Report by the Chancellor for the month of June 2014

For the Chancellor to make important announcements regarding executive actions.

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Ceasar Xigalia
Passionate Protagonist
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Report by the Chancellor for the month of June 2014

Post by Ceasar Xigalia »

Report by the Chancellor for the month of June 2014 - Part 1

This first month in office has been very busy as you will see below. There was no formal transfer of administration from the previous Chancellor to my new administration. I was left to seek out what my legal duties are and what tools are needed. In order to gain access to these tools I first had to discover who held that access and hope they would cooperate. My wish is that no future Chancellor ever has to spend over a month trying to gain access to what they need in order to do their job. Thank you to each and every citizen who has assisted me and my team.

I have laid out this first monthly report by quoting first the relevant parts of the constitution and laws that prompted my actions.

Constitutional responsibilities of the Chancellor and the Executive Branch
Article II – The Executive
Section 1 – The Chancellor
The Chancellor will serve as the executive of CDS, working to coordinate and plan community projects.
Section 2 – Powers of the Chancellor
The Chancellor of CDS shall, subject to the laws of CDS, have the power:
(a) to determine the use to which any and all land in CDS shall be put;
(b) to expend monies held by the Office of the Chancellor of CDS for the administration and management of public facilities (including, but not limited to, roadways, signage, public buildings, public events and similar), and to discharge any other duties or powers of the Office of the Chancellor conferred by this Act or any other Act of the Representative Assembly;
(c) to publicise CDS;
(d) to appoint and pay deputies or other staff to hold office in the Office of the Chancellor of CDS to facilitate the discharge of any function of the Office of the Chancellor conferred by this Act or any other Act of the Representative Assembly;
(e) subject to the payment of adequate compensation to any citizen or citizens thereby affected, reclaim or swap any land held by any citizen of CDS for the purposes of discharging any function of the Office of the Chancellor conferred by this Act or any other Act of the Representative Assembly, provided always that no citizen of CDS shall not be caused to have no holding in Neufriestadt at all thereby;
(f) to make regulations pursuant to the above; and
(g) to enforce such regulations in accordance with law.
Section 3 – Public Oversight
The Chancellor must provide for regular and active citizen participation and public review of any decision concerning land use or the aesthetic or functional environment.
Section 4 – Themes
Nothing in this Act shall give the Chancellor of CDS any power to change the overall theme of Neufriestadt or any other sim or administered component of the CDS.
Section 5 – Chancellor Selection Process
1. The Chancellor of the CDS shall be elected by universal suffrage of all citizens from among any CDS citizen who shall make application to the SC.
2. The Chancellor will serve a term ending with the election of the next Chancellor.
3. The Chancellor may not be elected to or serve on the Representative Assembly, nor serve on the Scientific Council.
4. Chancellor vacancies will be filled by a by-election administered on a schedule set by the Scientific Council consistent with other applicable CDS law.
Section 6 – The Chancellor’s Veto
The Chancellor shall have the power to veto any act of the Representative Assembly, except any bill to remove the Chancellor from office. The Representative Assembly may override a veto with a vote by at least a two-thirds majority. In order to exercise the power of veto, the Chancellor shall post a public declaration of her or his intention to exercise that power, together with the name of the the Act in respect of which he or she seeks so to exercise, and the reasons for exercising it in respect of that Act, on the Confederation of Democratic Simulators web forums or wiki within seven days of the posting to the wiki of the Act in respect of which he or she seeks to exercise that power.
Section 7 – Removal from Office
The Chancellor may be removed from office prior to the expiration of the term of office by at least a two thirds vote of the Representative Assembly.
Section 8 – RA Oversight
Each month the Chancellor shall attend a meeting of the Representative Assembly, and fully and truthfully answer there any questions posed by any citizen about any aspect of the affairs of the CDS or of the Office of the Chancellor. The Chancellor will also attend upon three days notice at the written request from any member of the Representative Assembly.
Section 9 – AC Overlap
Any power or responsibility assigned to the Artisan’s Collective by the constitution and precedent that overlaps those provided to the Chancellor in this amendment will be assigned to the Chancellor.

Community projects
I accepted responsibility from the previous administration for the implementation of the CDS exhibit for SL11B. To that date the previous Chancellor had developed a theme only. Time was short and there was a need to move very quickly to create the CDS response in a time period of 2 weeks. The previous Chancellor offered to take over the project but because I was elected and would obviously be held responsible for the final outcome of the project I offered the outgoing Chancellor the opportunity to work closely with me on SL11B. Though he did cooperate by handing over information when requested he disrupted the first planning meeting.

I instigated a number of meetings where all citizens were invited to contribute to the CDS SL11B experience. Various working parties were formed and resources collected or created to build the exhibit and the resources within it. This exhibit opened on June 22nd and is currently still open. Thanks to all those citizens who contributed.
AbbyRose, Arria, Molly, Tor, Pat, Lilith, Pip, Ludo, Xuryon, Em, Catz, Penelope, Lam, Nolligan and many others.
JerryDon was asked to organize a series of events to take place in the CDS sims for SL11B and a large program of events was put together which have been successfully held. On a separate note JerryDon, using his own initiative, requested and received permission to speak on the main event stage about the nature of democracy in CDS and SL and my thanks go to JD for doing this.
Colt and Calli also had performances on the SL stage and thank you Colt for mentioning CDS during your performance.

One of the first things I did on taking office was update the roles and abilities in the Land Verwaltung (LV) group to reflect the newly elected administration and appointed team members. This was important because the LV group manages CDS land and I am required by law to be its caretaker. Updating the LV group had also been suggested to me by Sudane as being important. I removed the old administration from the roles used to manage CDS at the Executive Branch level. I added the new CDS Estate Managers into the LV group along with the Vice Chancellor Bagheera, the PIOs, the new RA. For clarity in the LV group I created separate group roles for SC and RA members, per the law.

