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Aliasi Stonebender
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Faction proposal/discussion

Post by Aliasi Stonebender »

With the recent debate and discussion over many topics, including the Judiciary Act, Franculates, the local autonomy question and so on, I believe there is a significant number of citizens whose views are not being well-represented in the CDS to date.

Due to this, I am opening discussion on creating a third political faction. I would like to have at least one in-world meeting as I believe face-to-face discussion is very useful for brainstorming, but I expect a significant amount of forum discussion as well.

In a manner similar to Diderot's "Party of Unity and Justice" post, here are some of the matters of concern to me. This is not an exhaustive list, but the beginnings of a dialogue.

[b:3q26ol0i]1. Minimal government[/b:3q26ol0i] - Aside from the sheer pragmatic value of keeping government positions to a minimum, I believe the government that governs best governs least. The value of the CDS is primarily in acting as an arbitrator in disputes, either in the literal sense (the judiciary) or a metaphorical sense (enforcing the land covenant, which prevents petty disputes as seen on the mainland). Outside of this function, matters should be left to the citizens at large to deal with freely.

[b:3q26ol0i]2. Unity of government[/b:3q26ol0i] - Sims are artificial boundries and should be disregarded in terms of dividing the CDS up into subunits. While a certain amount of local autonomy is desirable - i.e., if the citizens of Colonia Nova wish the local covenant changed, that is logically a local matter - but in other affairs, there should be one government.

[b:3q26ol0i]3. Encouraging the spread of democratic cooperatives in SL[/b:3q26ol0i] - This point is one I can copy straight from Diderot's post. For those who do not wish to search:

"There is no future in a bureaucratic superstructure that acts as a restricting "world government". Instead our confederation should be an open forum based on voluntary participation that enables its members to cooperate on joint initiatives and achieve leverage in areas that are important to them. Specifically, the development of land management tools, governance tools and addressing our needs vis a vis Linden Lab are areas where cooperation would be fruitful. "

I believe (in relation to point 1, above) that there is a danger of developing into that bureaucratic mess; our slow growth makes our way of "Second Living" a hard sell; adding a needless layer of rules will not help. At all stages, we are a voluntary organization and we pretend otherwise at our peril.

For those who might be interested in furthering such goal, please discuss in this thread. It would also be helpful if you could post times you would be available for a possible in-world meeting.

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Post by Publius Crabgrass »

Thanks for jump starting the faction forming functions. I think some in-world meetings would be a good idea, probably at least two, one at a euro-friendly and one US-friendly time.

Ranma Tardis

Post by Ranma Tardis »

[quote="Publius Crabgrass":1ht6607b]Thanks for jump starting the faction forming functions. I think some in-world meetings would be a good idea, probably at least two, one at a euro-friendly and one US-friendly time.[/quote:1ht6607b]

How about 10am Linden Time? Rudy might be able to attend at this time. This makes it 12pm Central Time and 6pm GMT. These are friendly times for all.

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Time for Aliasi's Meeting

Post by Rudy Ruml »

I can join the discussion during the following times: 12-2, after 3 any day but Saturday SL time; and only after 4 on Saturday. I agree with Aliasi and what she is trying to do, and urge that all pacticipate in the meeting she has in mind. The wider the disicussion, the better for our future.

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Aliasi Stonebender
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Post by Aliasi Stonebender »

[quote="Ranma Tardis":1hdg2pau][quote="Publius Crabgrass":1hdg2pau]Thanks for jump starting the faction forming functions. I think some in-world meetings would be a good idea, probably at least two, one at a euro-friendly and one US-friendly time.[/quote:1hdg2pau]

How about 10am Linden Time? Rudy might be able to attend at this time. This makes it 12pm Central Time and 6pm GMT. These are friendly times for all.[/quote:1hdg2pau]

All except me, at least for the next few days. But I've no problem with holding multiple meetings.

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Post by Aliasi Stonebender »

I have tentatively penciled in 7pm SLT tomorrow(friday) for an initial meeting. I shall be in the Biergarden in NFS.

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Post by Aliasi Stonebender »

We have had a good initial meeting and for further discussion, I have established the group "The Simplicity Party". Note this is not - yet - an official CDS faction, but merely a means to easily facilitate in-world discussion. I hope the forum continues to play a part, of course.

If you were unable to attend the initial meeting, please IM any member of the group. I do not have it set to open enrollment, but any member may invite a member.

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Post by Ashcroft Burnham »

[quote="Aliasi Stonebender":2ju698c6]We have had a good initial meeting and for further discussion, I have established the group "The Simplicity Party".[/quote:2ju698c6]

Hmm, shouldn't it be, "Simplicity [i:2ju698c6]faction[/i:2ju698c6]"?

