Should we abolish the enforced teleport locations?

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Diderot Mirabeau
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Should we abolish the enforced teleport locations?

Post by Diderot Mirabeau »

It has been a consistent impression with me since joining this community that our commercial localities are not endowed with the traffic that they rightly "deserve" considering the quality of some of the goods on display there. I should not hesitate to add that this impression of mine is not qualified by systematic observation of primary data i.e. information from the actual purveyors of goods but rather by my own casual observations from my presence in the streets of our communities at various times around the clock.

It strikes me as a possibility that one of the factors, which could potentially be suspected of hampering traffic to the shops is the phenomenon of all teleporting visitors to the sims being directed toward a central location from where it is their own responsibility to walk or fly until they find their actual destination marked by a glowing red pillar (and supporting arrow).

Perhaps many among the masses of new users that seem to flock to SL at the moment do not have the experience with and thus tolerance of such a system but rather expect to arrive more or less directly at the point of their desired destination and upon seeing they've arrived in some complicated urban environment that can take a while to rezz in they abandon their visit and continue their pursuit of talking shoulder-monkeys elsewhere.

Even if this is not the actual behaviour among bargainhunting visitors even the impression of this being the case could serve as a deterrance against successful SL retailers setting up shop with us.

I would therefore like to open a debate on the merits of the centralised "telehubs" or teleport arrival points. Do shopowners perceive the level of traffic to their shop that they experience in CDS to be abnormally low or not? Is it their opinion that their shop might be more successful if visitors arrived directly on the doorstep of their shop with the possibility of being able to immediately fulfil their shopping desires and then _afterwards_ being encouraged to walk outside and explore the beautiful, pittoresque urban environment?

By allowing shopkeepers and event holders the ability to attract visitors from all of SL directly onto their land I submit that we will distribute the challenge of attracting visitors to our community among more shoulders - each of which being directly motivated to act to increase the traffic - unlike the present situation where it seems to me the responsibility of attracting visitors belongs to some diffuse entity known as our collective community and its marketing efforts.

There may of course also be other good arguments in favour of retaining the telehubs - such as their being part of us maintaining a distinct difference in culture and city planning from the mainland and that the telehub is essential for the maintenance of this equilibrium.

Another possible argument would be that by removing from the telehub its "centralistic power" we rob the owners of marketplace / Forum properties part of the value that came from the increased flow of traffic. That may or may not be a valid argument, which possibly it would be for a court to finally arbitrate over. Personally I'd think the ability to attract customers directly into one's shop and the general impetus of being part of a greater commercial centre would still be a most valuable asset for the shop.

Please note that I am not advocating the total abolishment of the telehubs since they would to my mind still be listed in the directory but in the future possible only serve as the entry points for those visitors who do not have a specific destination in mind or simply wish to visit our community as a whole.

So to sum up I'd like to invite all the residents of the CDS to chime in and contribute with their experiences and arguments for and against the proposal to allow shopowners and event holders in the future to attract visitors directly to a selected teleport point on their parcel.

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Post by Dianne »

As a shopkeeper I am not sure what I think of this proposal. I have never had a store other than the one I have in Nstadt so I have no comparison that I can make. Traffic for me has always been steady but low, and the fact that I have never been "right on the square" probably contributes to that low traffic. Not really being in it for the money I also have never tracked the number of people that come and go nor the sales figures, so in short, my opinion is probably useless here. :)

I have had people come to the sim and say they could not find my store even after an exhaustive search, so I have been thinking of putting my first advertisement up for the store which would undoubtedly bring some people in.

Personally I like (for no concrete reason I can name), the idea of arriving in the platz and having to walk to the store. I think given the fact that nothing really happens in NStadt event-wise and there is nothing to do in the platz but stand and talk, removing the hub would cause it to die a little bit more perhaps. Not right away, but if there was no hub, then stores would gradually begin to decentralise perhaps. This could act to destroy the city in the long run ,or at least the reason for having it, unless we restrict commercial sites to only within the walls. It was my understanding that this was not so right now.

I am not sure I have strong opinions either way, except to say that I think the problems faced by people who want to do business in NStadt are far greater than just whether we have a hub or not.

There is still no promotion of the sim as a destination and few if any events. There is no "company store" to speak of and no way of promoting NStadt branded products (even free ones). Despite the feeling when we started the business sector in the Platz that fairly draconian rules involving sales targets and reviews were in order (I opposed most of that), we haven't followed through on that at all. Some of the businesses with choice spots on the platz do very very low business indeed. The info-hub is in an even worse state, with a lot of empty buildings that don't reflect the current look of our city and little information on NStadt, Colonia Nova etc.

As has been asked for for the Colonia Nova sim, I think we would do good to develop a selection of "NStadt goods" and build a large company store as a foundation for the business district and use it to display and distribute these "branded" goods. Placing a smaller one one at a revised infohub, containing only the free goods, alongside a similar Colonia Nova store, would drive recognition of the two sims and start to create a "destination identity."

So I guess in a roundabout way I am promoting the idea of a centralised business district and (therefore) hub, but it could be physically centralised without necessarily imposing the hub destination.

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Post by Aliasi Stonebender »

Firstly, Dianne, I believe commercial activity is still restricted to the city.