In a similar way I asked the Estate Owner, Sudane, to remove the old administrations officers from the Estate Manger tool and add the new administrations officers.

I have subsequently added for those in the LV group (some 61 individuals) under the ‘everyone’ role the ability to host events which now provides the ability for LV members to do everything they could do under Musicians/Presenters. Most people in everyone were also in Musicians/Presenters. I removed all people from the Musicians/Presenter role, which will now be used for temporary musicians/Presenters in CDS for clarity, so that they can be easily added and removed after the need for them to be in the LV group is completed.

I put into place a new procedure for the sale of land held by the government due to tier delinquency or abandonment. This procedure creates two sale days per week at fixed times so that citizens are aware of the date land will be set for sale. Any land that becomes available is announced, on the forums and inworld by notice, with at least 24 hours before a sale day. Any land not sold when it is set for sale will be available and visible on the map in yellow until it is sold. So far all the land set for sale in this way has been bought on the day of sale and we are currently at full occupancy in the CDS sims.

I would remind all citizens who have rezzed or built a new property or structure on their parcels in June need to contact either myself or Bagheera by notecard requesting an inspection to ensure covenants are complied with.

NL 4-16 Public Prim Allotment Act
Public service institutions chartered by City of Neualtenburg share prims from the general Neualtenburg Raumnutzung prim allotment. These institutions are the Museum, the School, and possibly if they should fall in this catagory in the future, the Church, the Biergarten and the Schloss. Implementation of this measure will involve two primary actions:
1. The institution will operate in the manner already established, chartered by the City, and contributing monthly fee based on the Land Area they occupy and the zoning rates applicable to that area. But, the parcel(s) they occupy will not be deeded to their “Group”, but rather will remain as a part of the Raumnutzung.
2. The institution agrees to participate in a Guild-based Prim management Committee. This committee will oversee the regular collection of prim use data from the component parcels deeded to the Raumnutzung, and will determine, based on usage needs agreed by representatives of the Guild and each participant institution, fair and equitable prim allotment.
Furthermore, The Guild is directed to develop and implement a plan to reduce prim usage at the Neualtenburger Kirche by 25%.
passed as amended 11 March 2006
At the current time, about half of Neualtenburg land remains deeded to the Neualtenburg Raumnutzung (Neualtenburg Land Management Group). Even if all parcels designated for sale should be sold, a substantial percentage of the sim will remain Raumnutzung.

Ordinarily, as each new institution is formed, it’s parcel, like all citizens’ parcels, would be deeded to the group managing the institutions. And, as with citizens, the institution would then have available for its use only that many prims as are allocated for the m2 occupied. Allocated prims are approximately 23% of m2.

However, all the institutions which may be affected by this measure are heavy users of prims, indeed, by necessity in most cases. This proposal returns those institution’s prim allotments to the general City pool, with the theory that the common good provided by those institutions is deserving of sharing in all prims available to the City. In addition, the common “interest” of the public service institutions provide a common ground upon which to come to shared agreement on prim usage.

It is envisioned that the Prim Management Committee (PMC) will have frequent cause to examine prim usage, with an eye towards shifting the allotments from time to time as scheduled events cause first one institution and then another to need more than their ordinary share.

notes by Sudane Erato

Concerns were raised earlier in the month when the land occupied by the CDS Artisans Guild (CDSAG) was transferred by the Treasurer from the government land holding LV group to a group owned by the CDSAG. This moved the land from public ownership into private ownership. As Chancellor I was not consulted by either the CDSAG nor the Treasurer before this unilateral action was taken. This happened before I started receiving land scanner emails and I was informed of the event by the Vice Chancellor.
I asked the Treasurer/Estate Owner if she was aware of this event. Sudane told me she, herself, had taken the land and placed into the new group. After a conversation about why Sudane had taken this action I instructed the Treasurer to return the land to the LV group as there had been no authority given for the transfer. I did not feel I had the authority to approve Sudane’s actions. I felt a responsibility to protect CDS citizens as I had recently taken my oath of office to that effect. The NL 4-16 Public Prim Allotment Act very clearly speaks about the school and the way in which it is to be operated, with specific reference to the ownership of the land.

At no stage were the members of the CDSAG who were in the LV group denied the ability to rez. Because the land is held in the LV group which also holds all government held land in all five sims, (roads, buildings, public buildings, water, etc) it was not possible to give the CDSAG full control of that one parcel without giving the same high level of control in all five sims. They also wanted the ability to add people and change roles in the LV group.

When I addressed the first session of the RA I proposed a simple solution to the problem. That the NFS School land could be easily placed into a newly formed government held group, separate from the LV group. This would allow compliance with the NL 4-16 Public Prim Allotment Act. The CDSAG to remain located in the NFS School and essentially continue to rent the parcel from CDS as they always have. To date I have not been approached by the CDSAG with regard to this solution.
A request for clarification outlined below was sent to the SC on 6/10/2014

Petition for clarification from the SC.

The points of law I would like the SC to address are:
1. That the SC confirm or deny that the NFS School parcel is owned by the citzens of CDS and held under government management by the Chancellors Branch.
2. Whether NL 4-16 requires that the land remain in the ‘Raumnutzung’ and therefore ‘the LV group’
3. Whether the Chancellor or officers of the Executive Branch have the authority to transfer the NFS School parcel from the LV group to the CDS Artisans Guild or any other group or private ownership.

NL 4-17 Anzere Infohub Act
The city shall apply to Linden Labs to build and manage the Anzere Infohub. The city shall pay Aliasi Stonebender $L1000 to coordinate the project.

passed as amended 22 March 2006

I have visited the Anzere infohub and will look in the coming month how the PIO team can refresh this important outpost of CDS, updating information, so any visitors will find a real understanding of CDS and the opportunities if they were to join our community in the 5 sims. I have no intention of making any changes to the build structure in any way. I do intend to update the information held there.

