Another Street Plan

Forum to discuss and coordinate the expansion of the CDS and the redevelopment of existing territories.

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Claude Desmoulins
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Another Street Plan

Post by Claude Desmoulins »

What about this.

1. Ask Rubaiyat if he's willing to trade quads on the south end of his lot for empty ones in the prim farm area.

2. Ask Lee if he will front his build, currently with an Ulrikastr. address, on Talenstr. instead.

#2 would create a de facto financial and legal services district along Talenstr (Lee's, Mirabeau Scribe, Eldrich financial, going S to N)

If both agree, then:

1. Extend Gwynethstr to Kendrastr.

2. Eliminate Ulrikastr. Combine the current unowned Ulrikastr. lots into one lot suitable for a showpiece residence or large commercial establishment on Kendrastr.

3. Maybe even squeeze an eastward extension of HLS between the Rathaus and the Biergarten to extend to whatever replaces the Schloss.

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Pelanor Eldrich
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Works for just the others.

Post by Pelanor Eldrich »

BTW I must have had my head in the sand...what's the story on the Schloss and what are we replacing it with?

Pelanor Eldrich
Principal - Eldrich Financial
Claude Desmoulins
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Post by Claude Desmoulins »

That decision hasn't been made yet. Not even the decision whether to replace the Schloss. It's merely one of the areas that being considered for redevelopment, at least as I understand it.

Salzie Sachertorte
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Post by Salzie Sachertorte »

The fact that the Schloss is still here and seems to have survived the rampage intact has raised many questions and much confusion in everyone's mind as to who exactly owns the Schloss and under what type of arrangement it was paid for. As there are more pressing issues, this is on the backburner. But if you have any insights to this situation, please post in the Schloss thread and let us all know.

Speaking for Sudane, it is the intent of the Guild to determine ownership of public items and buildings, then work with the builder to set the permissions properly to allow the city to take ownership of these items and place copies into the proper inventory.

Should it be determined that a particular item is not owned by the City, it will be returned to the proper owner. The Guild asks everyone's patience in this process as it will take some time to complete these investigations.

Rectifying past mistakes has made it clear that the City needs to put laws, policies and procedures in place for the future to assure that every parties' rights are protected in conducting City business.

As to City redevelopment, please look in the other threads within the City Reconstruction area of the forums. Please offer your ideas and suggestions.

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