Proposal: Bill Establishing The New Guild

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Jon Seattle
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Proposal: Bill Establishing The New Guild

Post by Jon Seattle »

[b:26e5lnje]Bill Establishing The New Guild[/b:26e5lnje]


In order to grow the CDS requires skilled designers who can create regions, buildings, and furnishings that will attract others to move to our community. At the same time, CDS projects that involve the development of new sim regions provide an opportunity for citizens to gain design skills that will contribute to the CDS economy.

The structure of the CDS supports large projects that provide an opportunity for the citizens to develop design skills. This is a fundamental goal of the original Guild that can now be addressed in the new organization.

This bill establishes a new Guild that is designed to serve as a center for design skills and activities needed for CDS expansion.

[b:26e5lnje]New Guild[/b:26e5lnje]

A new organization called the Guild will be chartered by the CDS. The Guild will be a a community chartered voluntary organization and will not be a branch of government. The Guild's role is advisory only. All projects that involve the expenditure of public funds must be approved by the CDS government.

The new Guild will have the following responsibilities:

1. To organize, plan, and execute the construction of new simulator regions, extending CDS territory.

2. To provide continuing hands-on education in: building, design, architecture, scripting and the development of external software used to support in-world activities. To provide certification in these skills.

This education must be free to all citizens who are willing to work on CDS sponsored projects, and may be made available to non-citizens willing to pay tuition.

3. To provide technical advice and services to the office of the chancellor and the RA as needed to maintain and develop CDS regions.

4. To acquire and manage resources needed by citizens for building and design such as sandbox areas and prim banks. To set rules for the use of these resources.


The Guild will be governed by two committees:

1. The faculty committee will design the curriculum for continuing education, decide on artistic and technical capabilities a student must demonstrate to obtain certification and will set procedures and standards for the design and construction of new simulator regions.

Membership on the faculty committee will depend only on artistic, technical, and pedagogical skills. Membership will not be limited to citizens of the CDS.

2. The administrative board will manage Guild resources, land, and buildings, set policies and procedures both for the Guild and for the school, and organize work groups to respond to requests of the CDS, or others. The board represents the Guild in all dealings with the CDS.

The Guild will be self-governing except that the RA will have the power to remove any member of the administrative board if required to insure that the Guild fulfill this charter.

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Post by Ashcroft Burnham »

This is generally a good idea :-)

Ashcroft Burnham

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Post by Ashcroft Burnham »

Before I forget, two additional suggestions: (1) put the resident vendor building in the Marktplatz under the control of the Guild for use in enabling members of the Guild to sell things that they have made; and (2) let the Guild retain control of the Guildhall (the large empty space underneath the Marktplatz), which is a sort of sandbox area, although require it to permit any citizen to use it when not otherwise being used for Guild business.

Ashcroft Burnham

Where reason fails, all hope is lost.
Ranma Tardis

Post by Ranma Tardis »

I do not like the removal of the Guild since it is one of the checks and balances to the RA.
I do not like the replacement since it makes a source of unpaid labor for the CDS. It will not be a independant group since the administrative board can be removed by the RA at any time or for any reason.
This is another step in the trend to giving absolute power to the RA.

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I second that in spirit...

Post by Pelanor Eldrich »

I feel we can accomodate the SPC/Design group within the current structure w/o gutting the constitution. I realize it's a bit contraversial and I apologize for not submitting a bill, RL is really kicking my ass.

Soon, I promise soon. In actual fact both Jon and I agree on the goals and share a vision of guild, we just have different ways of going about it. I'd like to keep the constitution pretty much as is if possible.

Thanks! -Pel

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Post by Patroklus Murakami »

I have resubmitted this proposal to the Representative Assembly for consideration during this legislative term.

Now that the Executive Branch (Chancellor) has been made a permanent part of our constitutional set-up it is time to complete the removal of the Guild from the institutions of government and establish a New Guild with a clearer focus and a renewed purpose.

This proposal would provide the clearer focus and renewed purpose that is needed.

Claude Desmoulins
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Post by Claude Desmoulins »

While I am sympathetic to many of the goals here, I think the process is wrong.

Establishing an NGO by act of the legislature seems self-contradictory. If the new guild is truly to be an NGO, it should create its own charter, including whatever oversight mechanisms there are to be. The RA should then vote on approving that charter.

Jon Seattle
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Post by Jon Seattle »

The New Guild has created its own charter and it is the one presented here. Actually this had already been presented to a number of people in the SPC and had their approval. The members of the interrum board (which is open to everyone) approved this text and my other postings with only minor changes.