NL 4-18 City Building Redundancy Act
Full perm copies of all city owned buildings shall be provided by the builder to the Content Archivist. The full-permission copy is for the CDS intended purpose only, and not to be given or sold otherwise. In addition pictures have to be published in the portal by the Executive.
Passed as amended March 29 2006
Further amended by CDSL 15-02 17 July 2011

CDSL 15-02 City Building Redundancy Act
Amend NL 4-18 City Building Redundancy Act to read:
Full perm copies of all city owned buildings shall be provided by the builder to the Content Archivist. The full-permission copy is for the CDS intended purpose only, and not to be given or sold otherwise. In addition pictures have to be published in the portal by the Executive.
Passed 17 July 2011

We will be reviewing all CDS owned buildings and infrastructure in the next few months and will seek to place as many of these as possible into the Content Archivist avatar ‘Archie’. We will contact citizens whose builds and prims are publically rezzed in CDS and ask that, where possible based on permissions, these items are set to Archie in world and/or transferred to Archie’s inventory. We appreciate the cooperation of those citizens while we complete this work.

NL 4-24 Defense of the Republic Act
Estate owners in Second Life have tools available to them to defend their property against those who would do them harm. In Neualtenburg we allocate those powers to Government officials and responsible citizens to protect the sim and our citizens. We also allow for oversight of these powers to prevent abuse.
Griefing is defined here as behaviour designed to harrass others or to damage the sim. It includes inter alia harrassing avatars for racial, sexual or homophobic reasons; deleting or defacing public or private property in Neulatenburg; armed or unarmed combat with unwilling parties and attempts to crash the sim.

Members of the Representative Assembly, the Scientific Council and the Guild Master (and citizens temporarily empowered by these bodies) are empowered to ban avatars from Neualtenburg if they are griefing or make a recorded threat to grief.
The Scientific Council are empowered to deny citizenship to a non-citizen if they have cause to believe that the non-citizen will not abide by the Constitution, founding documents and laws of the City.
Sim bans will be reviewed at the next Scientific Council meeting which must take place within 28 days. The Scientific Council can support, rescind or amend the ban and must set a time-limit for review by a future SC meeting.
Bars to citizenship must be time-limited and can be overturned by a 2/3 majority vote in the Representative Assembly.
I’ve made the changes as discussed in previous posts. The one difference is that I’ve added the potential for the RA, SC or Guildmaster to temporarily grant ban powers to other citizens. I thought this might be useful when we want to have ‘security’ at events without relying on a member of the government to be there and be prepared to eject people if need’s be.
(Author: Patroklus Murakami)
passed as amended 12 May 2006

Two avatars, believed to be ‘bots’, reported to me by 5 citizens, were observed entering the mid point of CDS sims on a regular basis and remaining for only a few seconds. The two avatars were temporarily banned from the CDS estate, were notified of their right of appeal to the Dean of the SC and a report of the incident and banning sent to the SC for their due process.

Last edited by Ceasar Xigalia on Wed Jul 02, 2014 11:09 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Ceasar Xigalia,
“I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance any day.”
― Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt
Ceasar Xigalia
Passionate Protagonist
Passionate Protagonist
Posts: 188
Joined: Tue Sep 20, 2011 3:26 pm

Re: Report by the Chancellor for the month of June 2014 - 2

Post by Ceasar Xigalia »

NL 4-26 Public Information Act
1. This act creates the office of City Public Information Officer (PIO) as follows:
Public Information Officer
Administers a wide range of public relations activities on a simwide basis in a centralized public information function. Work involves conceptualizing, developing, and implementing major media and advertising campaigns, marketing programs, and various special projects. Work is performed under general supervision of the Guildmaster.
* Researches, develops, writes, and coordinates a media campaign for the City;
* Coordinates public relations activities for the City;
* Oversees development and implement of a City Tourist Information Office;
* Works with businesses and merchants to develop and implement a Chamber of Commerce;
* Develops and coordinates the illustration and printing of publications;
* Prepares, reviews, and edits news conferences, releases, newsletters, publications, and scripts;
* Counsels elected and appointed City officials concerning public relations aspects of policies, practices, procedures, programs, and actions;
* Researches, writes, photographs as requested;
* Serves as a liaison between City officials, or organizations, departments, and specific groups;
* Researches and interprets attitudes, opinions, and perceptions of selected internal and external groups and reports that information to elected and appointed City officials;
* Performs other duties as assigned.
2. The PIO is appointed by the Guildmeister and is to be paid $L1000/month.
passed 6 June 2006

NL 7-3 Web Portal Act

1. The CDS Website, Forums, Wiki, Colonia Nova Blog and any other
current or future web-based tools so designated or approved by the RA
shall be consolidated into a new CDS Web Portal.
2. The responsibility for administering and maintaining the CDS Web
Portal lies with the Executive Branch, and in particular with the CDS
Public Information Officer (“the PIO”). The Executive will appoint a
system administrator for the new site.
3. The new web portal will based on an open-source content management
system (such as Drupal or Plone) and will allow each branch of
government to determine the content of their section of the new site.
4. The RA hereby mandates the PIO to develop a coherent plan for
consolidating, rationalising, and connecting the CDS Web Portal and
all its individual elements -including a development plan, hosting
options, and a draft budget of initial and yearly costs.
5. The RA authorizes the PIO to enter into exploratory discussions
with the current legal owners of the various elements of the CDS Web
Portal regarding the transfer of the latter and of all rights related
thereto into CDS ownership.
6. The PIO shall prepare a report on this matter, including suggested
legislative proposals (if any) and submit it to the RA for
consideration no later than 1 September 2007.
7. In the absence of a PIO, the responsibility for taking this
forward rests with the Chancellor.
8. The RA shall consider the report within 2 weeks of receipt of the
report. It shall draft and vote on legislation on this matter no
later than one calendar month after receipt of the report and in no
case later than 1 October 2007
Passed 12 Aug 07