Secondly, I take responsibility for the infohub not being as updated as it should be, although I do stop by when I think of it to freshen it. OTOH, if you'd like to update it some, there's nothing stopping you - especially if you happen to be in the Land Verwhatever group. ;)

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Post by Patroklus Murakami »

Like Dianne I have mixed feelings on this. I bought a Marketplace plot because I liked the idea of having a shop in Neufreistadt (and I had lots of ideas for products that I haven't had time to realise :)). My traffic (and sales) are pretty low but that's not the reason why I bought the plot in the first place.

I think Dianne has hit the nail on the head though, the problem is far deeper than the location of the telehub. There's very little traffic overall and few reasons to visit Neufreistadt apart from our theme and governance arrangements (and I don't denigrate those, we've had compliments on both from most people I meet in the Marketplace).

For some time now I've been thinking about starting a 'Marketplatz Traders' Association', perhaps this could be the spur to get us organised to increase traffic to the 'platz (and develop a collective view on Diderot's idea)?

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Post by Chicago Kipling »

I think Diane and Patroklus moves us here in a direction that is more significant than the infohub issue. We have significant structural and PR hurdles we should address first.

Patroklus, if you start such a group, I'll be happy to join. I'm just about finished with a replacement for the Neufreistadt citizens store that should provide non-business owners with a new place to sell goods and I have a few ideas that may work well with yours.

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Post by Patroklus Murakami »

[quote="Chicago Kipling":2il6ycyb]Patroklus, if you start such a group, I'll be happy to join. I'm just about finished with a replacement for the Neufreistadt citizens store that should provide non-business owners with a new place to sell goods and I have a few ideas that may work well with yours.[/quote:2il6ycyb]Done and done! I've set up the "CDS Traders' Association' as an open enrollment group. The Traders' Association will be for anyone with a commercial enterprise in the CDS (Neufreistadt or Colonia Nova). One of our first tasks will be to consider the issues that Diderot and others have raised in this thread but I don't think we should restrict ourselves to Neufreistadt-only issues given that there will be (and already are?) commercial enterprises in Colonia Nova.

I'll start a separate thread in 'Events' to discuss when we should meet and topics for the first meeting. Thanks to Dids and Chicago for giving me the spur to do something I'd been planning for some time :) and apologies to Diderot for hijacking the thread!

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Post by Dianne »

[quote="Aliasi Stonebender":3mlxm7wx]... Secondly, I take responsibility for the infohub not being as updated as it should be, although I do stop by when I think of it to freshen it. OTOH, if you'd like to update it some, there's nothing stopping you - especially if you happen to be in the Land Verwhatever group. ;)[/quote:3mlxm7wx]Hi, I did try to change some things there recently (at least I clicked on a few things to see if they would move or if I could edit them), when I put out a beer barrel for Oktoberfest that would give out free beer.

I don't know why, but I was not able to move, edit or return any items despite being a member of the land group and having my title on. I was able to add items so I put out the beer barrel but it doesn't work because scripts are currently turned off.

If we could resolve this somehow so I can edit, and delete objects I would be happy to do some work there although I don't want to step on toes or take over if it's something that interests you.

Probably this is the same thing I have done with the wall in that unless one actively turns on "everyone can edit" on every single object one makes, then they are uneditable. I am not sure with the new group tools if this can be made any easier.

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Aliasi Stonebender
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Post by Aliasi Stonebender »

That is because the infohub land is not owned by us. It is owned by Governor Linden. Setting the land to our group merely allows us to place objects there and not have them returned. Similarly, since we don't own the land, we can't have just "our scripts" work.

You can get around some of the scripting problem (in regards to handing out items) by setting an object to sell contents for L$0, and setting the click action to "Buy".

You cannot currently return my items, although I could set them as "Share with group" which would allow you some limited alteration.

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Post by Ashcroft Burnham »

[quote="Aliasi Stonebender":3jhtcj9v]That is because the infohub land is not owned by us. It is owned by Governor Linden. Setting the land to our group merely allows us to place objects there and not have them returned. Similarly, since we don't own the land, we can't have just "our scripts" work.[/quote:3jhtcj9v]

Is this true of all infohubs or just ours?

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Post by Aliasi Stonebender »

[quote="Ashcroft Burnham":2ixnujj4]
Is this true of all infohubs or just ours?[/quote:2ixnujj4]

All. They're Linden land. LL simply allows groups to 'adopt' them, and (aside from the historical appropriateness) it seemed a nice free way to help promote the project.

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Post by Ashcroft Burnham »

Is there a way of setting it so that citizens can teleport anywhere, but anyone else can only teleport to the hubs?

Ashcroft Burnham

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Post by Aliasi Stonebender »

Not quite. you can set it so members of a *group* that owns a given spot of land can port anywhere on it.

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Post by Rudy Ruml »

Yes, get rid of the cental tp hub,and let people tp to the destination they choose. Diderot makes an excellent argument for our businesses and I support it. I also add to it that I waste a lot of time having to fly to my land holdings in the city, or in CN for that matter, from the hubs. One can only have one "home" for tp purposes, which makes it difficult if one has more than one property. :(

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