There was a bit of a kerfuffle a few months back about resignations from the RA (or other branches). Without any evidence being presented there was a lot of noise about how a resignation might be 'sat on' or the individual persuaded not to resign by an unscrupulous LRA or Dean. As a result we developed some new procedures which reduce if not remove this risk.
Now we have a similar situation, this time with evidence. The Chancellor has the power currently to abuse his powers by selective application. I believe this is what our current Chancellor is doing in classic sectarian style. He really is demonstrating where the office needs to be constrained by... his abuse of his powers! The Chancellor can make little or no effort to remind perceived opponents that their tier is overdue and wait for the magic 14 days to boot them off their land and, potentially, remove them as citizens.
When people abandon their plots the Chancellor can just choose to sit on them, not put them up for sale, and convince perceived supporters to come back and reclaim their parcels.
So let's have a level playing field. Let's make it the case that where someone abandons their land and/or takes a refund from the Hippo box the Chancellor should IM them or send them a notecard and give them 48 hours in which to reclaim their parcel and pay any tier which is owed before putting the parcel up for sale. That way everyone is treated the same and it's not just the Chancellor's perceived supporters who he bends over backwards to retain as citizens.