CDSL 13-01 Public Information Act
This Act clarifies the duties of the Chancellor pursuant to Article II, Section 2(c) of the Constitution. The Chancellor shall be responsible for overseeing the production and maintenance of publicity and public information with respect to the actions, policies and history of the CDS government. In order to ensure no one is overburdened, and that obligations pursuant to this law are met in a timely fashion, this authority may and should be delegated, in whole or in part, to a Public Information Team. Pursuant to the Constitution, however, the Chancellor retains the responsibility for the performance of these duties.
The Chancellor shall designate a Public Information Team, with individual duties specified in writing and made publicly available at the beginning of each term. Functions including maintenance of the calendar, group event notice supervision, inworld physical information source (kiosks, magazines, handouts, etc.) development and maintenance, shall each be assigned to a named individual reporting regularly to the Chancellor.
The Chancellor shall be responsible for ensuring that all information about the CDS made publicly available within the CDS regions is current and up to date at all times.
The Chancellor shall arrange for information kiosks to be deployed and maintaned at high-traffic points in each CDS region. These kiosks are to include, at minimum, maps of each region identifying the purpose and ownership of each building; brief and uncontroversial information about the origins and purpose of the CDS; and a pictorial guide to the CDS as a whole. This information also shall be made available in a simple package which can be distributed to visitors, new citizens or other interested parties.
The Chancellor shall ensure that group subscribers for the CDS inworld group are available at a broad range of public sites within the CDS, and at all official events. Posting access to this group shall be open to all citizens. Guidelines for use of the group should follow those for the current Al Andalus group, included below. The Chancellor shall designate a member of the Public Information Team to be responsible for oversight of notice policy, and for assisting any citizen who may have content concerns or language difficulties, to post notices in conformity with the guidelines. Use of the group by citizens, within the guidelines, for any event which might be of general interest, shall be strongly encouraged.
Passwords for all official media channels shall be held by the Chancellor and appropriate members of the Public Information Team, the LRA and the Dean of the SC. Under no circumstances shall these passwords be known only to one person. At the beginning of their term, the Chancellor shall change all passwords and immediately notify the LRA and the Dean of the SC of the new passwords for the term.
All informational, public relations and other promotional activities not specifically assigned to the Chancellor under this Act shall be the responsibility of citizens, acting as individuals or through regional, trade or other non-governmental associations.

CDSL 15-04 CDS webportal Act
The CDS Webportal is the main channel of communication of CDS. It is equally open to each branch of the government, of each NGO active in CDS and to all CDS citizen.

The Administrator is responsible for accesses, (providing username and password for named redactors ) support and quality management. The Administrator manage the whole portal, the plug ins, theme, widgets, and the picture gallery on the home page. The Administrator name an another responsible if unable to work on the portal for more then two weeks. The Administrator is responsible to provide a regular backup of the portal. The Administrator has access to the blog.

The Editor is responsible for the content of a branch, an NGO, a faction or any activity in CDS. Each organization is responsible to nominate a person who gets the role of Editor and to submit the name to the Administrator who will provide access to the blog for the duration of their term. The Editor has an access to the blog.

The owner of the domain name and subdomain assure continued service in collaboration with the Administrator.

Inclusion in the list of CDS bloggers on the home page is open to every citizen who has a blog, as long as the blog is in line with our laws, the LL ToS and the Declaration of Human rights. Bloggers can submit a request to the Administrator.

Passed 30 October 2011

Four citzens were appointed at the start of the term to act as PIOs in the PIO team
• AbbyRose Abbot
• Andromeda Mesmer
• Dee Shepherd
• Molly Medier
Job descriptions have been issued and a meeting with the team held in June.
The PIOs have produced a commerce directory of CDS, a video slide show of CDS, assisted with the Inaugural Ball, events in CDS and events for SL11B. There is information about new events posted in the sims.

We will produce an updated welcome pack in July to ensure that new citizens are given information about CDS, the democracy process, facilities and events.

I have attempted to bring all of the public CDS communications channels under the correct management of the Executive Branch and the PIOs by requesting that members of previous administrations provide the IDs and passwords or setup new such IDs. It is a requirement of CDSL 13-01 Public Information Act that the Chancellor reset the passwords to these accounts, delegate access and duties to the PIO team and pass copies of the passwords to the LRA and Dean of the SC for backup purposes.
While some information was freely given and accounts transferred effectively by some previous administrators my efforts in this regard have been hampered by:
• Inconsistent knowledge/records of all public CDS accounts by previous administrations
• No transfer of accounts by the outgoing Chancellor
• Active obstruction of the Chancellor by a member of the RA with regard to the CDS FaceBook account. A report has been sent to the SC for consideration under their due process. Rosie Gray removed admin status from me minutes after it had been given to me at my request by Tor. Tor then returned my access shortly after at my request and I secured the account against further tampering. A request has been sent inworld to the LRA and the Dean of the SC to provide their Facebook account names so that they can be added as Admins for backup purposes.
• Active obstruction of the Chancellor by the Treasurer with regard to the CDS gmail account (used to coordinate a number of other Executive Branch tools). A report will be sent to the SC for consideration under their due process. The Treasurer actually suggested that and I quote from her email ‘No one in the entire community will complain if you bend the law and include Sudane in the list of those currently aware of the password for this account.’ when trying to negotiate an access for herself having removed my access to the account. I still do not have access to this account. The PIOs have been prevented from posting to the CDS calendar by the withholding of the gmail password.
• Lack of assistance by an EM to assist the Chancellor gain access to the Kiosk website ID and Password.
We have subsequently managed to take partial control of the inworld kiosk system, although I do not yet have access to the kiosk website management tool, which is related to the gmail account.
We have taken the Webportal under Executive branch management as required by law, and have ensured that the Dean of the SC has Admin access for backup purposes. I have requested today that the LRA be given Admin access for backup purposes.

