Commission on Judiciary: request for comments

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Flyingroc Chung
Passionate Protagonist
Passionate Protagonist
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Commission on Judiciary: request for comments

Post by Flyingroc Chung »

I've been trying to follow Beathan and Ash's arguments on the constitutionality of the recently passed act about a commission on the judiciary. But it seems there's a lot of sniping going back and forth; and I really dont have time to follow that.

To help me (being the dim one in the SC) to think about these issues, I'd like to invite people who might be interested to send me a short notecard or email ( [email protected] ) explaining your reasoning behind your position -- whether the act is constitutional or not.

Remember that I am not a lawyer, so be gentle with your language, if possible. Also, if you send me that note, indicate whether you want it to be made public, or shared only with other SC members.

Thanks, and sorry for the short notice, but the SC has only two speeds: ploddingly slow, and unseemingly hasty. :-P

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