The SC will meet at 8 AM SLT on Saturday July 19 in the chambers beneath the Praetorium.
Part of the meeting is open to attendance and observation by all citizens;item 2 of New Business will be held in camera, as per a vote taken at the extraordinary SC meeting held on July 15.
Agenda July 19 8 AM
Old Business
1. Request for Waivers - SD 10 minutes
2. Standardized notecard for petitions to the SC - SD- 10 minutes
3. Petition from Garnet Psaltery (re: postings on Forum) -resolved -ND 2 minutes
New Business
1. Petition of Jon Seattle - SD 30 minutes
2. Establish procedure for hearing on complaint - IN CAMERA - 1 hour
Next meeting date: Saturday Aug 9 8 AM