I would request that any citizens who have administrative type access to CDS public communication tools let me or Bagheera know so that we can take their management under the new Executive branch administration. It should be noted that the administration of these accounts is the required duty of the Executive Branch and that the Dean of the SC nor the LRA should manage the accounts nor delegate the ID or password to anyone else.

One month after taking office I am still trying to discover all the tools and passwords needed to allow the Executive Branch to perform their job for CDS.

Last edited by Ceasar Xigalia on Wed Jul 02, 2014 11:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Ceasar Xigalia,
“I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance any day.”
― Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt
Ceasar Xigalia
Passionate Protagonist
Passionate Protagonist
Posts: 188
Joined: Tue Sep 20, 2011 3:26 pm

Re: Report by the Chancellor for the month of June 2014 - 3

Post by Ceasar Xigalia »

5-5 Treasurer Act

The responsibility of the Treasurer is defined as follows:
The Treasurer shall oversee and be responsible for the receipt and disbursement of all money received by the City and for the investment of money received by the City.
It shall also be the responsibility of the Treasurer to assure that the fiscal integrity of the City is protected and that all funds are accounted for, whether revenues from taxes, rental charges, user charges, fees, grants, gifts, or any other source and that expenditures comply with applicable Linden Labs TOS’s, City TOS’s, City Constitution and Laws, City Policies, Administrative Policies and Procedures, court orders and any other mandates affecting expenditures of funds and the management of the City.
In addition, the Treasurer is responsible for establishing controls which will prevent any expenditure of funds which does not meet the requirement of this policy. Violations or attempted violations of this policy are to be reported to the AC, RA and SC(or their successors) immediately upon detection.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining internal control procedures that include but are not limited to:
• Proper authorization of transactions and activities.
• Adequate documents and records.
• Adequate safeguards over access and use of assets and records.
In order that the City present fairly and with full disclosure its financial position and results of operations, the Treasurer is responsible for establishing and maintaining an effective accounting system that will result in the:
Identification and recording of all valid transactions.
• Description on a timely basis of the type of transaction in sufficient detail to permit proper classification of the transaction for financial reporting.
• Measurement of the transaction’s value in a manner that permits recording of its monetary value in the financial statements.
• Determination of the time period in which the transaction occurred to permit recording of the transaction in the proper accounting period.
• Proper presentation of the transaction and related disclosures in the financial statements.
Policy Regarding the Treasurer
The RL person, in the form of their principal avatar, must be a citizen of Neufreistadt, as defined by the founding documents.
The RL person must establish an alternate avatar; that is, one different from their primary SL persona avatar. This alt avatar shall be technically a bank account of the governing entity”. All funds of this “Treasurer avatar” are and shall remain the property of Neufreistadt, until the termination of the Treasurer’s term in office, at which time they will be transferred to a newly appointed “Treasurer avatar”.
Likewise, should the governing entity decide to continue accepting US$ payments, the RL person must establish a Paypal Business account with the buisness name corresponding to the governmental entity which the Treasurer serves. This account, too, shall be technically a bank account of the governing entity. All funds of this Paypal account are and shall remain the property of Neufreistadt, until the termination of the Treasurer’s term in office, at which time they will be transferred to a newly appointed Paypal account.
The Treasurer must disclose their RL contact information in confidence to another Citizen of their own chosing in case the untoward should happen to the Treasurer. In this eventuality, access to the Treasurer’ alt account and access to the Paypal account would be necessary.
The position of Treasurer shall be understood as a “civil service” type position. The citizen holding this role will not occupy any other elected or administrative position in the governed entity which he/she serves, unless a waiver might be granted, on a case by case basis, by the SC. She/he shall be appointed by the Chancellor, with the advice and consent of the RA, and shall jold their position until they may resign or removed for cause. Any such planned transition shall be of a duration of no fewer than 60 days to allow for reestablishment of accounts and the transfer of funds.
Duties of the Treasurer
1. To pay to the Estate Owner, in a timely fashion, funds sufficient to cover the sim’s monthly obligation to LL, along with associated costs which may in incurred.
2. To handle real estate transactions under the direction of the appropriate government bodies of Neufreistadt; e.g., to receive applications from new members and existing citizens for the purchase or transfer of sim(s) land; to prepare necessary the deeds, to guide applicants through the process to ensure transactions are properly executed, and to keep accurate public records regarding the sim(s); the land, the parcels, the ownership configuration, and the obligations of each citizen regarding their monthly fee.
3. To handle the financial transactions under the direction of the appropriate government bodies of Neufreistadt; e.g., to collect revenues, disburse expenses, transfer and exchange currency, and to maintain the necessary in-world and RL accounts needed to administer City funds in both L$ and US$.
4. To maintain a financial system in a manner consistent with RL standard accounting practices, using standard double-entry bookkeeping principles.
5. To maintain an open reporting and record systems which provides the Citizens of Neufreistadt information regarding the financial status of the city and land ownership data. However, RL information regarding Citizens, e.g., contact information, paypal account information, etc., shall be kept private.
6. To cooperate with the bodies of government as established by the citizens of Neufreistadt in carrying out the duties and responsibilities of the office and to work with any special Committees established by such bodies to develop and implement suitable oversight systems.
7. To provide other duties as assigned.
passed 14 September 2006

