[quote="Diderot Mirabeau":2gvpzgjq]This weeks statistics:
1) Ashcroft Burnham 1067 posts = 21.17% = 6.71 per day
2) Beathan (SP) 451 posts = 8.95% = 6.26 per day
3) Claude Desmoulins (DPU) 321 posts = 6.37% = 1.4 per day
4) Patroklus Murakami (CSDF) 321 posts = 6.37% = 1.45 per day
5) Diderot Mirabeau (SP) 307 posts = 6.09% = 1.38 per day
6) Aliasi Stonebender (SP) 302 posts = 5.99% = 1.32 per day
7) Gwyneth Llewelyn (CSDF) 247 posts = 4.90% = 1.08 per day
Pelanor Eldrich (DPU) 168 posts = 3.33% = 0.74 per day
9) Justice Soothsayer (DPU) 159 posts = 3.15% = 0.73 per day
10) michelmanen (CARE) 150 posts = 2.98% = 2.94 per day
Over 21% by Top-1; Over 30% by Top-2; Only 48.95 by Top-5; Only 69.3 by Top-10.[/quote:2gvpzgjq]
1) Ashcroft Burnham 1086 posts = 20.23% = 6.5 posts per day
2) Beathan (SP) 477 posts = 8.89% = 5.96 posts per day
3) Diderot Mirabeau (SP) 364 posts = 6.78% = 1.58 posts per day
4) Patroklus Murakami (CSDF) 334 posts = 6.22% = 1.46 posts per day
5) Claude Desmoulins (DPU) 331 posts = 6.17% = 1.40 posts per day
6) Aliasi Stonebender (SP) 310 posts = 5.77% = 1.31 posts per day
7) Gwyneth Llewelyn (CSDF) 248 posts = 4.62% = 1.05 posts per day
michelmanen (CARE) 202 posts = 3.76% = 3.42 posts per day
9) Pelanor Eldrich (DPU) 172 posts = 3.20% = 0.73 posts per day
10) Justice Soothsayer (DPU) 165 posts = 3.07% = 0.73 posts per day
20% by top-1; almost 33% by top-3; only 45% by top-5; only 66% by top-10
SP = Poster is a member of the Simplicity Party
DPU = Poster is a member of the Democratic Pragmatist Union
CSDF = Poster is a member of the Citizens' Social Democratic Faction
CARE = Poster is a member of the Citizens' Alliance for Rights and Equality
As you can see there has been some improvement in the representativity of forum postings. With this I predominantly mean that the amount of postings attributed to the 10 most active posters has declined suggesting that a higher number of more ocassionally active posters are contributing to the forums.
Also I believe the top-10 reflects the heating up of campaigning activities since it is pretty evident that some of the high jumpers in this week's chart relative to last week are at the same time prolific members of our campaigning factions.
I promised a few weeks ago that I would bring the question of how to promote greater diversity before the SC.
I did indeed do that but unfortunately due to the agenda having around 10 other items and to it being 4AM in the morning at the time when we reached that item (at least in my time zone) I had to reluctantly agree to postpone the discussion to some other time. I did get the impression however that the other SC members didn't see it as realistic for the SC to take responsibility for introducing any proactive or constraining measures could be taken by the SC to ensure a greater diversity in the forums. I will however try to raise the issue again in the next ordinary meeting of the SC.
And yes I know it's embarassing that I have myself jumped from #5 to #3 if I really value representativity and diversity so much. My only excuse is that it is campaigning time and well ..