Since this proposal has been active since mid-November I do get the impression that you do not want to open it up for discussion. I know you had Pel working hard on a counter-proposal. Are you planning to post that counter proposal?

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Post by Claude Desmoulins »

[quote="Jon Seattle":jux8h6xl]The New Guild has created its own charter and it is the one presented here. Actually this had already been presented to a number of people in the SPC and had their approval. The members of the interrum board (which is open to everyone) approved this text and my other postings with only minor changes.
Sorry, I was unaware of that.

[quote="Jon Seattle":jux8h6xl]
Since this proposal has been active since mid-November I do get the impression that you do not want to open it up for discussion. I know you had Pel working hard on a counter-proposal. Are you planning to post that counter proposal?[/quote:jux8h6xl]

I didn't have Pel working on anything. Pel's proposals are just that -- Pel's. Now that the exec is permanent. I'm very willing to move forward on some sort of detachment of the Guild from government.

I do hope that Pel puts a proposal forward. Thinking back to Judiciary , one of the complaints after the fact was that many would have chosen another route had their been an alternative to Ashcroft's model on the table. The compromise that created the Chancellory is a good example , The CSDF had it's cabinet proposal. The DPU had its less centralized approach. The presence of two proposals encouraged open discussion and bridge building, I believe.

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Tomorrow night, I promise...

Post by Pelanor Eldrich »

Or, barring that, just go ahead without me...

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Sudane's Reform Proposal

Post by Pelanor Eldrich »

I coudn't find this in the forums so I thought I'd repost it. Sudane, as I understand it, is neutral about implementing this. I feel it has a great deal of merit. -Pel


The Guild


The Constitution of Neualtenburg

Article II - The Artisanal Branch (aka The Guild, AC)

Section 1 - Artisanal Collective

The Artisanal Collective (AC) is group of productive citizens who provide revenue through sales and infrastructure support. Its governmental role is to act as treasury and its service role is to provide goods and infrastructure.

Section 2 - Artisanal Collective Body

The AC is open to all participant citizens provided they create goods and services for the city. The collective is a four-tier system of apprentices, journeymen, masters, and a guild master. Site specific names may be substituted provided roles remain the same.

Section 3 - Artisanal Collective Leader

Every election cycle the AC leader or guild master is chosen from the pool of masters. Votes of the masters are weighted by the size of their workshop. A vote using scores generated by Borda-count ranked votes are employed.

Section 4 - Powers of the AC

In regards to the Representative branch:

The leader of the AC may veto a revenue bill or resubmit a modified revenue bill for vote.

The leader of the AC can call an emergency session of the Representative branch.

The AC can seek impeachment of members of the Representative branch for failing to act with fiscal responsibility.

The leader of the AC sits as the leader of the Representative branch if the Representative branch seeks to impeach a member of the Philosophic branch.

In regards to Philosophic branch:

The Leader of the AC provides a vote of confidence on candidates to the Philosophic branch. This vote is in regards to their perceived likelihood to uphold the constitution.

The Leader of the AC can seek impeachment of members of the Philosophic branch for failing to uphold the constitution.

The leader of the AC sits as the leader of the Philosophic branch if the Philosophic branch seeks to impeach a member of the Representative branch.

Section 5 - Limitations of the AC

All goods produced by members of the AC remain property of the citizens and must remain with them if a member departs. Removal of an artisan of any rank can be achieved with a 2/3 vote of all members of the AC for any actions which endangers the goods or infrastructure of the organization.



A Proposal for the Artisanal Collective structure as per Article II

The Guild as mandated in the Constitution is defined in terms of powers and limitations, but it is not implemented in terms of structure. This proposal strives to accomplish that. There are three clauses in the Constitutional wording which we will refer to the SC for clarification. Other than that, it is the intent of this proposal to comply fully with the substance of Article II.

It is our reading that, apart from the "governmental role" to fill the "Treasurer" function, the Guild is not primarily an administrative unit. While it may be the case that the Guild Master may be assigned various duties and responsibilities by the other elements of the government, it seems to us that the Guild is most clearly a mechanism for the benefit of its members, principally the Masters (ref Section 3). And, indeed, the Masters are the "commerce" of Neualtenburg.

Therefore, in the following proposal points, I have emphasized the primacy of the Masters, understood as the commercial interest, the commercial entity, of the City. I'll discuss these in the two parts indicated in the Constitution, in reverse order.