5-6 Estate Owner Act
The Estate Owner (EO) is a function defined both by Linden Lab policies and by the system of governance of the sims comprising the CDS.
In the eyes of LL, that person (it must be a single RL person) “owns” the sim (meaning they have bought the right to authority over the sim) and must pay monthly tax on the sim. In addition, they are the sole holder of the right of “Reclaim”, the ultimate authority exercizable in a private island sim.
In the eyes of the governance of a CDS sim, the EO receives the funds needed to satisfy the monthly fee to LL. In addition, the EO must duly execute actions within his/her sole ability to perform, resulting from decisions of the various authorized entities of the governing system. These shall be primarily any actions required to be performed on the “Estate” menu, and shall also include “Reclaim” parcels. Many of these roles can be delegated to various Estate Managers. Paying the monthly fee, and reclainming land, cannot be delegated.
To ensure the performance of these necessary functions, the following is proposed for the office of EO.
1. The EO shall be a citizen of a sim within the CDS and shall be appointed by a majority vote of the SC. An EO may serve for one sim or multiple sims.
2. The EO shall serve for life, or until they resign, or until they are removed for cause by a 2/3 vote of the SC.
3. The EO shall be replaced for any of these reasons only with a three month transition period to allow for transfer of sim ownership. The position may NEVER be vacant.
4. In the event of an unanticipated or unexplained absence of the Estate Owner, provision will be made for the sharing of sufficient personal information with a member of the SC so that the account can be accessed and sim ownership transferred on an emergency basis. Should this happen, LL shall be requested to perform an immediate transfer.
5. The EO shall receive funds each month to pay the monthly LL fee and to retain a balance of one month’s monthly fee in reserve. The payment shall be made by the sim authority (the Treasurer) in a form and fashion specified by the EO, which may include conversion fees, Paypal charges and the LL transfer fee when required. Each month, the EO will report all receipts and disbursements, as well as the balance of their account with the sim, to the Treasurer. The EO is not considered to be an “account” of the sim; the sim does not own all funds contained within the EO’s avatar. Rather, the EO functions as disbursement agent.
6. When circumstances require it, the EO will receive instructions from various of the duly constituted authorities of sim governance to perform necessary actions. In some cases, the EO will appoint Estate Managers, on the instruction of the appropriate authorities, to carry out these responsibilities. An example would be “Marshalls of the Peace” designated to ban as needed recalcitrant avatars. In other cases, such as “reclaiming” land, the EO themself will be called upon to perform this duty. All requests for such services will be logged by the EO, including the name of the requestor entity, and published monthly.
7. The EO will receive no compensation for the office. In addition, the EO will be prohibited from holding any elected or appointed office in the sim government, unless a waiver might be granted, on a case by case basis, by the SC. The only compensation provided will be the ceremonial title “Owner of the Sim”.
passed 14 September 2006
amended 16 September 2006

I have requested that Sudane Erato act as Treasurer during the 21st term. As required by NL 5-5 I have submitted Sudanes name to the RA for their approval of appointment as treasurer and I have asked the SC to provide a waiver to allow Sudane as Estate Owner of the CDS estate to hold an appointed office, as this is specifically excluded without a waiver under NL 5-6. These two items are currently awaiting the consideration of the RA and SC respectively.

5-7 Civil Service Act
A. Objective
To allow for the appointment of individuals to carry out the actions of the Neufreistadt-CDS governing bodies. Civil servants will carry out the tasks currently done by the Artisan Branch.
B. Civil Service Positions and Members
Civil service positions are established by legislative action by the RA and appointed civil servants may receive compensation provided by the Neufreistadt-CDS budget. Legislation will describe the position and duties but will not specify the individual that will fill that role.
Civil service members are appointed by the Executive Branch to fill a specific position established by law and serve for a term defined by that law.
The Executive Branch may dismiss a cilvil servant for not executing the duties described in this bill. Any dismissed civil servant may appeal a dismissal with the Scientific Council.
C. Civil Service Duties
Civil servants pledge to faithfully protect the constitution and to execute legislation passed by the RA at the direction of the Executive Branch.
1. Civil servants are required to execute regulations and directives where these do not conflict with laws passed by the RA, and to follow guidelines or oversight provided by the Executive Branch.
2. If a civil servant finds a discrepancy between an regulation or directive and laws passed by the RA which cannot be resolved in discussion with the Executive Branch they are required to ask for clarification from the Scientific Council.
3. Where there are no relevant regulations or directives, civil servants are required to execute RA laws to the best of their ability.
4. Civil servants are required to provide full and accurate information about their activities and the state of land, Neufreistadt-CDS organization, assets, and finances to the Executive Branch and the RA as requested.
5. Civil servants are expected to propose and participate in drafting regulations and directives for consideration by the Executive Branch.
passed 16 September 2006

I appointed Bagheera Kristan as Vice Chancellor responsible for CDS estate management. Together we appointed the following CDS estate managers.
• Carlo Islar
• Nolligan Nino
• Sonja Strom
• Sudane Erato (Also Estate Owner)
• Trebor Warcliffe
I issued an interim job description to the CDS estate managers and ensured that they have access to the tools they need to do their jobs. They use the following tools:
• Region Estate Manager tool
• CDS Estate Manager role in the LV group
• Hippo tier box system

There has been some controversy about the use of the Land Scanner. This was set to email Sudane, Bagheera and myself after a conversation with Sudane where she indicated that the script is affected by the number of people on the email list, the script performs better if the list is short so we don’t want too many people on the land scanner. She also separately indicated that emails from the Land Scanner can intermittently fail to be sent. I personally experienced missing emails about land transactions. I therefore ensured that the process to deal with land events and new citizens is handled without the need for the CDS Estate Managers to receive land scanner emails. In fact new citizens will be assigned to a PIO team member for them to meet and greet and issue a welcome pack of CDS information.

