Proposed Statement of Purpose

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Proposed Statement of Purpose

Post by michelmanen »

Draft Statement of Purpose

for consideration of the Committee at the October 9, 2014 COI Commission Meeting

“The Purpose of the Conflict of Interests Commission is to:

a. Draft specific Terms of Reference outlining the issues it wishes to address as part of its deliberations;

b. Hold open, inclusive and adequate public hearings allowing all CDS citizens to express their opinions and provide input on such issues;

c. Draft a Conflict of Interests Bill including a CDS Code of Ethics (“the Draft Bill”) and draft Code of Ethics, taking into account a) and b) above;

d. Propose, as required, amendments to the CDS constitutional and legislative corpus in order to bring it fully in line with the Draft Bill; and

e. Issue a Report detailing:
1. the views expressed during the public hearings held as per b.) above;
2. the extent to which these were incorporated (or not) into the Draft Bill, and the reasons supporting such decisions; and
3. the framework, methodology, and reasoning explaining the form and substance of the Draft Bill."


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