"... and its service role is to provide goods and infrastructure."

I trust it is uncontroversial to understand this phrase as including "services", as if to say, "... and its service role is to provide goods, services and infrastructure". I take this to mean that the Guild is the organizational entity representing all those producers of goods and services, provided in the daily course of their doing business. Of course, one recipient will be the City... one client, as it were. But there is no fundamental reason why the "City" client is any different from any other client with which the Guild member interacts in the course of doing business.

Section 1 *does* open with the phrase "The AC is a group of productive citizens who provide revenue through sales and infrastructure support". Thus, there is the question of "provide revenue". Of course, every citizen provides revenue. So, subject to contrary interpretation ( see "Clarifications" below ) we'll assume that the "provision of revenue" by the Guild members is contained within the requirement that every citizen remit their monthly fee for land occupied.

The phrase does include the words "... and infrastructure". We take this to mean that the Guild members not only include the production of infrastructure as among their generated output, but that they in fact provide the infrastructure for the entity of Neualtenburg. This interpretation suggests Guild members are "sole suppliers" of infrastructure. We'll assume this interpretation, but we'll suggest that it be broadly interpreted.

Sections 2 and 3 we interpret without additional comment (Section 3 has one detailed request for clarification, see below). Thus, the following operational structure, in implementation of its "service role", is proposed.

1) A Master of the Guild shall be each business owner, by requirement a citizen of Neualtenburg, and thus in compliance with the laws and covenants of Neualtenburg, who (1) registers or (2) incorporates that business according to the procedures established by the Business Procedures Working Group. These are not "appointed" positions, but rather are held "by right" for so long as the individual is in compliance with the indicated rules. In this context, "business", "house" and "workshop" shall have the same meaning.

2) Apprentices and journeymen, or whatever equivalent terms the Master may wish to apply, shall be appointed and promoted by the Master of the particular business in which they have requested to work.

3) Two or more Masters may join together as one business.

3a) A Master may own more than one business, and therefore be Master of more than one house, but this Master will still be considered a single "person" for the purposes of voting (although her/his "workshop" may be considered to be "bigger" as per Section 3 (see below, requests for clarification).

4) Any apprentice or journeyman, should they so desire, and find themselves with sufficient funds, may leave the relationship with a Master and form a new or other business, subject to the same rules of compliance.

5) In compliance with its special role "sole supplier" of goods and services needed by the City, the Guild Master will receive requests from the City for such services. The GM will supply in a generally accessible list, to all the Masters, all such requests that have been received from the City, and Masters will indicate they wish to perform such services. In the event that two or more Masters wish to perform the same service requested by the City, the GM will assign the work to one of them. It is understood that the GM will use equitable judgment in such assignments, and will seek an even distribution of City "contracted" services among all qualified Masters. (The GM is elected by the Masters at each election cycle, as set by the RA).

6) The Guild, as embodied in the "Assembly of Masters" (the entity which elects the GM, as per the Constitution) will be understood to have in its interest, and therefore as its responsibility, the preservation of the reputation of its houses, the quality of its services, the integrity of its business dealings, and its own self-promotion. Several of these responsibilities have already been initiated....

a) The function of the Chamber of Commerce has been identified and its first director as Kendra Bancroft. The intention in the formation of the CoC was to serve as the promotional effort of the Guild, promoting both the businesses of the Guild and also the City as a whole.

b) The Business Procedures Working Group (sorry, don't have actual name) has been establsihed and has laid the groundwork for the registry and incorporation process for each business. Standards have been set, and procedures set in motion for businesses compliant with NBurg law to form. It is anticipated that this group will develop compliance testing procedures as well.

c) Goods and services standards. This aspect of Guild function remains to be organized. It is anticipated that this group will devise quality standards for the goods and services provided by all NBurg businesses for the preservation of the desired "outside image" of NBurg. And that they will develop systems that ensure compliance. It should be noted that Section 5 of the Article provides for the "removal of an artisan of any rank... for any actions which endangers the goods and services of the organization".

"Its governmental role is to act as treasury ..."

The second function of the Guild is identified in this way. On first glance, this function seems to stand separate from the "primary" function of the Guild, which is to serve the interests of its component businesses, and the City as a whole. Here we have identified its governmental function.

We have described in some detail the duties and responsibilities of the City Treasurer/Estate Owner in another document. The reader is referred to that. "Proposal for the Office of the Treasurer and Estate Manager of the City of Neualtenburg.rtf". The intent here is to show how that function, and possibly one other one as well, integrate into the Guild structure and provide benefit to both the Guild and to the City as a whole.

