Eldrich
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Chicago Kipling
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Post by Chicago Kipling »

I was thinking today that another party soon for no real reason might not be a bad idea. Sounds like you're volunteering, Pel! ;)

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Brian Livingston
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Post by Brian Livingston »

I Second Novemberfest!

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Ashcroft Burnham
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Post by Ashcroft Burnham »

[quote="Brian Livingston":2oc19pk0]I Second Novemberfest![/quote:2oc19pk0]

We might do well to save Novemberfest, and go all out for Christmas, starting the planning now. Christmas trees are, after all, a German invention (I think...).

Ashcroft Burnham

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Aliasi Stonebender
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Post by Aliasi Stonebender »

I'd like to add I've been talking to Torin Golding, of ROMA, the main Roman-theme sim in SL at the moment, of doing some co-operative Saturnalia event, in regard to Colonia Nova.

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