Section 1 Purpose
This act creates the position of Praetor of Colonia Nova
Section 2 Duties
The Praetor shall be charged with the enfocement of covenants and law in the Colonia Nova sim.
Section 3 Powers
The Praetor shall be empowered to bring charges in a court of common jurisdiction if he or she believes a resident of Colonia Nova has violated the covenants applicable to his or her Colonia Nova land.
The praetor shall furthermore have the power to appoint one or more colonia nova residents to serve in an advisory capacity.
Section 4 Selection
The praetor shall be elected by residents of Colonia Nova simultaneously with each RA election. All candidates must maintain residence in Colonia Nova.
Section 5 Removal
The CDS Executive may bring removal proceedings against the Praetor for dereliction of duty. Removal requires a 2/3 or greater majority vote in the RA.
The Executive or SC may bring impeachment proceedings against the Praetor in the case of violation of the law or constitution.
Section 6 Exclusivity
The Praetor may hold no other office.
The idea of a Praetor goes back to the original CN proposal. This bill seeks to codify it.