The Special Commission on the Judiciary Announcement

To plan and discuss the meetings to take place under the auspices of the Comission

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Moon Adamant
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The Special Commission on the Judiciary Announcement

Post by Moon Adamant »

The Special Commission on the Judiciary has been established by the RA “to seek public input regarding the Judiciary Act beyond that which occurs on the forums” including “public testimony” in at least two open meetings scheduled at Euro-friendly and US-friendly times. At these meeting each citizen may speak uninterrupted for up to five minutes, followed by time for dialogue. Public testimony may also be made by written submission to the forums. The Commission is charged with making recommendations to the RA “regarding what action, if any, the RA should take on the various proposals to amend or repeal the Judiciary Act”. See:

We will hold open meetings at the Biergarten on Tuesday, December 12, 2006 at 1:00 pm SL time and at 6:00 pm SL time, and at the Praetorium on Wednesday, December 13, 2006 at 1:00 pm SL time and again at 3:00 pm SL time. CDS citizens are invited and encouraged to join as members of the Commission (send an IM to Claude Desmoulins to join), and to attend one or more of the public meetings.

So as to assure that everyone has an opportunity to have their say, the following rules will apply to the public meetings:

Procedures and Code of Conduct - Judicial Commission

1. Agenda and schedule

The co-Chairs will publish a list of issues to be
discussed in the scope of the Commission, as well as a schedule fordiscussion and other proceedings. These items will constitute the agenda for the Judicial Commission.

2. Public proceedings.

All meetings of the Commission will be public, and transcripts will be taken and published.

3. Chairs.

The Commission will be headed by two co-Chairs, who will not only
record and publish the proceedings, as well as also ensure that these run undisturbed. For that, the Chairs will be able to call order, warn and ultimately eject attendants who do not conform to the discussion procedures and/or voting procedures.

4. Discussion procedures

All citizens will have 5 minutes of undisturbed attention to express their opinion, and after the first round of comments, another 2 minutes.No citizen can speak again before all others speak.
An open debate will follow, the timing of which shall be determined in each session by the Chair, and which can be joined by the public present.
All opinions relevant to the issues in agenda shall be welcome.
The co-Chairs remind all participants that common courtesy
should be the norm, and to refrain from ad hominem attacks.

5. Voting procedures

Only the citizens who have joined by the Commission by IM to Claude Desmoulins can vote.
In all voting occasions, the decisions shall be voted by simple
majority. The Chairs will record the results of all voting occasions,
as well as any declaration of vote that the citizens may express.

6. Forum discussion
Beside the inworld discussion, threads on the forums will be set for further discussion of the issues. All citizens can participate in this discussion bearing in mind that forum rules will apply, and that, out of respect to the commission, the discussion should focus on the agenda.

The Chairs also remind the citizens that no voting will occur through the forums.

The Commission will meet at the Praetorium on December 14, 2006 at 4:00 pm SL time (subject to change depending on the rollout of the version 1.13 update) to finalize which option(s), if any, it will recommend to the RA. A report of the Commission will be submitted by the Chairs for a vote by 3:00 pm SL time on December 15, 2006 (commission members may vote via IM to the chairs if unable to attend).

We encourage everyone to attend and participate in these important discussions.

Mood Adamant and Justice Soothsayer, Co-chairs, Special Commission on Judiciary

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Fernando Book
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Post by Fernando Book »

May I suggest the co-chairs to place a couple of posters announcing the meetings near the teleports? It would give some citizens who don't check the forums an opportunity to join the debate.

Justice Soothsayer
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Post by Justice Soothsayer »

[quote="Fernando Book":dtfv621m]May I suggest the co-chairs to place a couple of posters announcing the meetings near the teleports? It would give some citizens who don't check the forums an opportunity to join the debate.[/quote:dtfv621m]
Good idea. We have also asked Sudane to send a copy of the announcement via email to all citizens.


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