New Procedure for Orienting New Citizens to CDS
Landscanner email is received by Chancellor, Vice Chancellor and Treasurer. Chancellor and or Vice Chancellor make sure that the land transaction is complete and that the tier box is paid.
Vice chancellor greets the new citizen, gives contact information, and assures there is a basic understanding of the CDS community and covenents for the parcel and sims.
Vice Chancellor gives the new Citizen the CDS group tag and adds them as a citizen.
A PIO who has been trained in New Citizen Greeting and Orientation to CDS is assigned to be the point of contact for the new citizen. A meeting time is arranged with the new citizen and PIO assigned and the Chancellor is notified of the time of the meeting by the PIO.
Chancellor greets new citizen to make sure the intial meeting has occurred within the agreed upon time and asks if there are any further questions.

I also issued the following advice to the CDS EMs 0n 6/8/2014
Thank you for agreeing to be an Estate Manager. I will be putting together a more detailed job description shortly. In the meantime I would like you to follow the guidelines outlined below.
• Please report any abandoned land you notice to either myself or Bagheera.
• Do not set abandoned land for sale – we will be dealing with government land sales in a different way under this administration. Land that comes up for sale in this way will be announced publicly and fairly distributed in a similar way to that outlined for the fishing village sale. The timelines will not be the same as the fishing village. I will advise the detail later. Note, private citizens are free to sell their own land as they wish by setting it for sale in the usual ways.
• Under no circumstances do EMs have the authority to sell or transfer ownership of land owned and operated by the CDS government. These are parcels of land such as (but not limited to) the MOCA, Schloss, Kirche, NFS School, etc.
• Do not share the tools available to the estate managers with anyone.
• Feel free to, as you are able, assist citizens with issues on the parcels they own e.g. minor terraforming on their land which doesn’t affect adjacent land; questions about their personal tier payments, etc
• Please keep a short record of any citizens you assist and in what way and pass them to myself and Bagheera weekly by notecard.
• Please let me or Bagheera know immediately if there are any concerns raised by citizens or yourselves – my email is [email protected]
• If there is any griefing of the sim and you have the need to eject or ban anyone from either a parcel or a sim you must do and record the following immediately after the event.
1. File a linden Lab AR report
2. Take a picture (if appropriate) of the griefing
3. Remove any griefing prims
4. Make a notecard with time, date, notes of the griefing, and actions you took
5. Send the notecard to myself and Bagheera
• Any covenant issues should be reported by notecard to me and Bagheera. Similarly with any covenant build questions.
• If there are stray prims and there is any question as to whether they should be there or not please advise myself and Bagheera so that we can deal with them as necessary.

7-1 Government Question Hour Act
Government Question Hour Act

In order to make the government more accessible this Act establishes an informal Government Question Hour with at least one government ‘official’ present each week. These meetings will be open to all CDS residents to come and ask questions. The hours will rotate to suit the RL hours of our community.
1. The Chancellor is charged with establishing a weekly Goverment Question Hour. All members of the government (Executive, Legislative and Philosophical branches) will be invited to attend with at least one official attending each week.
2. The Chancellor is charged with facilitating representation from all three branches at least once a month.
3. The Chancellor will rotate the hours of the Government Question Hour to take into account the different time zones of the CDS community and to ensure representation from the different branches of government.
4. Meetings will be chaired by (one of) the official(s) present and will be open to all citizens to attend.
Passed 5 Aug 07

I have reinstated the GQH in June following a lapse under previous administrations for several years. So far we have had 4 meetings chaired in turn by the 3 branches of government. I had asked the RA and SC to provide dates for the meetings they would chair. Unfortunately I didn’t receive a response to this request so I have created a schedule of dates for the rest of the 21st term and have currently invited the other branches members to volunteer to chair their scheduled meetings.

