I have just submitted this covenant addendum for consideration of the RA tomorrow. It is urgent that this provision be put in place as we move to implementing the new Land Management system (which should be ready for public beta operation within a week.)
Urgent Covenant Addendum
applicable to all sims
under the authority of the CDS
No citizen shall alter any parcel boundary.
No citizen shall alter any parcel name.
Citizens wishing to combine parcels or in any way alter parcel boundaries may make a request to the Estate Owner. Alternatively, the RA may direct the EO to alter certain boundaries. No citizen may perform this action on their own. Any alterations performed in consequence of these requests must be done with the full cooperation of the Estate Owner, who will update the land database records accordingly.
Citizens wishing to identify their parcel with personalized information may use the "Description" field under "About Land" to do so. The "Name" field shall not be altered.
Violation of this covenant provision shall subject the citizen to the dreaded guillotine treatment. In addition, their land may be temporarily "Reclaimed" by the EO in order to revert this information.
Efficient land management has always dictated that parcel boundaries and names be left unaltered. Purchase price records, and the data for calculating monthly land fees is based on defined land parcels. These two features of land must not be changed.
In the past, the Estate Owner has been lax about this matter, since all land transactions were done manually. Now, however, we are on the verge of installing a semi-automated Land Management System. It is absolutely imperative that these provisions be observed.