Additional Committees on the AC and SC

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Claude Desmoulins
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Additional Committees on the AC and SC

Post by Claude Desmoulins »

In addition to the Special Commission on the Judiciary , committees on the future of the AC (per the Seattle bill and proposed amendment) and the SC (per a request from the SC at its meeting of 8 October) have been formed. The CSDF Co chairs of the SC committee has not yet been named. Pelanor Eldrich is the DPU co chair for the AC Committee and I am the DPU co chair for the SC Committee. Jon Seattle will be the CSDF co chair of the AC committee.

If interested in serving on either of these committees please contact a co chair or post here (please be sure to indicate which committee). These committees are charged to report back to the RA prior to its 23 December meeting.

1 edit - added CSDF co chair of AC committee.

Last edited by Claude Desmoulins on Sat Dec 09, 2006 4:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Beathan »

I would like to serve on the SC committee and the Judiciary Commission. If I have to choose, I will choose the Judiciary Commission.


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Gwyneth Llewelyn
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Post by Gwyneth Llewelyn »


Please add me to the AC Committee as well.

For obvious reasons, I'm not joining the SC Committee :) but will naturally be available to answer any questions to the SC Committee in case it so desires.

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Pelanor Eldrich
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AC Committee

Post by Pelanor Eldrich »

Hi Gywn,

Sounds great. Some other good citizens who should be on the AC committee are:

Gwyneth Llewellyn: Local Merchant and Dean
Patroklus Murmakai: CDS Traders Association
Sudane Erato: Guildmaster, AC policy and procedure architect
Jon Seattle: Co-chair, CSDF AC reform proponent
Moon Adamant: CSDF AC reform proponent
Pelanor Eldrich: Co-Chair, DPU AC reform proponent
Beathan Vale: Starving Artisan Foundation Proposal

Pelanor Eldrich
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Post by Dianne »

I'm not a good citizen?

I would also volunteer to be on the AC committee.

As an aside, it's humorous to note that the AC, SC, and Judicial Committees combined, pretty much amount to the same thing as that [i:3il46rw1]Constitutional Conference[/i:3il46rw1] that no one was interested in. ;)

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Ranma Tardis

Post by Ranma Tardis »

[quote="Dianne":a0xgp1de]I'm not a good citizen?

I would also volunteer to be on the AC committee.

As an aside, it's humorous to note that the AC, SC, and Judicial Committees combined, pretty much amount to the same thing as that [i:a0xgp1de]Constitutional Conference[/i:a0xgp1de] that no one was interested in. ;)[/quote:a0xgp1de]

Both Rudy and I were interested in such a convention to name a few.

Yes, I would like to be on the AC one as well.

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Patroklus Murakami
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Post by Patroklus Murakami »

Thanks for thinking of me Pel :)

I'd like to be on both the AC and SC Special Commissions.

[quote="Dianne":377vn9ni]As an aside, it's humorous to note that the AC, SC, and Judicial Committees combined, pretty much amount to the same thing as that Constitutional Conference that no one was interested in. [/quote:377vn9ni]Shhhhh! You'll wake up Rudy :)

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What will be discussed on AC & SC committees?

Post by Sleazy_Writer »

Hi, can anyone remind me what issues will be discussed on both committees?

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Pelanor Eldrich
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That's right Diane...

Post by Pelanor Eldrich »

Diane you're a [i:2s2w5tfu]wonderful[/i:2s2w5tfu] citizen. Forgive my fast typing, I should have stated that according to people I've read and spoken with, [i:2s2w5tfu]these[/i:2s2w5tfu] citizens are likely to be interested in serving on the committee.

For the AC comittee, we'll be discussing proposals for clarifying, removing, and changing the role of the AC branch. Jon and I are working on a list of discussion topics. All are welcome to serve and attend.

Pelanor Eldrich
Principal - Eldrich Financial
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