7-10 IP Licensing and Content Archivist Act
In the first half of 2006, because of a dispute, Ulrika Zugzwang removed a substantial number of key structures from Neufreistadt (such as the walls, gates, long bridge) that were considered part of the CDS. The CDS did not have backup copies nor a license to use backup copies.
Nearly all CDS key structures are owned by builders (e.g. the NFS Kirche, the Amphitheatre and two bridges in Alpine Meadow), and owners could potentially remove any structure from the CDS without notice. This could disrupt the CDS project. This bill aims to remedy this situation by:
1. Making the IP license agreement issued by the New Guild official and allowing the Chancellor to sign specific IP contracts on behalf of the CDS.
2. Establishing a new position, the Content Archivist, who will preserve backups of CDS infrastructure using a dedicated avatar.
3. Allocating a budget to be used by the Chancellor to provide reasonable compensation to CDS infrastructure builders who are not willing to accept a token payment of L$1 for their work.
A. License Agreements and License Budget
1. The RA ratifies the version of the IP license agreement as published by the New Guild in the CDS forum.
2. This and other RA-ratified template agreements will be kept on an official CDS website (such as a Wiki).
3. The Chancellor may sign RA-ratified versions of IP license agreements on behalf of the CDS under the conditions outlined in 4, 5 and 6.
4. The Chancellor may negotiate the terms of contracts but needs RA approval for any single structure more expensive than L$ 15,000, as well as for different contractual terms.
5. The total amount that the Chancellor can spend on content license acquisition shall be determined at the start of each term by the RA. The RA can also set extraordinary budgets for specific content.
B. Content Archivist
1. A new civil service position, the Content Archivist (also referred to as “CA”) is established. The CA is responsible for conserving and managing backup copies of public CDS content. Details of this are outlined in section C.
2. The CA is prohibited from holding any other elected or appointed office in the sim government, unless a waiver is granted, on a case by case basis, by the SC.
3. The CA may not be in CDS land management groups.
Hiring and Firing
4. The CA is appointed by simple majority vote of the SC, with confirmation by a simple majority in the RA.
5. The CA may be removed and ordered at any time to by a simple majority in the RA to transfer all CDS archived content to a new CA.
6. The CA must sign a Content Archivist Agreement with the Chancellor, who represents the CDS. The Content Archivist Agreement in section C. defines the duties of the CA as well as the compensation for this job, in more detail.
7. The CA will share the password of the CA-dedicated avatar (as spelled out in section C.) with the Chancellor and Dean of the SC.
8. Either the Chancellor or the Dean of the Scientific Counsel, when requested by the RA, must audit all archived objects in the the CA avatar’s inventory and provide that audit to the RA for review. The audit should be conducted according to the procedures outlined in section C
C. Content Archivist Agreement
The following agreement between the CA and the CDS must be signed by each new Content Archivist:
This agreement concerns the archival and handling of objects, scripts, textures, terrain files, animations and audio in Second Life, which will be referred to as the “Content”. This agreement begins on ___ and is open ended. The Content Archivist shall serve until they resign, or until the RA decides that job, responsibility and Content should be transferred to a new Content Archivist. In exchange for a monthly payment of $1000 linden dollar, you, the Content Archivist, agree to the following:
1. You agree to maintain an avatar named ___ (the archival avatar) that will be used to store content objects that the CDS has licensed from each object’s owner. Other than a small number of appearance-related items (clothes, hair, etc) you agree that the inventory of the archival avatar will be used only to store items that are given to you for storage during the duration of this agreement.
2. You agree to provide the password for the archival avatar’s account to two designated representatives of the CDS _ and _. You may change the password to protect the security of the archival avatar at any time, but if you do you agree to immediately transmit the new password to these designated representatives. You understand that the designated representatives will have the right to audit the inventory and accounts of the archival avatar at any time.
3. When given Content items for storage under this agreement, you agree to provide a (copyable, non-modifiable, transferable) note card receipt describing those Content items to the avatar who gave you the Content items and also to deposit a copy of the same note card receipt in the CDS records repository established for that purpose.
4. You understand that for all Content that is given to you under this agreement, the license to display or use it has been granted to the CDS only, and you agree that you will not claim any rights or financial interest in that Content arising from this agreement.
5. You agree not to transfer any Content given to you for storage to other avatars under your control. You agree also not to give any of the Content given to you for storage to any avatar controlled by any other person except to authorized representatives of the CDS using the procedure described in this agreement.
6. You agree to provide these materials (or copies of copyable materials) to the CDS or its representative with full permissions within two weeks of notification. You will transfer ownership (sell for $0 Lindens) to an authorized CDS representative any Content that has been given to you for storage. In return the recipient will give you a (copyable, non-modifiable, transferable), note card receipt listing the Content that has been received. The recipient will also deposit a copy of the note card in the CDS records repository established for that purpose.
7. You agree not to intentionally delete any Content given to you for storage under this agreement without a request from an authorized CDS representative. At the termination of this agreement will make your best effort to transfer all Content to an authorized CDS representative and will not intentionally delete any Content for six months.
8. If requested in writing by an authorized CDS representative you agree to permanently delete all copies of specified and/or stored Content within two weeks of notification. You must delete all visible “rezzed” copies that are not in use by the CDS, as well as any copies from any inventory of any avatar you control.
Chancellor, representing the CDS
Content Archivist

At my request the builds by Vic Mornington have been received by Archie (copy, Mod, no trans) and an IP agreement has been negotiated and signed by Vic and myself. The final payment of the agreed 1L$ awaits the approval of my budget by the RA. Similarly I have transferred my LA habour bridge to Archie in world with a copy to his inventory (full perms) and I have signed a 1LS IP agreement.

As you will have seen elsewhere on the forums Cadence has at this time been unable to complete her fishing village builds, but has indicated that she will do in the future so as to allow residents a choice of properties. Similarly I will complete the interior textures of my fishing village shop build in July. I would welcome any other builders who wish to create alternative builds for these plots to contact me. I would like to hae as many preapproved options for citizens as possible.

I ensured that the current administration had access to Archie, the archivist avatar, that the old administration personnel were removed, that the avatar account was reset and was returned to the Content Archivist Aliasi Stonebender and that the Dean of the SC had the password. I found a group of people in the old administration had the right to modify Archie’s objects and this was removed, with the exception of Sudane. It is noted the Content Archivist is appointed by the SC and manages Archie. On a day to day level Archie is used by the Executive Branch as the repository for and retrieval of CDS prims, objects, builds and to access the CDS inworld kiosks.

CDSL 3-11 Budget and Accountability Act
1. No payments shall be made by the executive without first having a budget approved by the RA. For purposes of this Act, the budget shall include only discretionary spending and not tier payment to Linden Lab.
2. The Chancellor shall present, the budget for each term for approval by the Representative Assembly, by posting and notification to the LRA, no later than the thirtieth day of each term.
3. The Representative Assembly may approve the budget as posted, send it back for revision or reject it, within thirty days of posting.
4. Revisions must be made by the Chancellor within 14 days of the response from the RA. Failure by the Chancellor to revise and re-post shall be deemed a rejection of the budget.
5. Failure of the Representative Assembly to revise, reject or approve the budget within thirty days of posting shall be deemed approval as posted.
6. Changes in the budget in excess of 10% of the total discretionary funds shall be resubmitted to the RA for approval.

A budget has been prepared and submitted to the LRA and RA on June 13th 2014. It is a balanced budget with regard to operating expenses. It awaits the next meeting of the RA for consideration. The budget reflects the increased revenues of CDS over the last 2 RA terms and is a conservative estimate of income for the 21st term given the present full occupancy of the 5 sims. Provision has been made in the budget from the reserves for the purchase of a new sim as there was an overwhelming 74% of the voting population in favour of the development of a new sim this 21st term.

Ceasar Xigalia,
“I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance any day.”
― Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt
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