City Treasurer, Estate Owner, and possibly City Bank, are specific services required by the City in order to function. The Guild functions to supply those services to the City. Each "position/function" is in a sense a component "house" of the Guild, so its leader/office holder/director is "owner" of that "house", and thus a Master. In the case of Treasurer and Estate Owner, these have been described as an office held by a single person. The "position/function" of Director of the City Bank (to be established, and therefore not yet defined), can be either the same or a different person. A different person is preferred.

The City Treasurer has a variety of responsibilities which are accountable directly to the RA, dealing with the budget of the City, the collection of taxes, and the payment of various outlays as approved by the RA. In addition, the Treasurer may be required to provide certain audit services by the Businesss Procedures Working Group. While the Treasurer, Estate Owner and City Bank are houses/Masters within the membership structure of the Guild, theirs, like all Masters, primary focus is the pursuance of their businesses and responsibilities within the framework of performance established by the Guild. They are not "accountable" to the GM. Rather, the GM is accountable to them.


The following three phrases are referred to the SC for clarification as needed to implement the Guild in full compliance with the Constittution.

1) Section 1. " ..... a group of productive citizens who provide revenue ...". As noted above, this phrase needs clarification. Does this phrase refer to the Covenanted duty of all citizens, who, by definition are land-owning, to "provide revenue" by paying their land taxes, or does this phrase establish some additional revenue producing requirement?

2) Section 3. "Votes of the Masters are weighted by the size of their workshop". In this context, what does the word "size" mean? While it could in good usage refer either to the number of people working in that business, or, to the total revenue generated by that business in a given period, it could also refer to nonsensical things like the m2 occupied by the business, or how many locations they had throughout the world. The strong recommendation is that this ambiguity be overlooked and that each Master be assigned the "size" of one.

3) Section 5. "All goods produced by members of the AC remain property of the citizens and must remain with them if a member departs." We would simply like clarification, since the phrase is not clear, that such "goods" refer to goods and services provided under contract or in some way on behalf of the City, and not to all goods and services provided by that business. The latter is nonsensical, but owing to the lack of clarity, the phrase should be clarified.[/quote:2nr1bh5l]

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Alternative Proposal for AC (Guild) Reform

Post by Pelanor Eldrich »

S[b:tifkd6fa]ubject: Alternative Proposal for AC (Guild) Reform[/b:tifkd6fa]

The concept behind this is to propose something workable that incorporates all of the input from the CDSF New Guild proposal, Sudane’s AC Reform Proposal, Beathan’s Indigent Worker’s Bill and my own desire to reform the AC without concentrating more power in the Exec and without dissolving the AC as a branch. This post represents my own views and not those of the DPU.

The important reference documents are here:
[b:tifkd6fa]New Guild:[/b:tifkd6fa]
[b:tifkd6fa]Sudane’s Proposal:[/b:tifkd6fa]
[b:tifkd6fa]Beathan’s Indigent Immigrant Act:[/b:tifkd6fa]
[b:tifkd6fa]Auditor General:[/b:tifkd6fa]

[u:tifkd6fa]Summary of Positions (correct me if I’m wrong):[/u:tifkd6fa]
[b:tifkd6fa]CSDF New Guild Initiative: [/b:tifkd6fa]
-Separate Design from Administration
-Keep Design and Art separate from government and political influence
-Repeal the AC as a branch by placing the administrative and treasury functions under the executive
-Modernize the institution discarding the old guild titles and chartering it as a NGO
-Mission of designing and implementing new regions, accredited continuing education, recognition for builders, and oversight of the day to day running of the school.
-Please see detailed “all in one” posting which contains the charter

[b:tifkd6fa]Sudane’s AC Reform Proposal:[/b:tifkd6fa]
-GM serves to benefit the membership (read assembly of masters who represent CDS commerce). The AC/Guild exists for the masters.
-Large role is to provide goods, services and infrastructure to clients (CDS and private)
-To provide revenue through collection of land use fees, possibly including collecting dues or taxes
-To provide infrastructure to the CDS broadly interpreted as the sole supplier thereof
-Small role of treasurer/treasury with revenue bill veto power
-A master is any registered or incorporated business owner
-Apprentices/Journeymen apply to work as employees of a master
-Two or more masters may join “houses” to form a single business (partner=master)
-Chamber of Commerce
-Business Procedures Working Group
-Standards of Quality

