Linden Lab's Third Annual Second Life Winter Festival...

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Linden Lab's Third Annual Second Life Winter Festival...

Post by Gwyneth Llewelyn »

Hello all (and most specially our Chancellor!),

The last years we managed to be listed in the Annual Winter Festivals of Linden Lab — I wonder if we shouldn't list ourselves again this year: ... -festival/

Let's see if we can be more creative than presenting people with public discussions on the Judiciary... :)

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Post by Gwyneth Llewelyn »

"I'm not building a game. I'm building a new country."
  -- Philip "Linden" Rosedale, interview to Wired, 2004-05-08

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Chicago Kipling
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Post by Chicago Kipling »

With great respect for important legislative discussions, we need to focus on this seriously today. We're close to missing key opportunities to build traffic in the city. I've been very busy with FL so I'm likely to blame as much as anyone else, but today we need to make a decision.

If nothing else is planned, I think we can at least plan a "Neufreistadt Holiday Festival" with dancing (I imagine we can find a stream if we don't have money for a dj though the owner of the Blue Note had quality music), free beer on the platz, free wine on the Colonia Nova forum and perhaps some MoCA things by then.

A reminder of the requirements:
1. Must be broadly winter and/or holiday themed
2. Must be non-commercial in nature (although could be “sponsored”)
3. Must be PG in nature
4. Must abide by the Community Standards.
5. Event(s) must occur during the Winter Festival (12/15/06 – 12/22/06)
6. Must be no charge (free) events available for all Residents to attend
7. Events must also be actual events - see the event posting rules for clarification on what an event is if you have any questions.

So the questions that would need to be resolved:
- what dance music could we arrange?
- what MoCA folks have some time to help me collect a few things (I have ambitious ideas, but we need to start basic)
- what date and time would many of us be able to attend?
- is there an event souvenir we could give to all visitors with our brand?

A good photograph is like a good hound dog, dumb, but eloquent. ~ Eugene Atget
Ranma Tardis

Post by Ranma Tardis »

I question these two items strongly in Chicago's proposal.

3. Must be PG in nature
4. Must abide by the Community Standards.

Since when is the CDS a PG sim? I think we should rename the CDS to the CPDS (Confederation of Prudish Democratic Simulators). There is a prohibition against RL commercial porn but there is no definition. Is "R" rated material porn? The SL commercial porn ban was slipped into the constitution when updating the wiki and is not correct. It was never approved by the RA. What the frack are "community standards"? There is no published set of community standards outside of the building code.

I question the rest of them as well. When has the RA come out with requirements for an event? Chicago does not have the authority to issue requirements for events in the CDS. I appreciate his urging his fellow citizens to make events but against his attempt to force his puritian value system upon the community.

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Post by Chicago Kipling »

These are Linden requirements to be listed in their series of events. You can find them by heading back to the Linden blog.

A good photograph is like a good hound dog, dumb, but eloquent. ~ Eugene Atget
Ranma Tardis

Post by Ranma Tardis »

The Linden requirements apply only to a Linden Sim. The Lindens do not dictate what happens in a private sim other than abiding by the Terms of Service.
I see this as an attempt to change the CDS into a PG (an american concept) area. Next you will tell us it is ok to be naked as long as it is "indoors". You missed a great party last summer in the plaza!
I reject this attempt to change the nature of the CDS into a "purtian" sim. Also there is no reference at all to porn in the consitution. It was a part of the "convents". I will look at my copy of the consitution in my inventory. This was distributed at the anshere (cant spell) info site. Oh after reviewing the blog, "4. Must abide by the Community Standards. " is just another reference to the tos.
We need to do better about posting the correct version of the consitution and not let incorrect infomation seep into the system.

