DISCLAIMER: This is one person's idea , not a bill, not a proposed amendment, not an official faction platform plank. Please discuss.
Much of the work done recently has looked at making the government here more scalable. With the approval of an expansion plan the question of how our government will work across multiple sims and larger populations comes to the fore.
What I am about to propose would involve multiple constitutional changes and some fundamental changes in how we operate.
1.The Branches
A. The SC
No Change
B. The RA
Keep the present RA as is (factions, proportional representation, etc.) When We hit five sims. go to a bicameral legislature by adding a senate. The senate would:
1.Have one seat per sim, elected by the residents of that sim
2.Be elected in a vote for the person , first past the post system. With no obligatory reference to factions
a. Those owning land in more than one sim would choose a sim of primary residence in which to vote (and perhaps stand for election to) the senate.
b. In the event no candidate in a given sim received a majority (50%+1) of the cast votes, the top two candidates would participate in a run-off
C The Guild
We can't decide if the Guild is an artisans collective or a business group. Neither really does what we need the guild to do, which is to function as an executive/administrative arm. This can be accomplished via
The RA will set basic themes (Medieval Germanic/Ancient Roman/etc.) for each sim, and create a structure by which each sim comes on line with a full covenant in place, Once that happens the residents of each sim will elect a local “Planning and Zoningâ€