[b:tifkd6fa]Pelanor’s Concerns:[/b:tifkd6fa]
-Keep the land and the money (Estate Owner and Treasurer) under separate branches to avoid concentrating power.
-Maintain the founding primacy of the AC branch
-Recognize success of the SPC and incorporate all the major aspects the CSDF New Guild Initiative
-Implement Sudane’s reform recommendations, a SC based Auditor General and address Beathan’s concerns about indigent immigration.
-Per Desmond, we must ensure competence in financial and estate administration, we must also have disaster mitigation for unexpected absence and malfeasance (ie. solving the problem of Mad Aunt Bea, Hit by a Truck & Evil Bureaucrats)

[b:tifkd6fa]A proposed solution:[/b:tifkd6fa]
-Charter the CDS Design institute as an exclusive NGO according to
-Do not pass the proposed constitutional amendment removing the AC as a branch
-Pass a bill directing the creation of an Auditor General civil servant to be hired by the Dean. The Dean will have the AG or an independent and disinterested 3rd party audit the monthly CDS financials.
-Pass an indigent immigrants bill which uses CDS bank funds to subsidize up to 3 hard working and gifted apprentices deemed most worthy by the CDS Design Institute (CDSDI).

Have the GM pass and immediately implement the following AC policy and procedures:
a)The AC is open to all citizens
b)All registered business owners and CDSDI accredited master artisans have the AC rank of Master
c)All CDSDI accredited journeyman artisans will have the AC rank of Journeyman
d)All others guild members will have the AC rank of Apprentice.
e)Election for GM is to be held per the constitution/CDS code
f)The GM will designate a Master level Deputy GM (DGM). GM and DGM positions must be filled at all times.
g)Formal master or GM level administrative roles will include: CDS Treasurer, CDS Bank Director and Director of Licensing. Directors are guild roles reporting to the GM. Treasurer is a civil service role reporting to the GM, nominally under the Chancellor.
h)The Chamber of Commerce function will be taken by the CDS Trader’s Association NGO.
i)All regional development requests will go through the GM to the CDSDI Administrative Board. Other requests will go to CDSDI or to Masters running businesses.
j)The CDS Treasurer per the code will administer all gov’t accounts payable and receivable and will provide monthly balance sheets and income statements. Collected funds (e.g. land use) will be remitted to the CDS Bank.
k)The CDS Bank Director will administer the loans and bonds programs, set monetary policy and interest rate, and invest funds.
l)The Director of Licensing (DL) will promote Journeymen and Artisan Masters according to the wishes of the CDSTI administrative board. The DL will also oversee company registration and incorporation (including collecting escrow to be remitted to the CDS bank). The DL will oversee implementation of the Mirabeau banking roadmap and will work with the CDSTA to implement standards of business quality. The DL will also scrutinize monthly CDS company financial reports.
m)New directors will be asked to attend admin classes at the school taught by qualified instructors.[/list:u:tifkd6fa]
[b:tifkd6fa]Organziation Charts:[/b:tifkd6fa]
Reform stuff is in yellow. I forgot about the PIO. I would like to see the Chancellor recognized formally as the CDS Head of State and responsible for foreign relations. Many branches have their head as "first among equals", this is most true in the RA and so no lines of authority are drawn except to the archivist civil servant.
[img:tifkd6fa] ... c27e_o.png[/img:tifkd6fa]
[img:tifkd6fa] ... 74a1_o.png[/img:tifkd6fa]
[img:tifkd6fa] ... 8e17_o.png[/img:tifkd6fa]

Please don't hesitate with questions or comments. Thanks! -Pel

Last edited by Pelanor Eldrich on Thu Mar 22, 2007 9:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
Pelanor Eldrich
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Ranma Tardis


Post by Ranma Tardis »

Good Lord, Okinawa has finally frozen over! This material names the federal codes seem simple by comparison! I can not make heads of tails out of it!
Do we really need such a complex government for a community of about 80 people?

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Post by Dnate Mars »

Well, we need to think about when we become 100 or more people. I can see that happening really soon.

But I am unclear on what all those charts mean. Is that the new structure or are they the current structure? Are some new and some current? Could you clarify please?

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Post by Sleazy_Writer »

[quote="Pelanor":tm95l266]reform stuff is in yellow[/quote:tm95l266]
OK, so it's a visual shock .. But actually most of it will be really familiar to those who know something about the government.
I like these charts - would like to see one with the current status only.

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