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Post by Gxeremio Dimsum »

[quote="Ranma Tardis":3pedax80]The Linden requirements apply only to a Linden Sim. The Lindens do not dictate what happens in a private sim other than abiding by the Terms of Service.
I see this as an attempt to change the CDS into a PG (an american concept) area. Next you will tell us it is ok to be naked as long as it is "indoors". You missed a great party last summer in the plaza!
I reject this attempt to change the nature of the CDS into a "purtian" sim. Also there is no reference at all to porn in the consitution. It was a part of the "convents". I will look at my copy of the consitution in my inventory. This was distributed at the anshere (cant spell) info site. Oh after reviewing the blog, "4. Must abide by the Community Standards. " is just another reference to the tos.
We need to do better about posting the correct version of the consitution and not let incorrect infomation seep into the system.[/quote:3pedax80]

Hey R, I don't think that's what Chicago is doing at all. He's just saying that IF we want to take part in this winter festival (which many here do) and IF we want it to be advertised by LL as part of the wider celebration (which again, many here do), THEN we need to follow LL's rules for that specific celebration. It doesn't mean converting our sim, just taking care with that one event. LL doesn't want its name attached to something objectionable, so if we want their help we have to follow some basic and not too pushy rules for that event.

Ranma Tardis

Post by Ranma Tardis »

[quote="Gxeremio Dimsum":12aqeiqu][quote="Ranma Tardis":12aqeiqu]The Linden requirements apply only to a Linden Sim. The Lindens do not dictate what happens in a private sim other than abiding by the Terms of Service.
I see this as an attempt to change the CDS into a PG (an american concept) area. Next you will tell us it is ok to be naked as long as it is "indoors". You missed a great party last summer in the plaza!
I reject this attempt to change the nature of the CDS into a "purtian" sim. Also there is no reference at all to porn in the consitution. It was a part of the "convents". I will look at my copy of the consitution in my inventory. This was distributed at the anshere (cant spell) info site. Oh after reviewing the blog, "4. Must abide by the Community Standards. " is just another reference to the tos.
We need to do better about posting the correct version of the consitution and not let incorrect infomation seep into the system.[/quote:12aqeiqu]

Hey R, I don't think that's what Chicago is doing at all. He's just saying that IF we want to take part in this winter festival (which many here do) and IF we want it to be advertised by LL as part of the wider celebration (which again, many here do), THEN we need to follow LL's rules for that specific celebration. It doesn't mean converting our sim, just taking care with that one event. LL doesn't want its name attached to something objectionable, so if we want their help we have to follow some basic and not too pushy rules for that event.[/quote:12aqeiqu]

I have posted a response in the Linden Labs. I don’t think it is proper for the Lindens to regulate any event in a private sim outside of enforcing the second life tos. It is an attempt to regulate our Sims. Today a single event, tomorrow perhaps more, I have accused Linden Labs of preparing second life to become "kiddy" land a PG second life where children can learn and grow. My proof of this was partly backed by the "un removable" undergarments. This "bug" has come up again recently in their last update.
If we have to abide by Linden Labs prudish restrictions just to use their name, then we should hold a feasible but by our name and not theirs as is correct and proper.

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Post by Chicago Kipling »

Ranma, I'm not going to comment on LL policies in this thread. I don't claim to know what they plan to do.

I do know these things:
- Building enough traffic for events can be a costly proposition that, as of yet, no one has fronted enough money to make work without participation in this program
- As of yet, there have been no other proposals (save for the murder mystery) to do any organized holiday event during a holiday when our two regions might really shine
- The above plan would require minimal money, time and energy to set up with potentially significant gains and publicity
- Even though we are making progress towards selling many plots in CN there are many for sale signs still up and many empty stalls. From a laypersons perspective, it looks like we really need this if we want our judiciary or RA to have anything active and groundbreaking to manage.

Again, I lay not claim to being the wisest of most active in either sim. I'm just saying that all the talk of what we can't do gets us nowhere and the clock is ticking both for the [b:ve10bzuj]5pm SLT deadline[/b:ve10bzuj] and for the actual creation of the event.

Does anyone else have a viable plan? Is there enough support to make this happen? Those are what I care to talk about right now.

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Post by Aliasi Stonebender »

Apologies for the late-acting. In RL work we're drastically understaffed and so I've had little time to devote to SL - as some might have noticed - and to this in particular. I did have a Saturnalia event planned, but I've been unsuccessful contacting a few creators... luckily, I have a fallback.

The event in question would be Saturnalia-related. I had in mind to run a combat tournament, save that we'd use some silly weapons (in keeping with the spirit of that particular holiday). I'll see if I can't get in a last-minute listing.

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Post by Chicago Kipling »

Do let us know what concrete things we do can do to help. I'm not dead-set on any idea. I'd just hate for us to miss this opportunity.

A good photograph is like a good hound dog, dumb, but eloquent. ~ Eugene Atget
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