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Oni Jiutai
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Introducing myself / yourself

Post by Oni Jiutai »

I looked around for a "Saying Hello" thread and couldn't spot one, so I'm taking the liberty of creating one myself. If anyone else who's newish thinks it's a good idea, please feel free.

I'm Oni Jiutai, a new citizen. Although I'd looked at Second Life before, I got reintroduced by Ashcroft, whom I know in RL. He introduced me to the CDS and the fascinating controversies of creating and sustaining a democratic government here. Since I'm a current lawyer (UK employment law) and an ex-politics student I've got hooked.

Thus far I've managed to attend a few meetings, buy some property and complete the Judicial Application form, but I'm sure I'll have more to say later and I'm looking forward to getting to know you all.


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Ashcroft Burnham
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Post by Ashcroft Burnham »

Welcome :-)

Ashcroft Burnham

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Post by Beathan »

Welcome. Justice described you to me as "reasonable." I'm sure that Justice will welcome you, as I do. The role of "only reasonable lawyer in the CDS" is wearing on Justice, I'm sure.

Edit -- In this post I was negligently failing to think of Publius, who appears to have been the lawyer who described Oni as "reasonable" compared to me. With Publius, Justice was not as alone as I indicated. However, three is still company in this context. With Oni, the reasonable attorneys appear to balance the unreasonable ones.


Last edited by Beathan on Sat Dec 09, 2006 6:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Fernando Book
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Post by Fernando Book »

Welcome to a brave new world.

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Patroklus Murakami
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Post by Patroklus Murakami »

Welcome to our little community (hope you know what you've let yourself in for :))

Ranma Tardis

Post by Ranma Tardis »

Welcome to the Hotel California!

Oni Jiutai
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Post by Oni Jiutai »

Thank you all. It's always nice to be thought of as reasonable, however fleetingly. :wink:

Last edited by Oni Jiutai on Sun Dec 10, 2006 9:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
Publius Crabgrass
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Post by Publius Crabgrass »

Welcome to the reasonable club - a small but hearty band. Meetings [b:uhd13u0x]never[/b:uhd13u0x] take place on the forums.

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Chicago Kipling
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Post by Chicago Kipling »

Glad to have you with us! I've been out of the loop for a bit lately, but I think I've seen you once in the city so far.

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Pelanor Eldrich
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Welcome Oni!

Post by Pelanor Eldrich »

Welcome Oni, we're always thankful to have new citizens, especially those who contribute like yourself. I'm Pelanor Eldrich and I approve this message. :)

Pelanor Eldrich
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Gxeremio Dimsum
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Post by Gxeremio Dimsum »

[quote="Chicago Kipling":23jn4756]Glad to have you with us! I've been out of the loop for a bit lately, but I think I've seen you once in the city so far.[/quote:23jn4756]

How long did it take you to catch up? :)

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Chicago Kipling
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Post by Chicago Kipling »

Ha, well there's no escaping the time stamps.

A good photograph is like a good hound dog, dumb, but eloquent. ~ Eugene Atget
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