Ashcroft Burnham

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Diderot Mirabeau
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Post by Diderot Mirabeau »

[quote="Aliasi Stonebender":34vpmaw7]We have had a good initial meeting and for further discussion, I have established the group "The Simplicity Party". Note this is not - yet - an official CDS faction, but merely a means to easily facilitate in-world discussion. I hope the forum continues to play a part, of course.

If you were unable to attend the initial meeting, please IM any member of the group. I do not have it set to open enrollment, but any member may invite a member.[/quote:34vpmaw7]

Thanks for a very stimulating meeting last night at the Biergarten. Aliasi would there be any problem or complication arising fom going ahead and becoming an official faction as it is? The reason why I'm asking is that it would allow us the benefit of a seperate forum on the CDS site.

Alternatively, of course we could re-use the old one that you set up as a refuge from the old forum on secondlife.com?

By the way I would like to take this opportunity to encourage people to seek to acquire just the smallest amount of knowledge in the matter before they post comments regarding the choice of name for our movement. A mere glance at the list of factions operating in CDS indicates that at least one other political movement has chosen not to carry the "faction" word in their name but rather chosen "union". Moreover, the political history of CDS is littered with examples of faction names carrying the "party" element in their title (Moderate People's Party, Costume Party). I therefore see a statement implying otherwise to be [url=http://forums.neufreistadt.info/viewtop ... 9:34vpmaw7]at the very least hugely ignorant[/url:34vpmaw7] of the political history of our community.

Publius Crabgrass
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Post by Publius Crabgrass »

"Hugely Ignorant" might be a respectable faction name, though it does conjure up images of the anti-immigrant "Know Nothings" of the 1850s. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Know_Nothings

[quote="Wikipedia":36zs3qgi]The origin of the "Know Nothing" term was in the semi-secret organization of the party. When a member was asked about its activities, he was supposed to reply "I know nothing." (snip) Since the early 20th century the term has been a provocative slur, suggesting the opponent is both nativist and ignorant... [/quote:36zs3qgi]

Diderot Mirabeau
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Post by Diderot Mirabeau »

[quote="Publius Crabgrass":1ffrfhbn]"Hugely Ignorant" might be a respectable faction name, though it does conjure up images of the anti-immigrant "Know Nothings" of the 1850s. [/quote:1ffrfhbn]

Excellent proposal Publius. It ties in well with the previous idea of equipping all party members with the group title of "Simpleton".

However, let's be careful not to associate ourselves entirely with jest in the mind of our fellow Neufreistädters. I will try to cook up a short draft of what I think a principled programme might look like.

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Post by Publius Crabgrass »

[quote="Diderot Mirabeau":3jj6xtxy]However, let's be careful not to associate ourselves entirely with jest in the mind of our fellow Neufreistädters.[/quote:3jj6xtxy]

Agreed. But we do need to have a bit more of a sense of humor (or is absudirty?) in our towns, though it might be hard to write into a faction platform. :D

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Post by Ashcroft Burnham »

[quote="Publius Crabgrass":1hyxn1v4]Agreed. But we do need to have a bit more of a sense of humor (or is absudirty?) in our towns, though it might be hard to write into a faction platform. :D[/quote:1hyxn1v4]

The Costume Party had a good go at it.

Ashcroft Burnham

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Aliasi Stonebender
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Post by Aliasi Stonebender »

[quote="Ashcroft Burnham":mb2acuhr]
Hmm, shouldn't it be, "Simplicity [i:mb2acuhr]faction[/i:mb2acuhr]"?[/quote:mb2acuhr]

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Post by Beathan »

I think that this a great idea -- and as a strong supporter of simplicity (as I have stated elsewhere) -- I like the base ideo of this faction. However, as I will explan in a post I will finish and post as soon as I unbury myself from work, I do not support the idea of unity government which is at the heart of this proposal. How important do people think unity of government is to governmental simplicity? Can we have simplicity without strict unity -- and, if so, can we simplify the faction proposal to focus on simplicity while allowing a big tent on the issue of unity?

My two-cents on other things.

Publius wrote [quote:1sohm1xz]"Hugely Ignorant" might be a respectable faction name, though it does conjure up images of the anti-immigrant "Know Nothings" of the 1850s.[/quote:1sohm1xz] I'm not sure that any right-thinking nonracist should intentionally evoke the image of the "Know Nothings." I, at least, continue to this day to be very uncomfortable with that part of American Political History (along with its related Western movement -- the "Non-partisan, Anti-Chinese" organizations), and cringe when I see its shadow in the present say (as with the political platform of Pat Buchanan).

Calling the party the "Simplity Party" has the virtue of, well, simplicity and the resulting clarity. If we want to keep things like, we can call members "simpletons" informally -- just as we call Democrats "Asses."

Sorry I missed the meeting, but I was doing volunteer work. I am sure that my belated contribution has already missed at least part of the boat. I will try to attend in the future.


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